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Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £65.

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Registered: ‎16-02-2020

Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

bufferbloat must surely count as a fault when  I cant even stream or anything on my connection without reaching pings high enough to time out from IRC and services important to my work?. I would love to see the section of our contract which stipulates plusnets agreement to deliver my certain speeds.




Just want to reitterate that I am in no way angry with yourself I appreciate your continued support and help getting the fault resolved, I am just annoyed that open reach don't seem to respect other peoples time.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Thanks for getting back to me @Youngsie97 

I understand what you've said however we are unable to guarantee a fault free service and we'll do our best to fix a fault as soon as we can once you've reported the fault to us. 

Let me know when you will be free for another visit. Apologies again for the inconvenience.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Just received an email telling me my speed issue fault has been paused because they need me to do further tests but don't go into detail about what tests I need to perform ? . Assuming I just await further instruction ?
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

As for availability I am free whenever and would prefer a morning appointment this time.
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Thanks for the post back @Youngsie97 

We've paused the speed fault while we wait for your availability for an engineer to visit.

Could you respond to the ticket 199418047 with this? Just to keep things documented on to your account.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Apologies could you reopen the question as I accidentally hit close and I have no idea how to access my questions from my end.



Community Gaffer
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Way ahead of you Smiley I've already re-opened it and I'm adding another reply in a moment

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎16-02-2020

Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

I accidentally closed it again :(. Today is not my day. also why is the close button that close to the add more details and its just  a plain href tag Sad


 sorry I assure you I am not doing it intentionally.


I might give up and go back to bed for the day at this rate!.

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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

No problem that's cool, it's unfortunately very easily done.

Looks like my reply had automatically re-opened the ticket after I posted it.

(I wish I could go back to bed Cheesy)

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎16-02-2020

Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Open reach Engineer came out this morning and couldn't have been more pleasant to deal with. He ran tests on the line all of which came back 100% fine and showed no fault syncing at 62Mbps and 17Mbp up. However I demonstrated my fault to him and he admitted there seems to be an issue with my throughput as I was only downloading at between 30-50 Mbps and I was seeing huge ping spikes still.

His two cents indicated that it was likely an issue on your end as it presents with both routers I used. It lead me to think about the fact I have a static Ip address and wondering if it could be an issue with the gateway so I think the next step would be resetting my static ip assignment.


Curious to hear your thoughts.


Community Gaffer
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Thanks for the update @Youngsie97 

Having a static IP over dynamic wouldn't cause an increase in latency and the profile on your account is set at 56.4mbps as that's where your sync speed was before the engineer visit.

I've retested your line and I can see the tests are showing your sync speed to have improved to 66mbps so I've adjusted the profile now. Can you reboot your router and retest your speed?

Also if you want to try a dynamic IP I'm happy to remove your static but you likely wouldn't get the same static IP back if we do go back to one as we can't choose which IP you'd have when adding one to an account.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

I would like to stay static just be assigned a different ip. I've just noticed I can no longer access the configure static ip page of my account?.

I am fine with not getting the same ip back I have a domain name so I would just need to change the C name records.

I will reboot my stuff and retest my speed.


My theory with the static vs dynamic wasn't that it would increase latency but I assume like vpn providers that plus net would  have multiple gateways and it could be the particular gateway I was connected to causing me issues.


My idle latency now i am back on fastmode is great (7ping to bbc vs 21).

General consensus is that to fix bad buffer bloat issues you need to limit your bandwidth to about 75% of your sync speed. so the key is getting my sync speed high enough that I can still get good enough speeds whilst limited to about 75% of my sync.

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Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Thanks for the detail @Youngsie97 

I'd be surprised if this makes any difference but I'm happy to be proven wrong. Smiley

I've changed your static IP address for you now, can you let me know how it goes?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎16-02-2020

Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Speeds are looking better now downloading  at 61 Mbps. and uploading at 15.70 I get a buffer bloat rating of B .




I like to use dslreports as they test buffer bloat (they measure  your ping to them  whilst idle and during the test and then report your ping over idle whilst downloading.


I have just tested downloading on steam whilst watching youtube and pinging . and whilst the ping does reach an average of about 80 ms with some spikes to 130 it doesn't seem to be climbing into the 200s anymore and causing  me disconnects.

Will require further monitoring and so i am hesitant to call it "fixed"  but so far so good... *fingers crossed*


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Registered: ‎16-02-2020

Re: Was told for interleaving to be disabled on a VDSL line i would need an engineer visit costing £

Ah that would explain why i was getting invalid request responses from my gateway Tongue