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Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Hi @ncd sorry for not getting back.  As Gandolf mentioned you were already on RTX Low, capping won't help unfortunately.  However having said that, the capability depends upon the modem you have.  If you have the bog standard ISP modem, it will be locked down.

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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

@fwdlink Your full DLM profile is: "Downstream: 0.128M-80M3dB with Retransmission (Low). Upstream: 0.128M-20M with Retransmission (Low)" and I'm afraid there's no further review or investigation necessary as everything's correct.

As per previous posts, retransmission will give a lower than 'normal' bRAS/IP profile resulting in a lower throughput.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

HI @Gandalf thanks for confirming I'm back on low like I assumed I always had, happy to be corrected here.


For avoidance of doubt, whilst I understood Rtx High pulls the bRAS profile down which I clearly had going on, am I understanding you correct that Low is also having an impact, the reason I ask is my stats are now the same as they were  before all the problems started and I was regularly at 76Mbps on speed tests, now I'm only 71 and it's clearly throttled as it hights it dead on.

This seems baffling to me as looking at stats side by side e.g. InPRein, G.INP level, Interleave,  etc. they are now identical to pre-trouble. So just want to clarify this bit, is there also an no Rtx profile, assumption would be then G.INP off, I assumed G.INP which I had at the time is not only error protection/correction but is part of the High or Low, so I can't see what explains always getting 76 for years, now with stats matching that it's lowered to 71 max throughput. 

Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance for a final clarification....

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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

To confirm it's likely that retransmission is causing this, but it'd be difficult to say because you're currently within Openreach's expectations for your line at between 68mbps and 80mbps so they wouldn't investigate further I'm afraid.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Hi @Gandalf ,


Thanks for your replies, I've not been able to reply until now but it looks like I'm now banded much lower. Are you able to confirm that I'm still on Retransmission Low?

According to my downstream BRAS rate is now 64.49 Mbps.

My SNR Margin is still 13.1dB up/11.6dB down with the modem reporting an attainable data rate of 29.329 Mbps / 113.835 Mbps.

This all results in a real world speed of ~18 up and ~62 down 😲 (BT Wholesale reports 18.41/56.24/12ms). This now looks lower than my guaranteed speed - Minimum Guaranteed Speed: 68.1Mbps, Current Line Speed (Download): 64.2Mbps.

Are you able to confirm this with a GEA test too or if anything else looks to have changed? There will be a resync shortly before I posted this as I was trying to debug what was happening.


Thank you!

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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Hi @ncd Looking into this again a GEA test is showing your bRAS profile rate at 66426 and your sync speed at 79.9mbps, whereas a different system (RRT) is showing your sync speed at 70mbps is more in line with the bRAS profile. On the other hand the profile on your account which should always match the bRAS is set at 64200.

With regards to your DLM profile, yep you're still on retransmission low: Downstream: 0.128M-80M3dB with Retransmission (Low). Upstream: 0.128M-20M with no error protection

The good news is that a GEA test has given the following conclusion: 

Problem Explanation: [ ND502 ] DSL and BRAS profile mismatch has been identified. Resolution / Recommendation: Please pass to BTW for further diagnostics.


I've raised the fault to Wholesale and this should hopefully get corrected within the next 24 to 48 hours, although recently I've been seeing these type of faults progress as an automated request to arrange an engineer visit with no manual override.

In the meantime, what's the actual sync speed/data that your router is showing you?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 38
Registered: ‎05-08-2007

Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Wow thanks for the super fast response @Gandalf .

re: Sync rate it's showing 20/79.999

I'm glad the GEA test is also showing something.


As always - thanks for your help!

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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Thanks for getting back to me @ncd 

No problem, in that case the bRAS rate of 66426 looks far too low for a sync speed of 79.9mbps let alone 64200, even if it should be 90% of the sync speed, I'd expect it should be set at around 71000, unless I'm missing something.

As predicted the fault report was cleared 90 minutes later with the below message:

KBD - Your fault has been diagnosed using the Knowledge Based Diagnostic Tool: > NO BTW FAULT - Diagnostics test show no BT fault. Please check all end user equipment and settings. If you require further investigation please book an appointment for an SFI engineer to investigate further. Thankyou.


Running another KBD (a series of tests which includes a GEA) that's still showing the same 'DSL and BRAS profile mismatch' message, so I've discussed this with a Wholesale adviser and they've said that they don't have any control over this and it's DCoE (Diagnostics Centre of Excellence) at Openreach who oversee this, and the only way to raise something there is through an engineer unless KBD shows a specific fault code, passing the fault directly to the diagnostics team.

I'd personally recommend we go for an engineer to investigate further as your throughput is below both the estimated speed range for your line and and your minimum guaranteed speed. If you're happy to go ahead can you add a reply to the ticket Here with when you'd be free for an engineer to visit? If you concerned about a potential engineer charge, we won't charge you if the engineer finds no fault as your speeds are below the minimum guaranteed.


Hi @fwdlink I've looked into this again for you and there doesn't appear to be anything odd about your connection with your router getting a sync speed of 79.9mbps and the bRAS rate at 75916.

Running a GEA test isn't showing any mismatches like above, it's reporting: 

Problem Explanation: [ NF507 ] No issues have been identified in the BTW network. Resolution / Recommendation: KBD tests indicate no BTW network fault. Please perform all CP and End User checks. BTW Performance/Speed test has not been run.

When you had 76mbps throughput, do you know if retransmission was enabled on the line?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Afternoon @Gandalf  first, thanks for the earlier reply with some explanation, appreciate that and makes technical sense, it's the strangeness of what I had before hence the reason I wanted to get further clarification.

Regarding your most recent update, I've gone back to look at what I had stats wise, I had error correction on the DL, G.Inp 47 and an Interleave of 8, my INPRein was 0 and from what I've gathered this is then LowRtx like I am back on now, the UL had no G.INP error protection, the first the UL ever saw protection was October when all this started, but it's not an issue here.

However, here's the irony that I want to ask you about, I don't know when you tested my line (assume it was yesterday the 7th or this morning), however things are basically back to normal, meaning pre-October when all this mess started for me.  I've had no resyncs since we've been discussing this week, there was an IP change a few days ago but the throughput remained the same at 71.  Now however I see you've indicated the system showing an updated Bras Profile from when I wrote a few days ago and it was 73.  Speedtests up through the evening of the 6th were still maxing at 71, as of this morning when I saw your note with the new BrasProfile 75916 they are now 74.x consistently, so effectively within any margin of error of what I used to have and I'd say perfectly normal as going back in my history I can see it varied from 74-76 with a top out of 76 which was pretty consistent. Another 2 megs isn't even worth discussing, and my previous response was more about understanding as even then a few megs is splitting hairs.

So my questions of curiousity are; 1) did you nudge anything, I'm assuming you didn't and can't on the basis you of what you've indicated before on how your systems work and you mentioning the profile was open to 80, or 2) did doing the tests knock something into place bringing Bras from 73 to 75, or 3) You've mentioned at times a lag in the systems, could this possibly be it and if so what's the average?

Nonetheless I'm super pleased I'm effectively back to normal pre-October and I also am super grateful for your input and support here, it's just another reason why I recently decided to renew my contract.

Thanks for your feedback to the above....sorry for the long response but wanted to give the full picture in case it helps...Fingers crossed it stays settled now and happy to close this one off, at least for my line....

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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Thanks for the update @fwdlink

It's good to see your speeds have improved. Thumbs_Up Apart from testing your line last night I didn't make any changes to the service, it's possible it's either a coincidence or the test knocked something back into place, I've not seen that happen very often though so it's certainly a mystery. 

The 'lag' in the system from what I've seen only really applies to the DLM banding on a GEA test that it's occasionally out of date by up to 14 days, but RRT data is accurate as of the day before.

Fingers crossed this remains fixed for you!

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

@Gandalf  please help.  I have had a ticket raised and escalated since 27 Janauary basically ever since upgrading to 80/20 from 55/10 legacy.


Initially the product change request didn't go through correctly, then it did but I couldn't get more than 60mbps down even though synching at 80mbps.


On the BT Ip profile it was saying 64.9mbps off 80mbps which made no sense.

The answers I've had were inadequate and I've been told that those IP profiles make absolutely no difference to throughput at all because they are not utilised in plusnet backhaul / data flow management any more. I'm not really believing that at this stage given the reliance on BTw as supplier.


To cut to the current bigger issue, depsite my IP profile recovering to 74.1mbs I now get no more than 20 mbps on speed tests at any time despite forced power downs and re-establishing PPOE sessions.


The ticket I have are adamant they need to get an engineer I have told them repeatedly that there is no issue at the premises as indicated by a stable 80mbps sync.


Please help.  Curiously this is posted in my mmember centre on line speed!!! I,m tearing my hair out now, I've wasted so much time follwing this up and Plusnet time as well with zero progress....


Ticket : 198397821


Your broadband service

  • Product: Unlimited Fibre Extra
  • Estimated Download Range: Not available
  • Estimated Upload Range: Not available
  • Minimum Guaranteed Speed: 49.4Mbps
  • Current Line Speed (Download): 21Mbps


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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

@Gandalf  I have been coresponding with @AndrewD on another forum and suggested that he post here for help.

I should point out that he is on a static IP so the current line speed is active and restricting the speed. I recall other cases where the profile defaults to 21Mbps for no obvious reason. The good news is that his BTWholesale IP profile has now recovered to a much better level.😀

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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Hi Andrew, I'm sorry to see the problems you've been experiencing. Sad

I've tested your line today and while your router is in sync at 79.9mbps, the tests are showing the sync speed at 76.6mbps due to retransmission high enabled on the line with the current bRAS profile rate at 76326 that's correct for the sync speed of 79.9mbps. The sync speed that our tests show would be accounting for retransmission high as it often does.

As you've noted the Current Line Speed on your account (We refer to it as the Connection Profile) is set at 21mbps, upon further investigation, our system reset the profile to this for some reason when the product change to fibre extra completed, and then when your connection dropped on the 9th February your speeds would've been capped to 21mbps.

I've fixed the profile now and momentarily dropped your connection to apply the correct profile to unrestrict your speed. Due to the way your connection and a handful of others route across our network, this particular profile that should always be set at whatever the bRAS line profile is, will cap your download speed if the value is under that.

The majority of lines ignore the Connection Profile on their respective accounts, it's from a bygone era when we used to traffic manage and as far as I'm aware it isn't relevant anymore but it'll unfortunately restrict some peoples speeds if incorrect.

The most common reason for this profile to affect your speed is if you have a static IP due to how we assign them to a connection. One benefit is that it makes things a lot easier to retain the static IP if you ever go through a house move.

Without further ado, can you retest your speed and let us know how they look?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Hello @Gandalf 


Thanks for looking into this.  I can see the liine speed info is now updated in the plusnet member centre.

I've just tried a couple of speed tests here and they are the same.

Do I need to drop the connection or the PPPOE session or wait until tomorrow for the new line speed to replicate or take effect?


Thank you.




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Re: Fibre 80/20 speed expectations

Hi Andrew, thanks for the post back. No problem, I already dropped the PPP following updating the profile.

Can you try rebooting your router and then retest?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi