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Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

Hi @fred5

An access point is your best option in this situation as recommended by @Baldrick1 as both sockets cannot be in use by a router at the same time.

The Hub One would not connect to the WAN port as it is for the router being used as an access point and would need to be connected to any Ethernet port. 

The other option (with less Ethernet ports) would be a power-line adapter with a built in range extender if your plug sockets are on the same electrical circuit.

A last resort could be that you use a power-line adapter in conjunction with an access point but I would highly recommend reading as much documentation available to ensure that this would be compatible before investing your time and money.

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat


I'm a bit confused here. You said the Master was beside the door - I assumed you meant the front door so there would be no equipment there. This appears to be wrong as you have your main PC here.


No matter - it doesn't affect what I'm going to say.


You should check whether or not you can get a service using your extension socket and if you can whether or not the performance is acceptable.


Whether or not the modem works at the extension it appears you're going to have to run an Ethernet cable. I know nothing about networks per say or power over Ethernet so can't comment on that.


If the modem works at the extension you could connect your main PC using the Ethernet cable you run and have LAN ports available for the TV etc. WiFi coverage might be better at the new location.


If the extension doesn't work then you could put an Ethernet switch at the end of the new Ethernet cable. This would give LAN ports for the TV etc and allow you to use a WIFi Access Point or perhaps even a Mesh system.



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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat


I am not sure what the problem is with both sockets being unfiltered or not. If they weren´t I would simply use an external filter would I not? So what is the problem  exactly. I mean I didn´t say they were both masters, that wouldn't even be possible would it.

Just for clarification. I have 2 sockets in the house, both have 2x connections, one phone one RJ11, I assume these are the filtered sockets correct? 

The 1. Socket is next to the front door, from there a cable (over 20m) runs through the entire flat into the living room to the other 2nd socket. Now, the 2nd socket is next to the TV and Sky signal, and through the wall, out the window, I can see at least 3 cables coming into the wall at that exact position. The BT engineer said the 1st is the master, but I cant be sure, just behind the master is a bin chute, so not sure if the phone cable comes through there^^.

If I unscrew the faceplate, how can I recognise master vs extension?



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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

Assuming that the income is unfiltered take the faceplate off and look at the fixed part. If one has two cables in the back and one a single cable then the one with two cables (the incoming cable plus the extension) is the master. If this is the case, for the best performance I think that you need to either plug your router in the extension or remove the extension cable from the master. Others may disagree.

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat


I checked the faceplate, and it appears that for the socket next to the front door, there is a cable coming from the wall. So I assume this is the master. The other 2nd socket, is in fact not filtered, there is just 2 phone connector in the faceplate, no RJ11.

So all good?



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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

If you are planning to fit the router in the hall then you need to look at the cable going to the extension socket. This should be connected to the phone output on the filtered master socket. 


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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat


I am not planning to use it, I am already using it there, and it works. To the speed, I don´t know what I could have.. Why exactly do I need  to check what you have described though? An engineer has put this system in place, should he not have attached the cables correctly? If I do not use the extension at all, what difference does it make?

Thanks for your help



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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

An extension can act as an aerial picking up RFI and degrading your broadband signal.

I suggest this topic is becoming less than clear about what is the real problem you seek to fix. The title asks if you can use BOTH sockets in various ways, but there is no definition of the problem. Various solutions to getting WiFi / Ethernet to elsewhere in the property, but none seem to be acceptable.

What is it you seek to achieve here?

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat


I am out for a solution about my current situation. Many people here have put different kinds of statement in the room about cables and faceplates.  Now you are the first one actually making sense, and explaining why I should check for the extension (given, I had to ask for it first).. That makes sense, Ok, so can I just cut off the extension easily? 



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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

The reason this has gone around in circles is because you have never explained in detail just what you are trying to do. Add to this your statement early on that you had two master sockets rather than a master plus an extension and away we go.

If the extension is connected to the phone output on the filtered master socket then you don't need to do anything with it, it will be fine. What does the master socket look like? is the extension cable by any chance wired to the faceplate? Are the terminals that the extension cable is connected to labelled? if so what do they say. If it's A and B then they need removing?

If you can't check them then just remove the extension cable connections from the master socket at the master socket end.

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

Some photos would help.

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

There you go, does that help?

that is the master, is it good to go then?


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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat

Yes. The extension wiring does not need removing.

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat


How do you draw that conclusion?

It looks as though there are 3 wires connected to the extension face plate. If that’s correct then the bell wire is connected which can degrade the broadband signal even if

The colours of the wires in the extension cable are not clear, but they do not look like twisted pair wires - again not ideal for optimal broadband performance.

If the above is correct and the extension is not required, removing it removes a potential for degrading the broadband signal.

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Re: Can I use BOTH Master and Extension Socket in my Flat


so there is one plate on the wall, the cable from the wall runs into it. Then, the faceplate is connected to the "backplate" not via cable, but via the phone plug itself. Then, in the back of the faceplate, is the connector which you can see in the fotos, this is where the extension is connected, and yes these are 3 wires connected, a blue, orange and a greyish or white one.

Now, we have our telephone connected to that extension, is that going to be a problem? I would like to keep the extension for that reason. Or does this impede braodband too much? Or will removing this "bell wire" solve that issue?

