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Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for it!

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Registered: ‎02-10-2021

Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for it!


I'm a new customer who joined you on 16th August and, when I visit I am greeted with the message "Your Plusnet Protect software is not ready for download yet.". Why am I still not able to download it? Since it's security related and helps prevent viruses I would expect it to be available for immediate download as soon as my broadband connection is set up - yet here I am, nearly two months later, still unable to download it!

It just so happens that I do already have McAfee software in the guise of 'BT Virus Protect' on both my laptop and Desktop because my parents are BT customers and I downloaded the BT software when I was still living with them.

I can even still 'verify supscription' to the BT software using my Plusnet connection - I suspect that's because it checks whether the installed product key is registered to a current customer, and since my parents are still BT customers, my product keys are therefore still valid. However my parents are considering leaving BT when their contract comes up for renewal in November, and they will probably also join Plusnet, so once they do that I suspect my BT branded software will stop working. Please can you enable the download of Plusnet Protect for my account?


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Re: Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for


You don't want two internet security packages running at the same time. Either leave it until the BT package is no lomger supported or remove it and install the Plusnet version.

McAfee is in all probability is seeing you already have the BT package running so preventing the install of the same package again, be it with a different header banner..

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Re: Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for

@Baldrick1 I was aware that I shouldn't have two packages running at the same time, but didn't want to uninstall the first if I can't even download the 2nd. It would make more sense to let me download it and then perform the check to see if I already have another package installed when I attempt to install.

I didn't consider the fact that McAfee might be able to see that I already had the BT package running and therefore prevent the download, so as an experiment I just ran a Virtual Machine running Windows 7, which only has Windows Defender and no other packages installed and then went to the download page on that - I still got the same message on the VM!

I also have an Android phone which doesn't have any security software installed and it's the same on that too!

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Re: Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for


I can't comment on whether it will run on a virtual machine but this tells me that it is not compatible with Android devices.

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Re: Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for

@Baldrick1 I didn't know that it doesn't work on Android phones. I thought it was exactly the same as the BT software, just a rebrand of it and the BT version definitely has an Android app!

It should definitely run on a virtual machine though, I can't see any way the software would be able to tell that it's not a real PC and you can definitely install free security software such as AVG on a virtual machine.

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Re: Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for it!

Thanks for your post @Hickmania and welcome to our Community Forums.

I'm sorry to see you can't download Plusnet Protect.

To confirm there'd be nothing on your device that'd affect you from seeing a download button in the member centre. 

From what I can see the issue's on our side as the software hasn't been provisioned properly in our systems.

I'm looking into it further for you with a colleague and I'll post back as soon as I know more.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Plusnet Protect software "not ready for download yet" been waiting nearly 2 months for



I've discussed this with our product owner for Plusnet Protect and we've currently got an open problem (our internal ref IMT-7388) we're working on getting to the bottom of where you and some other customers can't download the software due to the error you're getting. I can't say when we'll fix the issue but we'll sort it as soon as we can.

Really sorry for the inconvenience.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi