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IPv6 trial

Posts: 6
Registered: ‎12-04-2012

IPv6 trial

I searched for IPv6 on these forumns and it is 3 months since the forum has had any update from plusnet on this subject the last being from Richardson in July 2012.
Can forum users please have an update on the position?
Gordon Webb
Posts: 1,503
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: IPv6 trial

Hi Gordon,
At this time it is essentially in our design phase. Much of the design has some reliance on other projects we are in the process of working on and whilst we are not strictly blocked form implementing IPv6 without this, it does have some relevance to how we go on to deploy.
I'd love to say we are around the corner, but it's not simply dropped off the face of the earth either.
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎12-04-2012

Re: IPv6 trial

Hi Phil
Thanks for replying to my request for an update on Plusnet's next move to introduce IPv6.
In one of your comments earlier this year you refer to a "service trial" being likely in 2012.  Wikipedia has picked this up and in its section on Plusnet quotes this under the heading IPv6.  Given we are in late October are you still comfortable with this comment being used as the public position of Plusnet on Wikipedia?  If so I am looking forward to being involved in this service trial if possible and if not you may want to update Plusnet's position more publically.
Look forward to you further comment.
Kind regards
Gordon Webb
Posts: 1,503
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: IPv6 trial

Our every intention has been to start service trials in 2012 indeed, though I doubt you would hear us say it is locked down to this right now.
There is little more I can add right now as it's really a "hands in the air" moment until we can lock all the plans down.
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎12-04-2012

Re: IPv6 trial

Hi Phil
Thanks for the quick response and clarification that this is still a possibility.
I will cross my fingers!
Gordon Webb