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Wayleave permission

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Registered: ‎11-06-2021

Wayleave permission


I was interested in going full fibre, but i live with a leasehold on the property.

I reached out to the leaseholder and they say they need Wayleave documentation including a plan showing the proposed route before granting permission.

How do i get this sorted?

Unfortunately i only have a couple of weeks until my current contract expires, im doubting this will get sorted in that time.

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Re: Wayleave permission

@Benjack what does the BT wholesale checker say regarding FTTP availability for your address. Partcularly the narrative below the availability matrix

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Re: Wayleave permission


If staying with PN they will upgrade you to Full Fibre at any time at the cost of a new contract. It does mean the loss of your landline.



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Re: Wayleave permission

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This topic has been moved from Full Fibre to Everything Else

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Registered: ‎11-06-2021

Re: Wayleave permission


Is this what you mean:

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential OH Feed with no anticipated issues.

FTTP is available and a new ONT may be ordered.

As a fibre priority exchange, FTTP has priority over other products if available at the address

As a WLR withdrawal exchange, product restrictions apply

SOADSL is not restricted at the exchange

For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (VDSL or services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

For all SOADSL services,the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

This site is in an FTTP priority area where FTTP is available but exceptionally SOGEA will also show as available to order but only at Non-Standard Premises (NSP) such as Hot site, Uninhabitable and Temporary locations. Migrations of WLR Solus (voice-only lines) is also allowed but only for SOGEA 0.5Mbps bandwidths. SOGEA 40/10 bandwidths order is also allowed.

Actual speeds experienced by end users and quoted by CPs will be lower due to a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.

In order to be eligible for handback, downstream speed should be less than Downstream Handback Threshold values.

If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service

ADSL, ADSL2+ and SOADSL availability: If shown at FTTP or SOGEA premises,ADSL, ADSL2+ and SOADSL are not available to order due to WLR Withdrawal stop sell rules. CPs should order FTTP or SOGEA. Copper products are only available by exception.
Posts: 25
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Registered: ‎11-06-2021

Re: Wayleave permission

I would like to go full fibre.

But im in a leasehold and sort out permission from the leaseholder.

however they need wayleave documents before they give it, so im trying to find out how to get that sorted

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Wayleave permission

@Benjack yes that's it'


Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential OH Feed with no anticipated issues.

is the significant bit. So is it a house that's leasehold , rather than say a block of flats which is your typical leasehold ?

Certainly Openreach believe that its a single dwelling. The existing feed is overhead so it is assumed that the FTTP feed would take a similar route.

edit: in the availability matrix , what does it say in the INstall process column for WBC FTTP

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Registered: ‎11-06-2021

Re: Wayleave permission


I believe the property used to be a 4 unit council house. So im in a first floor maisonette. theres someone else on the floor below me, and the property is mirrored with the same situation at the other end of the building. The leaseholder owns the shell of the whole building, hence looking for permission to potentially drill through said shell.

I asked permission from the leaseholder, they said they need wayleave documentation, but i don't know how to sort that, hence asking PN if they know.

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Re: Wayleave permission

@Benjack how is your existing phone line routed ?

I would have thought that if wayleave was required, then Openreach already have it in place for the existing phone line ?

but i don't know how to sort that, hence asking PN if they know.

Plusnet have nothing to do with (and wont know anything about) wayleave. If its required , its purely between Openreach and the freeholder. Problem is you can't talk to Openreach directly...

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Registered: ‎11-06-2021

Re: Wayleave permission


I don't know exactly. Looking out the window i would guess the line goes up into my loft and then down to wherever in the property.

This is what i got from the leaseholder:

For fibre broadband to be installed, X require your provider to send Wayleave documentation including a plan showing the proposed route to X.
We cannot grant permission for this request at present. Our legal department are in the process of creating an agreement with Openreach as part of their project to provide broadband across the country.
(subbed out the actual name and address to avoid any issues)
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Re: Wayleave permission


We cannot grant permission for this request at present. Our legal department are in the process of creating an agreement with Openreach as part of their project to provide broadband across the country.

That sounds like the freeholder is already in contact with Openreach, which is good!. However it seems that until those discussions are complete , you are stuck!

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Re: Wayleave permission


If it's an overhead feed then potentially OR could use the existing copper entry point (replacing the copper cable) so no drilling required.


However, the problem could be that an external box is required at  ground level (a CSP - Customer Splice Point I believe). So the cable would need to come down to ground level and then back up to to you. It might be that one CSP can do both properties on your side (not certain of this).


Are you happy with the current location of the existing entry point? It needs a power source but as the router is connected via ehternet it can go where ever you're happy to run cable.



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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: Wayleave permission


Reading your latest post does one incoming copper line service all four properties?



Posts: 25
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Registered: ‎11-06-2021

Re: Wayleave permission


So basically i should go for the renewal of what i currently have and hope things are sorted by the time that one expires?

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Wayleave permission


@Benjack that's probably the simplest option at the moment. Once the issue is sorted , you can upgrade to FTTP at any time, you don't need to wait for any existing contract to expire, there will be no Early termination charges applied when you upgrade, although a new contract will be required.

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