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Your broadband order has been delayed

Posts: 2
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎11-10-2022

Your broadband order has been delayed

Yesterday I placed an order for Plusnet broadband. Only a few hours later I got a text saying my order has been delayed and to call Customer Support. I've had several hours waiting on hold to Customer Support since with no-one picking up. My account on the website says the order is being processed but there is no further information. Can anyone tell me more details? Thanks.

Posts: 2
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎11-10-2022

Re: Your broadband order has been delayed


I spoke to the Sales team (no wait on that line) and found out what's going on. Posting on here to help anyone else who experiences the same issue:

This seems to relate specifically to house moves. If the outgoing tenant cancels their broadband service then there is a block placed on the property until their cancellation takes place. Only once that block is lifted then the new supplier can take over the line (7-10 day process). Plusnet's sales process triggers the take-over procedure, but it then gets "delayed" as the property is blocked. The procedure will continue as planned after the block is lifted (normally the move date), from which it will take 7-10 days. Not Plusnet's fault - although communication and customer service wait times could be better.

This wouldn't be the case if you're changing supplier but not moving house. You'd instruct a new supplier and they'd handle the switch completely (i.e. no block on the property due to separate cancellation action).

Hopefully that's helpful to anyone who's received the same message with no explanation.