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Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

Posts: 8
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Registered: ‎16-09-2017

Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

Plusnet's website is like a maze when trying to log a simple ticket. 

When its clear that there is no option or FAQ doesnt fix or provide a solution. 

Just spent about 10 mins going from one page to another and back to the start. 


I work in IT and Plusnet Service is appalling these days. I just want to raise a simple ticket but yet the website tries to redirect me to any page other than one that lets me raise a ticket. 

The Full Monty
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Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

@aledroberts I think you will find that it is now impossible for customers to raise tickets - for some reason, PN decided a good while ago that this wasn't 'modern' enough.

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Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge still seems to work - well takes me to the log in!

The Full Monty
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Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

Yup, I understand that still works, @Mustrum , but does it raise a proper ticket these days?

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Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

@jab1  yes I beleive so, and of course there is also the send a text option.

Lots of ways to get in touch: 

The Full Monty
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Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

OK, so it is the OP not exploring the options properly, then?

Posts: 8
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Registered: ‎16-09-2017

Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

The still looks to work but its for broadband faults only. Mine was an email issue. It's a troubleshooter that checks broadband line automatically which not a service I want. 


Outside of office hours I just wanted to raise a ticket and hope that it got picked up when someone arrived in the office.

The Full Monty
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Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

@aledroberts Understood - sorry for sounding a bit dismissive, but I totally agree that this issue could have been dealt with under the now non-existent ticket system.

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Registered: ‎20-10-2017

Re: Why is logging issues with plusnet online such a challenge

It has always seemed very strange to me that PN made raising a tcicket so difficult and obscure. There is ample evidence for how hard customers find it in the number of posts to these forums about specific problems that they have with their services.

This results in PN staffers having to monitor all posts in order to take corrective action, or pass to the person that can. It also means that the real discussions in the forums are lost in the mass of simple problems, which IMHO negates the usefulness of the forums.