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Using a BT Homehub 3 or 2 on Plusnet ADSL or FTTC

Using a BT Homehub 3 or 2 on Plusnet ADSL or FTTC

Using a BT Homehub 3 or 2 on Plusnet ADSL or FTTC

Would you like to use a BT Homehub 3 or 2 on your Plusnet ADSL or FTTC service? If so following the steps below will get you connected.
These instructions also work on the Homehub 4 and 5
First a word of caution: the Homehub 1 is locked down to BT Retail; it can be unlocked but doing this is at your own risk. Sorry we can't provide guidance for this here.
Note: If your Homehub has previously been used on a BT service, you may find that it is broadcasting as a WiFi hotspot such as BT-WIFI or BT-FON. To disable this you need to do a factory reset. With power on press the reset button on the back of the Hub using a paper clip or similar and hold for 20 seconds. Your Hub lights will go out and your Hub will restart.

  1. Connect your computer to the BT Homehub using an Ethernet cable or via Wi-Fi
  2. Open your preferred browser and type or paste http://bthomehub.home - or - into its address bar
  3. If you have logged on to the Hub settings before enter your password. If not enter the admin password (found on a pull out card on back of the Hub). If you are prompted to enter a new password (a preferred one) follow the prompts to do so
  4. Click Settings (along top tabs) then at the bottom you will see 'Enter your Broadband username and password (for non BT Total Broadband customers)'
  5. Click on that item and you will see two lines
    Username -
    Password -
  6. Change these to your broadband username and account password, ie
    Username - <yourplusnetusername> (don't include the <>)
    Password - The password you used to sign up to Plusnet

That's it your Homehub should now connect to Plusnet.
Hope this helps!
I am one happy user using the BT Homehub 3 type B and have used the type A (both similar). The same steps apply for both versions, and for the BT Homehub 2 if you have one. For information, the type A & B are different brands, A is Gigaset/Sagem, B is Huawei with Broadcom chip. Type B is better on fibre connections.
It is worth mentioning that these Homehubs can't be configured to respond to pings from the WAN (Internet). This means that the Thinkbroadband Broadband Quality Monitor is not supported.
Please comment below if anything in this article needs tweaking.
Acknowledgement. This article is based on a post by JamieDanjoux in the Community forums here