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Issue Upgrading To SuperFast Fibre Optic

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 2,319
Fixes: 113
Registered: ‎01-12-2020

Re: Issue Upgrading To SuperFast Fibre Optic

Hello @Zab

Thanks for baring with us while we get the fibre broadband sorted.

Although I've had a good look through the account, and respectfully, I can't see where we've gone wrong here, other than the late arrival of your router.  So if you were to transfer to another provider while within contract, you would be charged early termination charges. I'm going to address some points below:

  • I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, however I've checked the open modify order and can see that it's still going ahead for 30/09/2021. As of now, we have absolutely no reason to assume that it won't go through. If issues do occur though, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it based on the available engineer notes.
  • You've said you'll be transferring to BT, however checking the line has found no open orders to take it over. This can be the case when transferring onto the FTTP network, but that's unavailable on your line.
  • The 3Mbps you were getting on your initial contract was within the speeds we told you to expect as per the contract on the account, which you can find on Service Notice: SN522693049
  • The FTTC contract was initiated on 20/09/2021, and is going live (supposedly) on 30/09/2021 - within the 10 working day lead time. The 4 weeks of delays you're referring to is down to us not being able to pass security with you given the status of the account. I completely understand the situation regarding Unihomes, however from our side, we're simply unable to initiate ANYTHING contractual without the account holder's permission. (Unihomes). 

Please also refrain from insulting other Community Members, we're all here to help.

 Plusnet Help Team - Leeds