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Installing a second ONT and the risk of a migration order happening instead.

Posts: 69
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Registered: ‎12-12-2007

Re: Installing a second ONT and the risk of a migration order happening instead.

So I had a pillow thought that kept me awake for a few minutes longer then I wanted to last night.


The black box at the top of the pole only has the capacity for 8 connections. But there are a total of 14 houses being served by our pole so this thing about allocating an FTTP connection to each house doesn’t make sense to me since there is already a deficit of 6 connections to houses in the street before they start?


Only thing I don’t know is if this is a good or bad thing for me in that it might mean Openreach don’t care who takes the 8 or it might make them all the more stingy about who gets them.


In my mind the logical thing that’s happened is Openreach has realized everyone’s on Virgin and so don’t expect more than 8 lines being required any time soon and aren’t going to care who takes the 8 lines so long as someone is paying for them. Though I also recognize that’s more likely biased wishful thinking.

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Re: Installing a second ONT and the risk of a migration order happening instead.


If the need arises, OR will install another CBT on the pole, although that may mean a wait for the person who is the 'ninth'** connection.

**Edit: assuming there is an 8-port CBT already in place as reported earlier.

Posts: 69
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Registered: ‎12-12-2007

Re: Installing a second ONT and the risk of a migration order happening instead.

Just thought I would update:


Engineer came and got a bemused look on their face for a couple of minutes as I explained there was already a connection and ONT in use and that this was for a second line.


Initially he seemed to get it into his mind I was mistaken and still just needed the ONT installed for the first line.


But once I showed him I already had an ONT with green lights and a working connection he just shrugged said “never seen a second one installed before” and got on with installing the second line.


My house is served by pole so he added on a second hook under the roof, lifted the second cable up next to the first and secured it to the new hook.


He then secured the second cable alongside the other one in the trunking I have going round the outside of house for them, drilled a hole in the wall inside the house for the second ONT a short distance away from the other one and spliced together the inside cable to the outside.


Everything worked first time. Been a couple of days now and so far everything seems rock solid.


This was done in Wales and the first line I have with Plusnet was done by a guy from Openreach (he had an Openreach van and rules he needed to follow to do with the ladder and drilling holes in the wall to secure it).


The second line for my parents was done by MJ Quinn who also had the van (an MJ Quinn one this time) and was up the ladder juggling cables and patting his head while rubbing his stomach with no ladder safety at all, other than giving it a good shake before going up it.


End result: We now have two FTTP connections and two ONT’s installed side by side.


Attached some pic’s in case anyone is interested.