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Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

Good point Kelly I will try it ASAP if I am not going out today.

I'm Alliance and I believe the Deeprun Tram is technically an instance, and also getting the boat to different continents or the lazy approach I do which is to use a portal from Stormwind. I suppose being level 89.5 now I could try a very low level instance on my own. Someone told me (not sure if true) but the different continents use different servers. Always a good test I suppose.

I hadn't played for a few years, so my problem was getting used to the character changes they've made to a Warlock. After a good four hours of playing (and as you do it feels like half an hour), I was pretty bad initially and died three times.

One is the zone where there are lots of flying things which you have to avoid, with about ten of them together who have an agro radius of between here and Australia. Hate that zone.

I knew I was better when I managed to fight off two things my level and not die. Also helped when I worked out one my DPS spells can be applied multiple times. Cheesy

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

@Alex wrote:

Good point Kelly I will try it ASAP if I am not going out today.

I'm Alliance and I believe the Deeprun Tram is technically an instance, and also getting the boat to different continents or the lazy approach I do which is to use a portal from Stormwind.

Why didn't I think of that? I had to test WoW all day in the office last week, it was terrible Wink but I never thought to use the Deeprun Instance Lines.



I hadn't played for a few years, so my problem was getting used to the character changes they've made to a Warlock

Not easy is it, I've just come back and can't decide what to main and there only a few days left to decide.



I knew I was better when I managed to fight off two things my level and not die. Also helped when I worked out one my DPS spells can be applied multiple times. Cheesy

Unstable Affliction? Lock is one of the classes I'm thinking about Smiley 


 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

@ashallen123, are you still having issues gaming? From what I can see whilst we've applied a static IP to your account, your connection never dropped so you haven't been routing that way.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

@Kelly wrote:

It seems from this thread the majority of the issues are around zone transfers and logging in?  I.e. taking flights, starting instances etc.

That was the case for me, although I haven't had any issues since I've been on a static IP. Flights, portals and changing instances (*cough*garrison*cough*) all had transfer problems.

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

Yep but a static IP is just a workaround, it seems to have worked and is good for the people it has helped out don't get me wrong.

The main thing that needs to be tested are people, like me who are not on static and see if the changes PlusNet have made have fixed the underlying problem for everybody (so static and dynamic).

EDIT: Right copying the 50Gb onto my HD and see how I go. I bet the PlusNet staff are looking forward to the next few weeks when the expansion comes out and hope there are no problems with that!

Hopefully this issue will be fixed, and when people start using the expansion it would be good to let us all know whether or not you have any issues - either on this thread or create another one.

Still creeping to 90 so have a way to go yet. I notice you can pay to go straight to 110 but that feels like bribery and cheating to me. Oh well.

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

It looks loads better now from our end but the only real test is for us to start removing these IP's slowly monitor this thread and reapply them if there is a need (we don't think there will be).


It's better to do that sooner rather than later, I'd not like our customers to be experiencing these issues when BFA goes live.



 Jono H
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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

Thanks @JonoH

That's what I was thinking, I assume they have Beta testers?

If you can find someone who is then that would be good, I assume it would have to be taken off forum and kept a bit quiet if they have to sign a NDA?

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

Probably best to see if there are any volunteers willing to do this.

Let @JonoH know your username (via PM is probably best), and see if the problem returns. I am sure the dynamic change can be reversed by @JonoH easily if not.

Yes I am sorry I keep promising to try it myself, I have made some progress and copied the install onto my external HD now.

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

As we think the issue has been resolved, we're going to remove 25% of the static IP's issued to resolve the incident and monitor these threads to make sure no adverse effects occur. If they do we will change them back right away.


If yours has been removed your forum username will be posted below by @Gandalf and a PM to myself or Gandalf will see it restored if the issue persists.



 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

Another good test is for someone to try a PvP instance as well.

Me personally I like Alterac Valley, I have no strategy and just mash random buttons, hope not to die and see if you think they work.

Always best to pick on someone who is better than you attacking someone, join in, and pretend to yourself it worked from your efforts and not theirs. Tongue

Being serious testing a PvP instance would be a good test as well.

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

I don't think it would be possible for you to die there Smiley 

 Jono H
 Plusnet Community Manager
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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues


Me personally I like Alterac Valley, I have no strategy and just mash random buttons, hope not to die and see if you think they work.

Back in the day I played Alterac Valley a lot on my blood elf hunter.


Right so unfortunately I've had to remove static IPs from 10 people.

To keep things fair, I've chosen the first 10 WoW players on my spreadsheet (Don't blame me please). However, the session kills I'm putting through from this side aren't working.

This means that your connections aren't dropping and connecting on the alternative routing. Could everyone I've tagged below do a quick reboot of their router and let us know how their gaming goes?

We can always put you back onto a static IP if this causes a lot of problems.











I feel that we'll need all the strength of the Horde here....FOR THE HORDE!
I make no apologies if you're an Alliance fan. That said, I'm levelling a human warlock and enjoying it!
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

Rebooted, will try some testing tonight. Been playing No Man's Sky on Xbox last 2 days though Cheesy

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

will reboot now my work is done for the day and play little. I may be raiding tonight, connection dependant of course

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Re: Ongoing World of Warcraft issues

Hey all,


I'm afraid I'm getting the Instance not found errors again. Has my static IP been removed?

