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Wish I had not signed up

Posts: 5
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Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Wish I had not signed up

Does any Plus net emplo9yees look at this?

Signed up to transfer broadband to Plus net on 5th Dec paid 1st month... nothing except 1st original automatic mail. Now no idea what is going on.. cant log into my account... user name.. email etc not recognised. 45 minutes or so at a time on phone in a queue forced to;listen to canned music and "sorry for making you wait"... seems no other way to contact them... what a farce.... left provious provider due to poor customer service... Plus net is worse.

The Full Monty
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Re: Wish I had not signed up

@aerobat PN Help Team staff do check the forums, but they are a little thin on the ground at the moment. Have you actually left your previous IISP? If you are transferring, you should not let them Know you are leaving, just sign up with your new one, and let them handle the transfer - that way you will not lose internet connectivity until the day of transfer, it it will only be for a short period whilst the switch is in progress.

Posts: 5
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Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

After another long wait finally got through... then Plus net could not have been more helpful. Discovered that for ahtever reason my transfer reuqest had not been completed.. Now hopefully sorted

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Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

spoke too soon.... although told account now set up..trying to log into account username/password still not recognised. Even worse.. In spite of requesting to keep my existing phone neumber... they have now advised they are giving me a new one. ... obviously once again cant get through on phone.. just forced music!!.What a stupid system

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Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

Your not the only one, Openreach changed over today before router came been on hold on the phone for 1 hour , 2nd time gave up after 45 minutes Had a text 4 hours ago saying they hoped to get back to me in 20 minutes
Not a good start to say the least
Been looking at how to cancel
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Re: Wish I had not signed up

Router not arrived ... has no one noticed that the militant postal workers are on strike blighting the delivery of everything this Christmas?

You will have been sent a tracking number for the router if it was despatched after the 7th December - have you check the track and trace on Royal Mail's website?

If you check the PN Tickets (see the link below) the router despatch date will be found therein.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

I changed the change over date back a week for that reason, the tracking number did not work
They have just messaged me to say they are in the process of sending out another one
Community Gaffer
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Re: Wish I had not signed up

I assume you mean the router didn't work, rather than the tracking number? The tracking number works fine from where I'm sat and Royal Mail are stating the hub was delivered on the 16th. The hub is also online and seemingly connected to your broadband account?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Wish I had not signed up

Hey @aerobat,

I'm very sorry for any inconvenience that this delay might have caused. I've had a look over the account and can see that the orders have been placed as you've said and that a Provisioning Ticket is open (currently on hold) to monitor the orders as they progress. If there are any updates, our Provisioning Team will log them via the ticket here.


Hey @Jasperjones,

I've also had a quick look over your account and I'm happy to report that everything seems to be working now, as far as we can tell. If there are any issues, just let us know and we'll be happy to assist.

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 5
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Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

Hi.. Thanks for looking into this.

Yes after my last contact, everything does seem to be on course.. in fact your agent decided to authorise sending my router in advance of the normal sequence and low and behold the Post Office carrier pidgeon came off strike and delivered it this morning.

As mentioned by "beef" was the long periods of waiting in a phone queue on every occasion .. especially as the reason I was changing from Shell E£nergy Broadband to Plus net was due to the.... "long wait times in a phone queue"... then what did I find Plusnet queues were even longer:-(

  It does appear Plus net (and indeed other companies) do not consider how much lost revenue is incurred from lost sign ups, cancellations and general customer dissatisfaction sustained when people are kept in queues for such a long time  Especially so when there is no actual indication as to how long it might take.... "sorry our agents are working hard..../." just does not help.

Merry Xmas all

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Posts: 5
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Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

Update... I thought things were ok, then this morning a letter basically saying the "one of our customers wants to take over your phone number........ please ring support team.. etc" spite of the fact that the phone number was allocated to me at my address by BT.. i.e Plus net parent... for over 3 years.


So far "only" 42 minutes listening to canned Xmas music.. sorry noises.. and STILL waiting...again a complete waste of time.. I still wish I had not signed up.

To put things in context some 8-10 years ago9 I was withh plus net and excellent service.. always able to speak to someone within a very short time.. Now!!!!

Things would not be so frustating if there was another means of commmunicating (all phone numbers go to the same system. although emails are sent to me from they have advised that the mailbox is not monitored.. so is of little use..... even 1 or 2 carrier pidgeons would be a vaste improvement.

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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Wish I had not signed up

It would be worth checking the tickets on the account.  There are two possibilities here...

  1. Whatever has caused issues with your order is needing to be fixed by a complete re-order and within that process, to the IT systems it appears that your service in being moved
  2. Due to some mistake made by some other party in identifying a circuit for THEIR customer - they have placed an order on the wrong line

(1) Is fairly safe for you, albeit confusing, whereas (2) is potentially disastrous.  It might be worth calling COTS to find out what is happening, especially to ensure that (2) does not apply.

Contact Customer Options Team (aka COTS)

COTs is the place to go to if you want to find out anything to do with your contract in respect of leaving, renewing or simply enquiring about early termination charges (ETCs). They have their own number and tend to answer quicker than the general customer service number.

Direct dial numbers

  • 0800 013 2632 (from within the UK)
  • +44 330 123 9197 (from abroad)
  • Available...
    • 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday
    • 9am - 7pm Saturday
    • 9am - 6pm Sunday


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

Hi, yes and it is online,but can only set up a maximum of 8 items with this router, another one has been sent out,and I’m gong to try it later.After I have tried my daughters Vodafone router,to check that that can handle all the devices in the house,Thanks for checking for me 

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Re: Wish I had not signed up

@Jasperjones  what do you mean, you can only set up 8 items, that doesn't make any sense, routers can support many more connections than that.

Posts: 13
Registered: ‎16-12-2022

Re: Wish I had not signed up

I have been searching,and found a few posts with the same problem. I’m sure the router gets overloaded trying to keep up with all the devices ( the router is connected to a powered Ethernet switcher )  

some devices show up and work others show up but won’t,and some do not show up at allE874AC41-792E-4D83-A8F2-5C8878C1B65F.png00B1CA48-9DF2-4C34-956C-0F7FED36C8FF.png