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How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial)

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How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial)

I thought I'd do a step by step diary to show how things go, it might help others, it might help Plusnet.  This is mainly for info


27 Jan - So far I've been accepted onto the trial and had my router delivered.  Brilliant service so far, I only applied 2 days ago!  That was super quick!

The engineer visit is scheduled for the 5th February.  

As I live in a flat (on the 10th floor) I'm wondering how the engineer will get the fibre into my flat.  I also wonder what other equipment is needed (if any).  I say this because the router has no fibre port which suggests to me that the fibre terminates in another box converting it to ethernet.  

I'd like to help with the installation as much as possible but I don't know how.  Does the fibre come all the way into my flat?  I do know we have a cabinet on our landing with TV and satellite distribution equipment, I suspect the fibre will terminate there and ethernet be routed into my flat, but I'm just guessing.  I have acquired a key for the cabinet, I hope that will help.

So... super fast service so far.  Good comms via email and text.  Only downside so far is, I'm unclear as to what happens on the install and what additional equipment is required.

I also have a question over the phone.  Do I keep my BT landline?  I want to as I have an international calls package on it.

That's it for now... I'll update once something happens.  Good work so far Smiley


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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

You need an Optical Network Terminator (ONT) installed. If you have a look at the following thread you'll see pictures of possible boxes. You connect your router to the ONT by Ethernet cable.


If you put your phone number into the following what does it say about FTTP (your "feed") in the first line of narrative after the results (the results should also have "1 stage" or "2 stage").


Once installed and up and running your phone line then reverts to its original purpose - a phone line. You can keep it or cancel the line (there's a £2.50 surcharge for internet only). You might also want to consider VOIP.



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Ah... thanks Brian.  

That makes sense, the Optical Network Terminator converts fibre to Ethernet which plugs into the router.  So the ONT needs power too (I'll make sure there is a 2nd socket available).  Do you think this will be in installed the distribution cabinet (in the hallway)?  Otherwise the fibre will need routing into my flat and the ONT & modem will need installing.  

I've used the checker and it came up 1 stage.  What does that imply?

I think I'll hang onto my phone line for now.  I guess I can change it later.  It's odd, £2.50 more for a lesser service, but I guess they make it up on calls or something.  I checked and Romania is NOT on the Plusnet International list (where I call a lot).

Are there any VOIP suppliers you know of that offer cheap international calling deals?


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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Under normal circumstances the ONT is fixed to a wall in your flat. However, how they get the fibre cable up to you is another matter. One stage means one visit but once again given your location that might need to be taken with a pinch of salt.


What does the narrative say about your "feed"?


While there's a surcharge for internet only you normally save money by not paying line rental. I have no experience of VOIP so can't comment but I do know of the following guide re Vonage - note that this is from an independent ISP so where they speak of the B4RN box you would use your router.



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Feed?  It that this?  WBC FTTP Upto 330 Upto 50

I think the building has fibre preinstalled up the risers, but not directly into the flats.  That said it will need connecting at ground (or basement) level to get it up to the 10th floor.  I have no idea where the fibre will enter the building, I hope the engineer does!

Re VoIP, we already use WhatApp and Skype.  With Skype credit it's unlimited calls to Romania for £6/month.  There are Skype VoIP phones I could look at to make it super simple.  Maybe something like


I'm going to hang on to my BT line until I'm happy everything is stable, and I've investigated the costs.  It's a little unclear what's going to happen after the trial too (I found the FAQs), though I can't imaging going back to copper once I've experienced fibre! 


Thanks Brian, you are most helpful.  Steve here btw Smiley

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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Under the results window on the DSL Checker there are several paragraphs of narrative. The first should speak about FTTP.


 As mentioned I have no idea about VOIP so you're on your own there.


I gave up my phone line as soon as I got FTTP. As it was a BT line there was a 30 day notice period. I was out of contract so no charges. Your line may be supplied by OpenReach but do PlusNet supply the phone service?


As it's a "trial" there is no real support available by phone or "live chat" - you need to use this forum. If it's a PlusNet phone line you would need to arrange cancellation via here (as FTTP is not integrated with PlusNet back office systems). For the same reason you can't get PlusNet TV - but you can get the BT Sport app for £5.00 a month (now in HD!!!) I use a Chromecast to send it to my TV.





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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Hi Brian,

My phone is all BT, and for now, I'll stick with it.


I don't think I want Plusnet TV and I don't watch much sport.  I use the iPlayer and other TV streaming services.   I might sign up for Netflix or Amazon for more streaming service.  I don't actually have a TV! 


The key narrative from the line check is as follows...

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:- Multi Dwelling Unit Residential UG Feed with no anticipated issues.


For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (VDSL or services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

This line is on a Market B Exchange.

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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

OK, so the records tell you that OpenReach know you're in a block of flats, the phone line feed is underground and they're not expecting any problems - not that there might be on the day when they actually do the work!!!


The other bits don't matter. The line will be up to speed once PlusNet flick the switch from your ADSL service.


You spoke about there being a cabinet on your landing. Is there a duct from this to your flat and, if so, is there space to run another cable? This would be where I expect the fibre to enter your flat. Following on from this is there any equipment in the basement of the flats and do you have access if needed?



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Hi Brian,

There is no cable duct to the flat.  I have discovered an adjacent flat with an additional cable (I'm guessing fibre, perhaps BT or Sky as these are the next 2 strongest Wifi signals).  I'll chat with them when I next see them and also look into the comms cabinet to see what I can find in there (apart from the TV and satellite distribution stuff.

I've no access to cabinets in the basement and I can foresee a possible problem.  I live in a shared ownership housing association flat that is contained within a larger block (think poor doors).  I have NO access to the private side at all.  Let's just hope the termination points are at least within my building.  BT must know how to get in (I hope!) as most people have phones or internet.  Failing that the installation engineer has my number and worst case I'll get them to call my property manager (who sadly is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard, so I'm hoping we can keep him out of this).

In the meantime I've picked a suitable place to wall mount everything in the flat, inside a little used cupboard (assuming the OFT and router get installed on my premises).

I'm getting quite excited now...  I'll report back once I've had a chat with my neighbours and a dig around the cabinets.



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial



Things are not as simple as I might have suggested. On a standard house install the OR engineer has a bit of lee way both in where the cable enters the premises and where the ONT goes. However this only goes so far.


On the outside I believe they'll take the cable along the outside wall but at ground level and will not by pass doors (as this is above ground level). On the inside they can run the fibre round skirting boards (note they staple the cable to the board so it cannot be moved) but will not do anything fancy like run the cable upstairs, through walls etc. It depends on what's achievable and the engineer.


The fibre cable looks like satellite cable but once it's brought inside they strip off the outer protective covers to make it less noticeable. If you looks at the pictures I linked to earlier you can just see the fibre cable.



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Further to my last post. Given the need to run cable you should find out in advance (from your property manager!!!) if there's an equipment room / cabinet in the basement. If there is you need to arrange access prior to the engineer arriving just in case access is needed on the day.



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Hi Brian,

I've chatted with 3 people who have fibre (2 on my floor!).  It appears there is fibre in the cupboard on the landing.  BT run a cable into the flat and install the fibre termination box and modem in the flat.  I've picked a position but I'll discuss with the installation engineer on the day.

Now given that this is Plusnet I'm not sure what happens once the BT chap does his stuff.  It seems that Openreach provides the infrastructure and Plusnet provides the ISP service.  It may be that I need to install the router and call Plusnet.  The process is a little unclear, but the communication updates from Plusnet have been great so far, I can only hope they will guide me through the next steps.

Nobody said they had to do anything to help make their installation happen (but they were all with BT), so I guess I'll just wait and see.



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

OK, so you have the key to the cupboard so it seems reasonably straight forward for the install.


The "fibre" will be live as soon as the router is connected - read the instructions about making a cup of tea while the router sets itself up!!! The engineer should ensure your service is active before they leave.


The only thing is it might be at ADSL speed - PlusNet have to flick a switch at their end which only happens once the OR engineer "closes out" the job and one of the PlusNet FTTP bods picks up the ticket.



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial

Hi Brian.

I think I read the old ADSL router and new fibre router have the same IP address (initially).  Not a problem as long as the old one is powered off.  I understand too that the ADSL service will be deactivated as soon as the fibre goes live. 

I might try and arrange for an electrical to fit a double power socket in the cupboard I intend to use to make the installation really neat.  

It's waiting time now.  Installation set for 5th Feb.  I'll report back once it's done.  I hope this discussion has been informative for other members of the trial.

Thanks again Brian,



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Re: How can I assist with the installation of FTTP (I live in a flat and have signed up to the trial



I wouldn't have any cabling work done until after FTTP is installed so you know for certain where the ONT is. Use power extensions / Ethernet cable in the short term (I had a cable running across the living room carpet and through a doorway for 6 weeks until I got sorted).


Where the ONT goes is entirely dependant on what's achievable and the attitude of the OR engineer on the day. The starting point will be where the fibre optic cable is brought into your flat. If you're on friendly terms with your neighbours on the landing ask if you can see their installation just to get an idea.


What will change with your new router is the WiFi network id / password so you have to reset all your WiFi devices. Decide in advance if you want to keep the router default, change to something more acceptable / meaningful to you (but don't choose anything that directly identifies you - a minor security idea) or perhaps even change the router to your old network id / password. Once you're up and running make any changes and then reset your devices.

