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Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

Community Gaffer
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

Hi Andy,

I'm glad to see there's some progress and your phone's working again.

Now's transfer order is cancelled and your services have always been live with us in the supplier systems, so we don't need to place an order. I've tested your fibre line though, and as the tests aren't picking up on a specific fault, the only way we'll be able to raise this back to Openreach to investigate further is by arranging another engineer.

I've booked a broadband trained engineer this time, who should be able to check the cabinet and also ring their diagnostics team known as DCoE (Diagnostics Centre of Excellence) to confirm the routing. 

As part of the investigation, the engineer will likely need access to your property between 8am to 1pm. Sorry for not asking before booking, it was the only slot this side of the weekend, so I wanted to get it in.

Let me know though if you won't be around and I'll rearrange. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

Hi Gandalf,

No worries at all, that's for tomorrow presumably?

That's impressively quick from Openreach. Smiley



Community Gaffer
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

Hi Andy,

Ah yeah it is. Sorry somehow I deleted the word 'tomorrow' while drafting my response! Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 49
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

No worries at all, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only thread you have on the go currently. Wink

Have a great day. Smiley

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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

@Temrael  have you tried the PN setting/router today?


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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...


From 3 hours ago

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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

@Baldrick1  that is why I asked. 


Thanks Baldrick,

Yep, out of boredom I did give that a go, but with the settings on the router currently I'm pretty sure it wouldn't authenticate with Plusnet in any case.


But does that mean the router is not a PN one, or PN setting have not been tried.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

@Temrael wrote:

No worries at all, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only thread you have on the go currently. ‌‌Wink

Have a great day. ‌Smiley

Indeed! I could give a number, but don't want to terrify anyone. Cheesy

I'm not in the office tomorrow, but I've reached out to a colleague from our suppliers helpdesk and he plans to call the engineer tomorrow morning to help out as he reckons it could be an issue at the exchange backhaul if not cabinet. 

Also I'll pass your case to one of my colleagues on my team to follow things up with you tomorrow. 

Have a good day and weekend! Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 49
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Registered: ‎22-05-2015

Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

Thanks Mustrum,

It's a third party router, an ASUS RT-AC56U, with the Now specific settings currently.

I could try putting the Plusnet credentials in, but everything I'm seeing indicates I'm still connected to Now's broadband infrastructure.

Would I be being assigned a Sky/Now IP address if I were connected to Plusnet's infrastructure?

And if I were connected to Plusnet's infrastructure now, presumably I'd have no connection at all due to my router config.

It's got a different username and isn't even set to PPOE authentication currently.

I'm happy to give it a go, but it would seem a long shot.

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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

@Temrael  you still have a Now ip because you are using their credentials.


@Gandalf  said earlier your account was still live, so you have nothing to lose.

At worse you will get a BTW web page saying your ISP details are not configured, at best PN back on.

If you don't try you will not know, and may save an engineer visit.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

I would say it is unlikely that the router will work with our credentials, because for Now credentials to currently work, the service is likely connected to their equipment in the exchange backhaul, as opposed to BT Wholesale's kit, which we'd use. 

However it may be worth a go...

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

Thanks both,

Ahh ok, my wife is on a video call currently.

For my personal safety I'll wait until she's finished then give it a go. Wink

I know this isn't literally how it works, but in my simple brain I was plugged into the Now Broadband "equipment" and therefore able to authenticate and be assigned an IP address.

I'll give it a go shortly though and report back.

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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

@Mustrum @Gandalf 

Yep as I thought, entering the old Plusnet config results in a "CHAP authentication failed" message in the router syslogs and no internet connection.

I've switched back to the Now config and it's all working again.

Engineer is booked for tomorrow though, so all good. 👍

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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

OK thanks @Temrael  



hopefully tomorrows engineer will be able to get the config changed and pointing to PN.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Transfer out to Now gone wrong...

Haha thanks for giving it a go! Was worth a try. Fingers crossed the engineer tomorrow can sort things out and hopefully when I'm back after the weekend, you'll be back up and running with us. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi