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How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist

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Re: How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist


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Re: How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist

I hope you got it fixed LeeCal.  I've had a FRUSTRATING 48 hrs with Plusnet Help on the phone on this.  Very sorry for the lady I spoke to. She was very helpful but Plusnet advisers who she was texting were not. Background to my blacklist saga.

Last December some of my emails were not getting through to my colleagues or ending up in their junk/spam folders. This January Plusnet said a solution was to go on a fixed IP address for my emails. So I paid the £10 and was given one.Recently the problem started again 😕 A friend showed me how to get the raw headers from an email I sent and use the Email Header Analyzer at  Excellent free tool! It showed two blacklistings. Emailed the results to my domain registrar.  Very helpful reply. One false positive the other was at Spamhaus. I should raise issue with Plusnet.  Rang helpline who could not give me any email address and said contact Spamhuas!  Spamhaus website says ask Plusnet to remove!  Which I've just done and wait .....


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Re: How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist


Unless you ae running your own email server and are sending emails direct (which you should not be doing), then this is not an issue.

See where A.B.C.D is your IP address.

It more the likely that this is a generic PBL listing - WHICH WILL NOT BE REMOVED.  See FAQ Detail - Reputation Checker - Spamhaus

The Policy Blocklist (PBL) is a list of IP space that should not be sending email direct to MX: often these are IP ranges assigned by ISPs to broadband or dial-up customers, but the PBL does include other types of IP space. Any IP space that should not be sending email directly to the Internet should be listed in PBL.

PBL listings do not prevent the sending of email unless the user’s email program is not authenticating correctly when connecting to their ISP or company’s mail server. Possible causes for this happening suddenly: changing email programs or changing settings on the existing one, forgetting to turn “SMTP Authentication” on, or switching “SMTP Authentication” off.


... or the receiving mail service is WRONGLY acting on the Spamhaus listing, which is not unheard of.  Whose email services is your colleague using?  This problem might actually be their problem!


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Re: How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist

Apologies for a late 'Thank you' for your detailed reply. I'm struggling a bit with the techie details.  I think the problem may be with the receiving mail service. This morning I sent a bcc list to 39 recipients and I had one non-delivery email:

This is the mail system at host

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message.

                   The mail system

<>: host[212.159.Z.Z] said: 552 Spam
    Message Rejected  (in reply to end of DATA command)

Does this mean I should email

Thanks for your help, Townman.



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Re: How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist

Not sure what you are doing here and the relevance of the postmaster address.  You appear to have a third party domain / mail provider but are using Plusnet’s SMTP servers ... but you’ve not explained why.

This seems like a different question to the PBL matter.

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Re: How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist

Thanks Townman.  Struggling a bit with the techie.  Where I wrote:

"This is the mail system at host ... <>: host[212.159.Z.Z] said: 552 Spam     Message Rejected  (in reply to end of DATA command)"  is the text of the non-delivery email I recieved.

Plusnet provides my broadband/email with an email static address for my domain name which is registered with another firm.  The is the address to included in my bcc list of people sent the email. This was the only one not delivered.

Does this help clarify?

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Re: How do I get Plusnet to remove my IP from Spamhaus blacklist


You have a domain name registered elsewhere (with a third party).

Have you chosen not to use the third party's email servers to hold your email and are forwarding all incoming mail to your Plusnet mail account - or are you just bcc'ing to your Plusnet mailbox emails you send out via Fasthost's SMTP server?


Can you confirm that the email was not received in your Plusnet mailbox?  Some sending servers can get confused at the end of the transfer dialogue, where it thinks that the transmission did not close properly, whereas the receiving service accepted the message successfully.

Do you see this frequently?

Is it the same[212.159.Z.Z] ?

Note you can share Z.Z as these are public addresses.


I suggest that understanding YOUR issue is complicated by you having tagged your issue on to someone else's quite unrelated topic.  There does not appear to be a Spamhaus PBL issue here.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.