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Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or completed

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎17-07-2021

Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or completed

After ringing on Friday to ask that my internet be transferred to a new address in three weeks, I was told that it should be okay, however I was then sent this email (my personal details removed):

This is to inform you that we are facing some technical issue while placing order hence we have escalated your account to our relevant team.

Once we will get further update we will get back to you.

Till then kindly bear with us.

Should you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.

You can contact us on: Phone:: 0330 1239 123

Thank you!

Take care and stay safe!

Kind regards,



[internal] product change not completed in house move tool however unable to build the HM tool properly hence escalated this to relevant team kindly check and do the needful.


I have no clue what "do the needful" means, but I would like to know if I can expect my internet connection to be applied to my new address on the date which was agreed on the call?

As of the time of writing I've had no confirmation of what date I can expect the internet connection transfer to take place yet, and according to a note on my account they are just going to wait a week and see if something changes, which is not good enough when this involves a house move with agreed deadlines.

This seems to be an error with an internal tool (according to the email) and I would like to know whether I can actually expect the service which was agreed upon over the phone.

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Personal information removed (to an area staff can see) as per Forum rules.
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Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple


In general terms PN cannot give you a date until the system accepts the order.


If it is a system problem PN may well be at the mercy of OpenReach.



Posts: 5
Registered: ‎17-07-2021

Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple

Did you even read the email? It seems to be an issue with the PN side of things, specifically something called "HM Tool".

As such, it is clearly not an OpenReach issue, but a PN issue which is causing the delay. Hence my posting this topic.

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Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple


Yes, I did read your message.


If you had read mine you would have seen i said "may well be at the mercy of OR" and not will be.



The Full Monty
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Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple

@PNCustomer Why not just give Plusnet a call - they do not monitor this forum on a regular basis at the moment?

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎17-07-2021

Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple

I struggled through the initial call because I am mostly deaf and have a poor mobile signal.


I was convinced that this would actually be able to get myself some help, because that is how it is advertised.


Sadly they seem to have gotten rid of the Live Chat help on the website which I used years ago, so this is the only real viable avenue I have to get this sorted.

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Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple


Support staff do monitor the Forum but they are few and far between nowadays. I suspect however there's little they can tell you until the system problem is fixed.


Try logging into your PN Members page and see if there are any open tickets on your account - perhaps under My Orders. You can respond to these if they're there.


Are you registered with PN as a vunerable customer. If not, you can register online. There's a link on your Members page.


I assume you are aware you will lose your landline when you move. Hope the mobile signal is better at the new property.



The Full Monty
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Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple

Understood, @PNCustomer . Unfortunately, for reasons I and others who try to help on here do not understand, there is an attitude by, I'm guessing, the higher management, that says in effect 'stuff the customer, once we've snared them, there is little they can do, and we can treat them how we like'.

Which is why I left, 3.1/2 years ago - I was happy as a customer, and fortunately am technically aware enough to sort most problems myself, but I knew that if I had stayed, and needed Support assistance, my patience would have expired before an issue was resolved.

Sorry for the rant, but I do have sympathy for those such as yourself who are caught in the trap, and unfortunately don't have an easy answer.

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Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple

There’s no evidence of anything here one way or the other beyond the standard process has hit an exception which has been escalated for specialist attention. As likely as not this is due to the circuit at the new address having a cease order raised by the current provider … or the current provider has blocked the take over of a working line order.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

The Full Monty
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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Had no confirmation of whether house move connection request has actually gone through or comple

Fair enough, @Townman , but the customer is being kept in the dark - as usual. If we (i.e. my ex-employers) had been as elusive with our customers, they would have raised Cain, and rightfully so, but the telecoms industry seems to have special protection, and can keep their  customers, and end-users, dangling until they deign to pass information on - if they ever do, of course.
