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Wifi dropping out since software update

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎22-06-2021

Wifi dropping out since software update

I am experiencing regular wifi drop out on several devices, often at the same time. The wifi used to be quite stable since June when an update was pushed to my router. I am not sure quite when these regular drop outs started, but I would say within the last couple of weeks. I have just checked the hub status and note that I have software version which was updated on 14th December, I am wondering if the update has caused this issue and what can be done about it. The broadband will also drop out now and then, this has always happened but I am now wondering if that has also got worse in the last couple of weeks.

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Re: Wifi dropping out since software update

Thanks for your post @tremaihti

I'm sorry to see you're having issues with your broadband and wireless connection.

I've tested your line and the tests are showing a potential wiring issue, so I'd like to arrange an engineer visit to investigate. The engineer will be from Qube, working on behalf of BT, and they'll be able to look at the wireless issue as well.

Could you reply to the ticket I've logged on your account Here with two or three timeslots when you'll be free for a visit? These engineers are available in 2 hour timeslots, starting from 8am and finishing at 6pm. For example 8am while 10am, 10am while 12pm, 12pm while 2pm and so forth until 6pm.

If you can post back once you've responded I'll make sure we book the engineer as soon as we can

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Wifi dropping out since software update

@tremaihti - Does this affect all devices, or only some of them? If so, which ones?

Do you know if they are connected to the 2.4GHz radio or the 5GHz radio? (The network map in the management interface will tell you)

Are the Wi-Fi drops definitely separate to the broadband connectivity drops?

I'm not around in a working capacity until after Christmas, but I'm happy to take a better look when I next get the opportunity.

Another thing we can possibly look at doing, is reverting your firmware to the previous version to see if the problem goes away (although this would invoke a factory reset).

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎22-06-2021

Re: Wifi dropping out since software update

Hi Bob


Thanks for your response. 2.4GHz and 5GHz are separated I have a laptop which only connects to the 2.4GHz.and this drops the wifi regularly, as in half a dozen times in an evening. My wife uses a laptop that can connect to 2.4 and 5, we also both have phones that connect to either. We haven't really monitored which we are connected to when the wifi drops as often we will swap from one to the other when they do drop out, but that may suggest they both do drop out from time to time.

You may see that I had a message from Gandalf in which I am told there is a issue on the line. It might now be best to get that fixed and then I can also monitor the wifi connections to get a better idea of what's happening.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Wifi dropping out since software update

Thanks for getting back to us @tremaihti 

I've tried to book a Qube engineer, but the only availability we have showing is the 8th January 2022 which I'm finding a little odd, so I've raised this across to the right people for further investigation.

In the meantime, I've booked an Openreach engineer visit. We have to book longer timeslots for these engineers, so based on your availability I've arranged the visit and updated the ticket 220633965 with the appointment details.

The Openreach engineer won't be able to help with the wireless issue, but they should be able to resolve the wiring problem I've detected. The wiring problem is what's known as a bridge tap.

I've escalated this ticket to my workflow so I can follow up on the Qube engineer availability issue next week, but if you've got further issues after the visit, feel free to post back for help as I'll be out of the office from tomorrow until Tuesday.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi