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FTTP Guidance

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎09-05-2009

FTTP Guidance

With Openreach busy around this area it's probable that FTTP will arrive in 2025. My modem/router is a TP Link VR900 which doesn't have a phone connection, I'm loathe to change it has it's connected to cameras, extenders and smart plugs. My phones are Panasonic KXTGJ 320 DECT.  So question 1 ..will I need an ATA ? Openreach now seem to fit a very basic ONT without a telephone socket and no battery backup, if there was a socket would I still need an ATA? The current MK3 wall socket is cabled to my kitchen and bedroom can I retain this link and connect the ATA to the phone socket on the MK3? I'm getting too old for all this nuisance which I notice always seems to cost the customer. Last question ,as Plusnet will no longer be able to provide the telephone part of my contract will I still have to pay a penalty to end the contract?

Thank everyone 


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Re: FTTP Guidance


It is likely you'll need an ATA with your current equipment - you need a spare ethernet port on the router.


Whether you'll be allowed to move FOC is currently not known. PN would transfer you to to BT / EE FOC which is the easiest (though not cheapest)  way to keep your phone number and the BT Hub has a phone socket.


Other ISP's also do phone and internet - I believe Zen Internet are highly regarded (their router is also highly regarded and has a phone socket).


Internet extensions can be made to work with a little bit of work but I'm not certain if this is possible with a single phone port in a router.


You've already touched on the need for power backup if you want your phone to work in a power cut - ONT, router and phone.


To stay with PN and keep a phone you would need to port your number to an independant VOIP provider within 30 days of FTTP going live. ASAP is best. A&A come highly recommended on this Forum and have a good FAQ section on VOIP.



Rising Star
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Re: FTTP Guidance

Thank you Brian,

                                   So an ATA will be needed as feared. The idea was not to plug my phone into the ATA but use a plug-in cable from it to the BT phone socket on the Mk3 box which of course would be defunct with the arrival of fibre. Perhaps a case of suck it and see!!.I did think at one stage BT was supposed to cater for very old timers like me who had concerns about power outages, especially now  that a  lunatic  is responsible for energy.



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Re: FTTP Guidance


You can check if FTTP is planned for your property here

The first link might not say anything but the second should.


Some questions

When does your contract end?

Are you happy to leave PN (losing e-mail address if you go) or would you prefer to stay with them?

What's your mobile signal like?

Do you receive / make a lot of calls on your home phone?

Do you have any house / care alarms connected to your phone?


ISP's have a duty of care to vunerable people but I don't think just being old comes into that catogory.




Rising Star
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Registered: ‎09-05-2009

Re: FTTP Guidance

Hi again Brian,

                         Contract ends Nov 2025...when Plusnet states my contract will cost about £18 more?Huh

                          Yes I have a mobile, many of the old people of my age haven't,  signal strength 2 bars .If there's a power failure then it probably means the mobile tower (rural area) will also be down.

Mainly use home phone not mobile.

Luckily don't need care alarms.

Yes I'd stay with Plusnet if it had VOIP when FTTP arrives. I prefer to have internet and phone with one supplier.



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Re: FTTP Guidance

Having voice and broadband with one supplier does not have the the imperative it used to, where a fault on the voice service could impact broadband without being detrimental to the voice service.  Such issues certainly used to create ping-pong battles over ownership and rectification of such faults on the copper circuit.

There are though convenances in having one bill for both ... but that does limit the choice of suppliers for broadband, for which you will probably pay more than Plusnet's prices.

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Re: FTTP Guidance


Thanks for the information.


Unless you're desperate for the speed FTTP brings then you don't have to do anything until October when you can set the wheels in motion for a move to any provider you choose.


Phone towers have battery backups - it's a question of how long they last. As it is with FTTC Cabinets.


PN will not be providing VOIP full stop. They appear to be being set up as the basic Internet supplier of the BT Group. Apparently BT will be the business ISP and EE the comsumer phone / internet brand.


If you wish to stay with one provider then that means leaving PN. There are several to choose from - it's simply a case of which one suits you. Note that if you decide on EE when FTTP comes you can move ASAP FOC.


Zen Internet have a good reputation and a well regarded router with a phone port so no ATA required (as with EE).


Only technical question is how to link your house extensions in. One I can't answer.


Note that prices in a year's time are indictive only - they could go up or down. I believe Zen have a "no increase" in price  during a contract policy.



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Re: FTTP Guidance

If you are plugging an analogue DECT base into the Fon port in the router (in my case it is a Zen supplied Fritz!box 7530AX) then the other analogue DECT handsets continue to work as before as they are in contact with their base station not the router.  No ATA is required.

I am afraid I have no knowledge of how to connect up your phone extension sockets if you need those to work. However, analogue DECT phone sets are available at a much lower price than the digital (VOIP) ones (from about £30 for a twin set upwards for triple or quadruple sets - cheaper than an ATA) and so, if necessary you could invest in one of those and render your extension sockets redundant. The DECT base station will need a power socket, as will the charging stations for the other handset(s).

Rising Star
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Re: FTTP Guidance

Thank jog,

                   I did originally say that I wasn’t inclined to change my router, in that case an ATA will be required. If I eventually decide to switch to ZEN then I may switch to FRITZ router. I didn’t want my DECT base next to the router hence wishing to use existing cabling to keep it in present position.

The Full Monty
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Re: FTTP Guidance

I didn’t want my DECT base next to the router - why not? Mine is about five inches away and has no problems.

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Re: FTTP Guidance


With regard to your old and potential new router.


Changing ethernet cables is straight forward - unplug from old and connect to the new.


As for WiFi you can change the WiFi credentials on the new router to match what you already use - nothing else needed.





Rising Star
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Re: FTTP Guidance

Hi John,

                Nothing to do with possible interference,it’s down to clutter and limited power sockets. 


Rising Star
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Re: FTTP Guidance

Thanks Brian, not concerned about the mechanics of changing the router. WiFi security cameras can be a pain if disturbed which can result in clambering up and down ladders and manually handshaking. 


The Full Monty
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Re: FTTP Guidance

@oldjack wrote:

Hi John,

                Nothing to do with possible interference,it’s down to clutter and limited power sockets. 


Fair enough.

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Re: FTTP Guidance

The Zen supplied Fritzbox is not only an ATA in that it has a telephone port, but is also a DECT base in its own right. 

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.