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Fibre cable down - no contract

Rising Star
Posts: 108
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Registered: ‎11-07-2020

Fibre cable down - no contract

Hi All,
My property is on the market and I'm living elsewhere. My fibre contract has been cancelled. The fibre cable reaches the house overhead from a pole and it's come away completely from the pole end. I don't know if it's damaged or not. Does anyone know if I can get this repaired by Openreach without having a contract in place?
Posts: 19,975
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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Fibre cable down - no contract

@Prologica As it is OR property, you should be able to arrange/report this direct to them - I'll have a look for the info if you don't find it in the meantime, but I know it is possible.

Try this:

All Star
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Registered: ‎22-10-2014

Re: Fibre cable down - no contract

Yes, Openreach will fix its property especially if the pole is near a public thoroughfare. We saw a line had fallen onto a rural road where we walk, called OR on our return at 1120, and they had it fixed when we drove past at 1640 that day.



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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Fibre cable down - no contract

@jab1 wrote:

As it is OR property, you should be able to arrange/report this direct to them

Try this:


@jab1   A most useful page Smiley

Identifying Openreach equipment

First, take a look at our identifying our equipment guide and check that it's ours.

If it is, please contact our damage team by calling us on 0800 023 2023 (choose option 1 and then choose option 1 again).


... also their linked 'identifying our equipment guide' .pdf file.


Penny Rollo * * * joined Force9 on 17/02/98 * * * with PlusNet from 2000 onwards * * * personal website at
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