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"Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

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Registered: ‎05-02-2024

"Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

Hello there,

I ordered PlusNet broadband on 23 January, to replace my BT service which just cut out 2 hours ago at midnight. 
As of now, I still have no update on the PlusNet order; no 'completion date' and no router tracking number. 

I work from home and this is going to put me in a bad situation with work if I can't get online soon. 

Would someone be able to get a look into my account to see what's going on? Calling up, I've just gotten people telling me it 'should arrive in time for the projected activation date' which was to be Tuesday 6th February. 

I'm not expecting it today of course, I ordered for the 6th, but it did say I'd have received my router by now and I'm concerned I don't even have a tracking number.


The Full Monty
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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

@KDel87 I note you say 'projected activation date' - has this actually been confirmed?

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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."


"I work from home and this is going to put me in a bad situation with work if I can't get online soon."


Do you have a mobile phone? What is the signal like where you live?

Most mobile phones can be set up as a Wireless Hotspot, to provide an alternative internet connection option.


JOOI, as internet access is so important for you, do you not have a back-up alternative prepared? (I'm guessing not).

What would you have done if your old BT service had just gone faulty one day?



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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

 - Mobile won't work for two reasons:
 - 1) Signal is terrible in my area, nearest mast is on the other side of the town, behind an elevated train line shrouded in tall trees;
 - 2) I must download tens of GBs of data on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, to update to new versions of our company's proprietary software and data. Outside of that, I'm remote desktopping and zoom-calling on the aforementioned terrible data.

Alternatives in place: there is nothing, short of Starlink, that could replace a high speed line, for me. Already thought of this mate. I've just gone into the office instead, but they only want us in 2 days a week normally, because they're too cheap to pay for more workstation places. I could get a new job, maybe the universe is trying to tell me something...

Work will have to put up with me there, or my neighbour has offered to let me piggyback in exchange for a Guinness next Friday lol

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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

Technically no I suppose, I was hoping that had slipped by somehow. 

I'll call the helpline...again...and see if someone can sort me out.

The Full Monty
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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

Assuming your last post was in answer to my original question - it helps if you say who you are responding to - something is not right here. If your transfer date has been confirmed, you would only be without a service for a couple of hours at most - the current provider does not 'disconnect' you until the new one is informed by OpenReach that they are ready for the switch.

A thought - did you tell BT of your anticipated date, or did you leave it to Plusnet, as you should, under the industry-wide Gaining Provider Led procedure?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

@KDel87  I can see we notified you that we are unable to place your orders until after the 5th due to the current cease on your ONT. 


Once this cease has completed against the ONT (At the moment it hasn't update) I'll be able to place your order and as long as we're able to use the existing ONT then you should have your order completed within 24-48 hours. I've organised the router to be dispatched and this will be with you within 3 working days.

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Claudia Garner
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

I clicked "Reply" mate, didn't think much of it. 

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Registered: ‎05-02-2024

Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

A gentleman has called me from the Leeds centre, and sorted it out. Wasn't aware of Openreach's modus operandi, so I've made an oopsie.

 - I called BT to cancel, then ordered PlusNet...
 - Turns out that's a no-no because of how OpenReach works, so, alas...I'm stuck.

Silly me, lesson learned, appreciate the assistance though everyone!


Many thanks Claudia, for organising the router dispatch though! Your colleague on the phone was a bit confused as to why that hadn't been dispatched yet.

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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

@KDel87 make sure you leave the ONT powered on, even though the BT service is ceased. When Plusnet place an order for the new service, the Openreach system will detect an ONT already exists and attempt an automated test to check!. If that fails (due to ONT not powered) then the order will have to be processed as an engineer install (which will take approx 10 days), rather than a remote activation which can proceed in 24-48hrs.

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Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

@KDel87  The router doesn't get dispatched until the order is placed, this is automated.


I'm in until 7.30pm today, so I'll keep an eye on this and once the ONT is showing clear I'll place the order for you. 

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Claudia Garner
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎05-02-2024

Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

Oh! Another great tip, thanks!

It's on and running now, another mistake I've made lol

A man called Robert (who was fantastic!) on the phone, just sorted it all out. He's just placed the order apparently, and is keeping an eye on it for me. 

Thanks again, everyone! I'm learning a lot today, I shall pass this knowledge onto others so they don't make the same mistakes as me.

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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

Gotcha, that makes sense. Thanks for keeping an eye on it Claudia, very much appreciated!

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Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."

@KDel87 another tip, hang on to your existing BT router for the moment. In case the PN router doesnt arrive before the connection goes live, It can be used on the PN connection with simple reconfiguration.

BT will request that you return your existing router, you have 60 days to do this, so dont do it immediately...

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎05-02-2024

Re: "Completion date: We'll confirm your completion date shortly."


Another fantastic tip, that's fantastic, thank you! I'll hold fire on the return Wink