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MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Good morning all,
Looking for a little help. Need to let you know I have very little knowledge about these things so have been searching the web to learn how to get this far.
I am currently using Microsoft Exchange on an Office 365 small business account.
I want to add all of my email addresses to the same exchange account. This means I need to add my web site to the MS account.
Via the MS website I have started the process and have been told to go into my f9/plusnet account and add an 'Additional DNS record' so that MS can confirm we own the web site.
As some of you will be aware the choice that MS give us is either a 'TXT record' or an 'MX record'. The only compatible one for plusnet is an 'MX record'.
The information given by MS is as follows:
Priority: 32767
Host name: @
Points to address or value: msxxxxxxxx.msv1.invalid
TTL: 3600
In my plusnet account I have added the following information in a new 'Additional DNS record'
Left field: Left blank
Type: mx
Pri: 32767
Right field: msxxxxxxxx.msv1.invalid.
NOTE. I have added an additional full stop at the end as not only does plusnet suggest this, but a number of folks have said the same.
But I also found some saying that it is fairly straightforward to add a 'cname' record even though MS don't give you the information.
So, to be sure I have added the following as another 'Additional DNS record'
Left field: msxxxxxxxx
Type: cname
Pri: Left blank
Right field:
The problem is, whilst MS says that it will take up to a couple of hours, others state it can take up to 72 hours. If this is the case, I want to make sure I have done this correctly.
Can anyone advise if I have done this correctly?
Should I keep the cname type in there or will it do any harm?
I have also seen some folks saying you need to change the 'Email Settings' from 'POP3 to 'Other' which states, 'I wish to specify DNS records for mail to this domain. But yet again others have told me that I don't need to do this.
I tried phoning plusnet help desk when I was trying to make the change yesterday and was told that they don't support this any more. Real shame as I have found the support to be the best I have ever experienced in the computer software world.
Any advice welcome.
Thanks  for you help.
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Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Your MX record needs your domain name followed by a full stop in the left field.  That's what the @ represents in the guidance, but the abbreviation isn't accepted. I suggest removing the CNAME entry,  it just looks like potential big trouble to me.
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Hi spraxyt,
Many thanks for the information. I did wonder but no one else seems to have mentioned it. The only thing the support guy from plusnet said after consulting with his colleague was to put nothing in the left field!
Have now done so and assume I don't need www. at the front?
Best regards

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Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Quote from: C6REW
Have now done so and assume I don't need www. at the front?

That's correct. It's effectively the part after the @ in your email address (with a dot on the end).
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Hi David,
Thanks for coming back to me.
Still nothing, but hoping it comes through in the next day or so.
Best regards

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Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

I think the DNS zone files for username-based domains are updated several times a day, but for purchased domains it's only once (perhaps twice) a day. The change is usually around midnight.
You can check for it happening by running

C:\>nslookup -type=mx

at a Windows command prompt.
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Hi David,
Many thanks for the additional information.
I ran the command prompt and what came back, didn't mean much to me. As I am not sure how personal that information is, I have pm'd you which I hope is OK?
It is very kind of you to spend the time helping out.
Best regards

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Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

It should look like this:
C:\Users\John>nslookup -type=mx
Non-authoritative answer:    MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =    nameserver =    nameserver =    nameserver =    nameserver =
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Quote from: spoon
It should look like this:
C:\Users\John>nslookup -type=mx
Non-authoritative answer:     MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =     nameserver =     nameserver =     nameserver =     nameserver =

Hi and thanks for confirming.
The only thing different on my response is:
Server: UnKnown

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Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

The response you get shows Server: Unknown because your router is providing your DNS service and it doesn't have a hostname. This is not a problem. The response records from the authoritative name server are identical.
If the additional MX record had been accepted, another line should have appeared (either above or below the current one) with the added details. Setting preference=32767 for that is correct - lower numbers come first so that additional one is last resort (only MS Office 365 was meant to look for it).
The additional record in your PM looks OK to me so it isn't obvious why it isn't being accepted (my understanding is that we *can* do this, though I've not tried it myself). I think a visit from a Plusnet guru is needed. Leave it with me.
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Hi David,
Thanks again for your response.
I did speak with MS this morning and he couldn't understand why it didn't work either. He was also confused to the purpose of the full stop at the end in the 'Right Field'. So he created a second instance without it and one lower number in the Priority field.
So far no joy.
Look forward to hearing from the plusnet guru.
Best regards

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Morning David,
Still not working after the possible midnight plusnet update.
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Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Quote from: C6REW
I did speak with MS this morning and he couldn't understand why it didn't work either. He was also confused to the purpose of the full stop at the end in the 'Right Field'.

That 'qualifying' full stop, prevents your domain from being appended to the end of the hostname. What MS have done by omitting the dot is effectively this:
yourdomain.tld.  	MX 	32766  	ms16534807.msv1.invalid.yourdomain.tld.

Which needless to say won't work.
Quote from: C6REW
So he created a second instance without it and one lower number in the Priority field.

I've now removed that instance.
Quote from: spraxyt
Your MX record needs your domain name followed by a full stop in the left field.

You should be able to leave the left field blank (although it shouldn't really break anything if you don't). I've recreated a single additional record against your domain as follows:
                                              MX 	32767  	ms16534807.msv1.invalid.

Which should work.
As you can't drop the TTL though, it's going to be another case of waiting overnight I'm afraid.
There's also a possibility that the stream of changes have had the undesired result of messing something up, which is stopping your DNS zone from reloading. I'll see if I can get somebody to check that too.
Edit: Thinking about it, the MX records might not be getting updated because you still have the option selected to collect email using POP3. It's been a while since I looked into it, but I /think/ you need to select the attached option instead. Problem with this approach is that the overnight reload will break email for your domain as there'll no longer be a valid destination for it to be sent to. If you know what MX records MS are going to want you to use when things are all up and running then it's probably a good idea to add them now to minimise down time.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Hi Bob,
Thanks for your input.
Been a long day and only just got home. So will let my brain rest before I re-read your notes in the morning.
Best regards
Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-12-2011

Re: MS Office 365 - Verify Domain for Email Setup

Morning Bob,
Awake and refreshed.
Many thanks once again for your help and the change. I believe, I did try what you have done on one occasion and left it overnight, but with no luck. Having said that I have tried so many things it is all a bit of a blur now!
I think I stated above, this is all about MS recognising that I own the domain so I can create my email addresses within MS Exchange. I understand that once it has been recognised by MS I can delete the DNS setting and put my system back to normal if I wish.
Two things come to mind.
1. If I made the changes to 'I wish to specify DNS records for mail to this domain', how long would my emails be down for and will I still be able to retrieve all the ones that had not arrived on my computer if I put everything back to 'normal'? 24hrs?
2. Can we confirm when the overnight 'change' actually takes place. Is it 0000 UK time?

Quote from: Bob

...... If you know what MX records MS are going to want you to use when things are all up and running then it's probably a good idea to add them now to minimise down time.

I guess this is the solution to making sure my emails still arrive, but unfortunately I don't understand what it means.
Am I right in saying that once MS has recognised my domain ownership and can create the email addresses within my MS Exchange account, I won't miss any of them that arrived from a designated point in the past and obviously that point forward?
The key thing for me is not to loose any emails. No problem in them going missing for a short time outside of work hours.
Best regards
