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Price increase.

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Re: Price increase.


"@jab1 I think the only option for new customers is the £6/month Digital phone option including 1000 mins of calls. Certainly that's all it offers to me...

@Mr_Paul Might be worth asking directly if they'll offer a PAYG option (like John's) though"


My thought at the moment, (bearing in mind the length of existing PN contract remaining), is Zen for the FTTP broadband and A&A for the VoIP phone line.

A&A's current prices for the VoIP are: £1.20 one off setup fee, then £1.44 per month, (inc VAT).



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Re: Price increase.

This thread has gone completely off topic and ballooned to over 30 posts, many of which are irrelevant.

Every man and his dog know that this year Plusnet are operating the cpi+3.9% annual price rise.

Also Plusnet did send out emails to customers earlier this year notifying them of the increase. Why the Op does not appear to have seen this email is not known, but a £3 a month increase is hardly a reason to complain bitterly about not being informed about it.

Posts: 8
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Re: Price increase.

OP here, I wasn't complaining "bitterly" about the price increase at all, I didn't know why my monthly bill had increased and couldn't find a way online of directly asking PN so that's why I asked the community. The first answer explained the yearly % increase but with attitude, I obviously didn't get the reminder email and couldn't remember what I signed up to a year ago so was happy with the explanation (not the manner in which it was written), will probably think twice about using the community again as some keyboard warriors on here seem to want to bellitle posters who only come on here asking for a little help. 

Rising Star
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Re: Price increase.


I have just come here for the exact same reason as you, an increase in my bill that I was no aware of and was NOT notified about.


I have read through this thread and the explanations given by various members and the things to check, I found the "closed" service notice that claimed I had been sent an email.

I absolutely, 100%, did not receive that email notification.

I have an extensive filtering system set up on my email account and it filters any, and all, emails from PlusNet into a folder as well as notifying me of an unread email.

I have searched my emails and archives extensively and the email can not be found.

I am fairly certain there will be others out there who also did not get the email.

Unfortunately there are some here who like to think they are better than the rest of us mere mortals, I try to just ignore them the best I can - I do have to wonder though what they are still doing here if they are no longer PlusNet customers as appears to be the case with some?

"No one has ever become poor by giving" - Anne Frank
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Re: Price increase.

I’ve added this post to the SU discussion space.

Thank you for confirming that there is a ticket on your account but you’ve not received an email.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Price increase.

I knew my monthly price would rise (and roughly the "rules" defining it) and received as usual an email saying my bill was ready to view and the new amount. This was not a surprise, I knew what I'd signed up for.

I did NOT get a specific email explaining the increase calculation though, are such emails sent?

I manage my own email spam filtering and am 100% certain that such an email didn't get filtered away.


The only recent tickets confirm that I was sent the monthly bill email that I received. 

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Re: Price increase.

@HPsauce, roughly when did you come back to Plusnet?  The emails went out around February.  I'm wondering if either you weren't back by that time, or they only notified customers who had been with them or a certain amount of time before then.  ie assume that fairly new customers would know of the price rise as they where told during sign up.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Price increase.

Ah, thanks @pjmarsh "The emails went out around February" might explain it as I was changing PN accounts that month. As the changes came into effect at the end of March I expected some sort of "reminder" that month, sounds like it was (not unreasonably) somewhat earlier.

I didn't "come back" I ordered a second line (FTTC/SOGEA) on 12th February and once it was installed (on 21st February) cancelled my old PlusNet ADSL service the next day (ADSL only, line rental with BT) then transferred my BT phone number to A&A which ceased the POTS line a few days later.

My old ADSL account was "out of contract" and presumably not subject to the same RPI+ price changes, in fact over recent years it's actually varied both up and down, I'm not quite sure why but I think it was related to the way BT priced its products to ISPs!