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Plusnet Full Fibre

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Most of our community group won't see 70 again. All value their landlines and the numbers they have had for decades, not to mention the reliable service even in power cuts for all have corded phones for emergencies. Many are on PN too, and very happy with their service.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@mechanic123 wrote:

The whole point of a POTS landline connection is knowing that if you lift the receiver you get dialtone.

Even during a power cut (using a wired handset) - which might be handy this coming winter if there is going to be an energy crisis or disruption due to World War 3 / The Great Reset / or W.H.O. mandated switching off energy smart meters in homes of non-compliant citizens !

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Not fussed on the landline myself but can absolutely see how it would be essential for some people. Having said that, most people I know only have and use a cordless phone, which wouldn't work without power anyway.


As for FTTP - great to see it's finally launched.  Bit of a shame that it's more expensive than going to BT (I'm in a 'regional discount' area) and PN won't match the BT price. 

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

I never understand why PN FTTP cost more expensive than BT one. Are Plusnet no longer value for new customers anymore?

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@goldenfibre  - BT corporate policy - make everyone pay our (high) prices, which means killing any competition, even from our own 'family'.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

I do believe BT Home Essentials do have FTTP (40/10 or 80/20 only) for £15 to £20 a month inc keeping your landline phone number for social tariffs for low income welfare benefits.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Updated: Just spoken to BT and here what they say: Unfortunately not. Our FTTP broadband service is currently not available with our home essentials packages at the moment. We have our 36Mb for £15 per month home essentials plan and our £20 per month 73Mb home essentials plan.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Begs the question what can they supply into a geography with no copper?

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@goldenfibre  Max you are wasting time comparing BT Home Essentials costs with anything else that is not available to the majority of people. 


On a like for like price comparison, PN new FTTP costs are lower than BT. Besides, you can't get FTTP, so why even worry about it?

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

Maybe the answer to the landline phone number will come when you can order FTTP as a new customer. Then, providing that you are either out of contract or willing to pay the cancellation charge you should be able to:

1. Start a new FTTP contract as a second account. 
2. Once that is up and running, transfer your landline number to a VoIP provider. This should automatically close the original account.

This will also mean that there’s little probability of having a break in service.

With the current dash to be the cheapest on the market with a zero bells and whistles service, it would probably be sensible to migrate away from an email service provided for free by any budget ISP. 

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@Baldrick1  That is the best (only?) way to do it without a break in service once a standalone FTTP service can be ordered from Plusnet.

The thread below is another FTTP spin-off discussing why Plusnet have got it bit wrong regarding keeping your existing phone number 

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

The risk for Plusnet is that once you have ported your phone numbr to an independant VoIP provider and set up a separate email account, the world is open to you regarding where you get you Internet access. There's no longer any risk that the number will get lost in a transfer or you will have email problems.

Both are issues that might trouble many and put them off moving ISP.

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@goldenfibre wrote:

Updated: Just spoken to BT and here what they say: Unfortunately not. Our FTTP broadband service is currently not available with our home essentials packages at the moment. We have our 36Mb for £15 per month home essentials plan and our £20 per month 73Mb home essentials plan.

There seems to be some confusion in there somewhere @goldenfibre 

A friend who was previously on ADSL had BT Home Essentials installed with FTTP on 29/4/2022.

So just to check what you claim hasn't been brought about by a recent policy change I checked my own address and it was confirmed that I could also order it*, subject to being in receipt of qualifying benefits.

*with FTTP

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

While i use a mobile most of the time, my landline number is ancient being passed down form parents .

 Its the number that older relatives family friends etc and those that i may not see all that often will use to call me on - sometimes in an emergency.

Also thanks to a recent spate of powercuts the landline has been the only thing left working , as the mobile networks all die after about 10 to 30 minutes as the phone masts are on the same mains supply , which then puts me in the odd situation of having to use contacts stored on my mobile to then use the corded landline phone .

 Quite a few people in the area have corded landline phones as well as DECT due to this issue, for some reason the power cuts only started to happen after work was carried out in the area to "improve the reliability " of the power supply

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Re: Plusnet Full Fibre

@pint wrote:


... for some reason the power cuts only started to happen after work was carried out in the area to "improve the reliability " of the power supply

Such seems to be the ilk of much modernity: "improvements" all too often deliver something substantially inferior, albeit they might look "smarter".  There are a number of such "improvements" close at hand which look good, but are arguably inferior to what they replaced.

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