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Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎16-10-2024

Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?

Having taken time off work to wait for the promised engineer, I'm not told it will be next week. It seems like Plusnet doesn't know their left hand from their right hand, and I'm concerned that this level of service might be parr of the course. What are other people's experiences? I'm wondering if I should cancel and quit while I can. If they can't even get a new installation sorted as booked, it doesn't bode well for their ongoing service. Are they always this diabolical?

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Re: Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?

@paulnation  What is it you are getting installed?

I am guessing you selected an initial install date, but was this ever confirmed?

What emails have you received from PN?

Have you checked the tickets on the member centre for updates?

Is the service available at your property?

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Re: Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?

Plusnet are at the mercy of Openreach where installations are concerned. Its not unusual for reschedules to be made at short notice. There's also some confusion (and the Plusnet comms don't help here!) between an estimated installation date and a 'committed' (by Openreach) date. FTTP installs particulary can be pushed back by Openreach when an initial survey shows potential problems with incomplete infrastrucure or blocked ducts for example.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎16-10-2024

Re: Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?

I had an email last week confirming installation was today. The outside work was completed a week ago, and the inside work was supposed to be today. The service is available at my property. I had an email today out of the blue saying the engineer would be coming next week. There's been no explanation for why they couldn't be bothered to do the work today. They didn't even ask if the new appointment was convenient - they seem to expect me to take time off work again in the hope that they might be bothered to show up next week. I don't have confidence in what they're telling me, which is why I wonder whether I should quit while the going was good and before I get completely exasperated!

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Re: Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?

I had an email last week confirming installation was today. The outside work was completed a week ago, and the inside work was supposed to be today. The service is available at my property. I had an email today out of the blue saying the engineer would be coming next week.

If it was a confirmed installation , and it sounds like it was!, then you will be entitled to automatic compensation under the Ofcom scheme

You should get compensation for the missed appointment and for the delay.

I don't have confidence in what they're telling me, which is why I wonder whether I should quit while the going was good and before I get completely exasperated!

TBH they're likely just passing on information supplied by Openreach. If you were to go with another ISP then you will still be subject to the Openreach processes, and you will start the installation process again  and lose any right to compensation.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?


@paulnation   Welcome to the Plusnet Community Fora.

It is indeed unfortunate that Openreach failed to turn up. If this was a confirmed appointment you should have been given an am or pm time slot.

Regarding cancellation, this will only delay things further and you will still be reliant on Openreach turning up on the day. Also be aware that you only have 14 days from when you agree the contract, not the 'go live' date, to cancel unless you wish to pay a very high early termination charge.

On a more positive note, you should be due automatic compensation for this, see


@MisterW  types faster than me.

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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: Is the new customer experience always this poor? Should I cancel before it gets worse?


Not trying to be funny but at least you got an e-mail. Many the tales been told of people waiting in all day for OR with no one showing up.


As stated, work can be cancelled for several reasons. Staff sickness, emergency work due to damge (accidental or otherwise) or even jobs taking longer than expected.

