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FTTP and Landlines

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎29-01-2023

Re: FTTP and Landlines

I assume the porting out of the number from Plusnet to VoIP still starts the cancellation of the whole service? I.e. Plusnet won't let you port the number out and reassign the number with service continuity.

Typically out of contract and in theory could get cityfiber but it's a shared drive install so not even sure it's easy to do.

Perhaps recontract is the way to go for now and see where number portability/switch to fttc is by then.

It's that or try to overlap both fttp and fttc...
Fwiw I did try Andrews and Arnold VoIP with a cisco VoIP adapter, home plugs and our old dect phones. Seems to work fine.
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Re: FTTP and Landlines


Indeed, PN ADSL & VDSL systems work on the phone number - port that and it triggers an account closure.


If CityFibre is available then you could go for that, making it clear you don't want your phone line damaged. You'd be running two services for a while but once your FTTP is up and running you can port out your phone number triggering the closure of your PN account.


Have you checked what's available via the OR network.



Posts: 5
Registered: ‎29-01-2023

Re: FTTP and Landlines

Thanks for your reply, I'll check out OR and have a think
Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎03-02-2023

Re: FTTP and Landlines

I'm in a similar position to the original poster - and definitely not happy.

- I have been with PlusNet for many many years and have had good service (with a tiny number of hiccups). I want to stay with a provider I know and trust if possible. I have had quite poor reports of BT's internet service (not heard anything about their FTTP record).

- I want to keep my landline number, and intended to move this to a VOIP service; many people know my landline number and use it to call me, and it would be a huge job to notify every possible 'contact' in a short space of time that they should switch to my mobile number (which incidentally is also a PlusNet one). Some are elderly or otherwise 'non-tech' or non-adaptable people who would not easily make the change. I can quite see a steady move to 'mobile number only' over time, but not right now.

- PlusNet's approach isn't just failing to offer a service by not making its own VOIP service available - it's actively preventing people from obtaining it via another party (e.g. Vonage), even though that doesn't threaten their own business or income.

- In fact, given the "switch provider to BT and the problems go away" option is quickly offered, this does look remarkably like BT deciding - as owners of PlusNet - that they would quite like to snaffle their sibling's customers on the sly.

Ho hum. Maybe it's time to look at other ISP's after all - probably not including BT though  .  .  .

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Re: FTTP and Landlines

PlusNet's approach isn't just failing to offer a service by not making its own VOIP service available - it's actively preventing people from obtaining it via another party (e.g. Vonage), even though that doesn't threaten their own business or income.

Yes, Plusnet is responsible for the failing to provide a VOIP service, but its Openreach who are effectively preventing the number transfer to a third party voip service by not providing a reliable working method by which a number can be transferred without ceasing the existing services.

I want to keep my landline number, and intended to move this to a VOIP service; many people know my landline number and use it to call me, and it would be a huge job to notify every possible 'contact' in a short space of time that they should switch to my mobile number (which incidentally is also a PlusNet one).

If you can wait till April, then supposedly OFCOM are introducing a 'right to port' which gives the customer ownership of the number for up to a month following the ceasing of any service on it. In theory, this provides the ability to port the number to a third party voip supplier AFTER upgrading to FTTP.

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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: FTTP and Landlines


There is another way but it invloves losing your PN email (which is also lost if you move) and any other add ons you may have.


You sign up as a new member making sure you check the "keep your landline" option (or whatever it's called) and then get FTTP installed. You'll be running (and paying) for two accounts for a short while but as soon as FTTP is up and running you port you number to a VOIP provider - which cancels your original account.


If you get PN's  agreement in advance you should be able to avoid any early termination fees.


As already stated the best bet is, if you can, wait until April and see what happens with "Right to Port"



Rising Star
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Re: FTTP and Landlines

Was wondering about how they will handle the switchover, initially I had thought for most it would just be a case of the average customer just carrying on on the POTS/'copper' lines until they were 'ported' over to a SIP/VOIP connection by their supplier, but I'm not at all sure that they're planning a 'seamless switchover'. (not sure Openreach has a final strategy yet so this is all speculation at this time) - among the possible options; will they just cease the copper lines, or push the prices up to 'encourage' people to switch - I recently saw an article somewhere about them giving notice that they were going to stop outbound calls on a few exchanges as an 'encouragement' to switch experiment...

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Re: FTTP and Landlines

not sure Openreach has a final strategy

Oh they do! Come PSTN switch off in 2025 they will not supplying voice services at all, they will be managing and maintaining the network, interconnect with other providers voip services and providing data services over FTTP and any remaining copper circuits ( yes there will still be some! ). Prior to 2025 they will gradually reducing where they will continue to supply line rental and voice service (WLR). At present, there is one exchange where WLR is already 'stop sell' and no new orders will be accepted. Some other exchanges are aready 'Fibre priority' which means if FTTP is available to a property then no WLR new order will be accepted.

By September 2023 (yes , this year!) WLR will be 'stop sell' at all exchanges.

Its all in here

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Re: FTTP and Landlines


I had read the article in your link previously but I still find it unclear how Plusnet will deal with existing cuistomers who have FTTC + phone after December 2025 where Openreach have not installed FTTC. This is the situation in my exchange which is not yet programmed into any of the tranches listed. On enquiring of Openreach the dates given are - Stop Sell in September 2023; PSTN switch off December 2025; FTTC by the end of 2026. So will PN carry on with voice over my old copper if Openreach FTTC is not available by December 2025? Or do they have another solution? Or abandon any voice service altogether?

There are two other fibre networks currently being built here and both of those are likely to be up and running within a few months and available in my street. So I will have options outwith the BT group if things do not advance with their FTTP by the time my current FTTC contract expires.

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Re: FTTP and Landlines

So will PN carry on with voice over my old copper if Openreach FTTC is not available by December 2025? Or do they have another solution? Or abandon any voice service altogether?

@jgb simple answer is I don't know. AIUI voice over a copper line will not be an option after Dec 2025 , PSTN switch off. Technically its possible to run voip over an ADSL connection if FTTC is not available , but whether PN will be providing it ?

I'm not sure voip is a profitable option for a CP whose main business is broadband. Many people these days dont use a landline and so the percentage of customers who want voip could be quite small. Under those circumstances it could be hard for main line CP's to compete with the specialist voip providers. At the moment main line CPs who are providing a voip service are charging similar to normal landline charges for calls etc, whereas specialist voip providers charge a fraction of that. There is no problem with finding a voip supplier to be used over either ADSl or FTTC , the main problem at the moment is retaining the landline number whilst doing so. The proposed changes to porting rules specified by OFCOM for April this year MAY make this easier

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Rising Star
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Re: FTTP and Landlines

3 April 2023 is another date to consider. I put this link on another thread: 

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Re: FTTP and Landlines

Yes @FlossyThePig I read that a few days ago but in itself it does not actually shed any light on what will actually happen  Well, we shall see what does happen and whether Plusnet do shed any light on their processes and / or intentions after April.

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Registered: ‎03-02-2023

Re: FTTP and Landlines

Well, I've waited, read the comments on this thread, and checked if PlusNet themselves have anything to add.

It seems I can't have Full Fibre from PlusNet with a VOIP connection - not without switching to BT, or cancelling my contract and starting from scrtatch again plus using a third-party VOIP provider and a separate contract. PlusNet (or BT) have decided PN's customers should not want a VOIP phone, so that's that.

I've done some research, and I've decided it's time to say goodbye to PlusNet after over twenty years. When my current FTTC contract comes to an end, I'll be moving to a new provider who can (in fact, is very happy to) provide Full Fibre plus VOIP, plus a very attractive call plan, and who has had a very good reputation for years; all with a single contract (just like I have a 'broadband plus phone' contract with PlusNet at present). I've done the sums and I'll be paying no more than I do at present, and possibly a little less.

I'll be sorry to leave PN after so long, particularly with its Sheffield connections, but I think they've brought it upon themselves.

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Re: FTTP and Landlines


My current FTTC contract runs to mid 2024 and so I have some time to consider what to do and if we do still need a landline. Things may well have changed by then but my preliminary research seems to bear out what you have found. 

The OR full fibre network is some way behind two other networks being built around here both of which should be live in my street in a matter of a few months. Not to mention another hybrid contender has been around for many years and who is beefing up their current capacity hereabouts. OR look to be sometime in late 2024 or into 2025 so BT et al may well lose a lot of customers around here.

Are you looking to remail on the OR network or are you going elsewhere?


Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎03-02-2023

Re: FTTP and Landlines

I think my potential new provider is on Openreach, yes.

My contract ends later this year, and that's when I will switch.