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installation delayed

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎30-07-2022

installation delayed


Signed up with plusnet for broadband and line installation 27/7/2022. Received a (cannot answer) text mssge today 30/7/22

saying installation had been delayed. Never had an installation date in the first place and the text gave no other information.

My current supplier has said that they will disconnect on 10th August. Tried ringing but endless usual stuff and no e.mail facility or text to simply ask. ''Will I be connected by 10th August ?'' 

Simple really but apart from generic help section, which isn't any help at all in this instance,

has anyone got a suggestion where I go from here.







The Full Monty
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Re: installation delayed

@katrina2 Plusnets Help Team are conspicuous by their absence over a weekend, but hopefully they will pick this up Monday.

The chances are this is a BT/OR issue, but without PN delving deeper, no-one on here will be able to offer a concrete answer.

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Re: installation delayed


Have you by any chance told your current supplier that you are cancelling with them?

(Just in case you have, you shouldn't do that as the process involves the gaining supplier doing everything required to take over the service).

ISTR cancelling with the previous supplier by the customer will cause a 14-day delay.

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎30-07-2022

Re: installation delayed



Thanks for the reply. Yes I did tell my existing supplier. They had given me 30 days to make the change without penalty so I took them up on it. I was told that they would disconnect on 10th August so I just want to make sure that everything is switched over properly. I suppose I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed. I thought this kind of things was pretty seamless but from what you've said it's not.

Aren't offcom supposed to regulate this kind of thing ?





Posts: 5
Registered: ‎30-07-2022

Re: installation delayed

Thanks John. Ill keep my fingers crossed.

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Re: installation delayed


Telling your supplier to cancel your service results in a 10 day OFCOM imposed cooling off period. PlusNet (or any other ISP) are not allowed to place an order during this period - it's to prevent fraudulant activity on your account.



Posts: 5
Registered: ‎30-07-2022

Re: installation delayed

Ah. Thanks for that info. I don't recall any of that being explained to me before I switched.



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Re: installation delayed


Looks like you might be without Internet for a few days.


Hopefully a staff member will come along in due course (they're apparently very busy) and provide more details for you.



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Re: installation delayed


I don't know for sure, but cancelling your cancellation with your existing supplier will probably be the best bet.

No doubt someone will be along to confirm or deny that.

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Re: installation delayed

@katrina2 wrote:


I suppose I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed. I thought this kind of things was pretty seamless but from what you've said it's not.

Aren't offcom supposed to regulate this kind of thing.

This is the result of Ofcom ‘regulating this kind of thing’. I believe that a service cancellation takes priority over a working service take over. Consequently, once the cancellation was registered Plusnet were no longer taking over a working service. They were starting a new one Ofcom anti slamming regulations dictate that there has to be a 10 day gap between a service cancellation and a new ISP taking over the line to give the losing ISP the opportunity to contact you to check that you really want to move on.

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Re: installation delayed


Thanks for your time @katrina2, I am really sorry for the concern caused with the order and will do all I can to help it go smoothly for you. 


I'll be chatting with our suppliers tomorrow and then will be back in touch with an update for you. 


Have a good evening all!

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 Lauren Barry
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎30-07-2022

Re: installation delayed

Lauren from the plusnet team. Has resolved my concerns. She has been in contact twice with update information.

This is the kind of customer service which impresses me.