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Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

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Registered: ‎17-11-2009

Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Dear All,

    I've read numerous articles on Plusnet trialing FTTP, and recently saw one (dated 25/05/22) saying they are doing a slow and quiet release of the products.


Is this true and if so, how in the devil do we go about talking to them about it? I've been with them for many,many years and while I'm currently in an existing contract, would very much consider swapping out to a 300mbps FTTP product simply to improve things (currently best I can get is 40-50mbps). There are a lot of FTTP vendors moving into my area and laying the infrastructure for 1gbps speeds, so if I can stay with a trusted entity I will..but the lure of 1gb symetrical speeds is mighty powerful.


Thx in advance.

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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Yes, it's available for existing customers. 

The only way to order is to speak to customer options.

Details for Customer options team are on this page
0800 013 2632

Be aware you would lose your landline number. 



Reading your post it sounds like it's not OpenReach FTTP in your area, they don't support symmetrical speeds.

Best way to check is to put your phone number in here BT Broadband ( and see what's available.

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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Hi Dvorak,

   ahh ok so its contact and speak direct? Fair enough.


As for the 1gb fibre..yes all of them are private businesses like CityFibre etc, so it will be a speed paradise at some point when the service goes live around here, but in the meantime I might speak to them...No idea whey they'd kill the landline though (I get all my existing fibre/phone via Plusnet)..either way something to discuss when speaking to them.


Thanks for the advice



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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)


If It's not OpenReach doing the fibre network, then any installation will be totally separate from your PlusNet OR supplied products. Therefore you could keep these going and get a FTTP service from another provider.


Howwever, you could probably "port" your landline number to the new provider which "terminates" your PN service.





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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Hey Brian,

    Yer just spoke to Plusnet, and while they pointed out FTTP isn't available via BT in my area (booo), they did lower my contract monthly cost anyway so it was worth it purely for saving me a few quid a month!

I will just have to keep my eyes peeled  then on either BT for when they do get round to upgrading the exchange, or if the wait becomes intolerable, switch to a private company for the massive speed boost..Time will tell!



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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)


While you should "never say never" it's likely to a long wait for OpenReach to install in your neighbourhood - given that commercial providers are (will) be providing a service.


If you're happy with your speed then there's nowt to do but wait until your next contract is due and see what's on offer then.



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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

I called yesterday and just spoke to sales. They got me all setup and ready to go. I should get upgraded on the 21st. You can get up to 900. I opted for 500 myself. Hopefully BT installs in your area soon man. Sad

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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Haha you lucky Beggar!! BT are right skanks and not upgraded the exchange, so its only ADSL capable! Only way I can probably get those speeds is going with all the Private sectors laying Optic cable in my neighbourhood.


Hope you enjoy the speeds!!!Dizzying!

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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Sure you will 😀

My PlusNet account is where my sister lives, I will have to keep an eye on that now.

I am sure she won't complain about a speed increase!

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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Do you have details of the prices for each package. Thanks
Community Gaffer
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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

If full fibre is available then you should be able to view our offers online here but failing that you'd be best calling 0800 013 2632. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)

Thanks for the reply. I was able to view upgrades. If I was to upgrade would it continue my current contract or start a new one. Cheers
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Re: Does Plusnet sell FTTP products (or is it a secret release)


Have you confirmed FTTP is available for you? Prices were visible for a while and screenshots posted here.


However, you're still best phoning in and negotiating a deal.


It would result in a new contract (I believe) but you'd get a Hub2 if you don't have one.


Be aware you lose your landline and NUMBER if you move to PlusNet FTTP.

