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Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎11-03-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


Thanks for the tip, but I obviously wasn't clear in my original post that I had already managed to set up the talktalk router as a stop gap. I just don't think its as good a router  as a fully functioning plusnet one would be.

To be honest, I'm probably going to use some of the cashback reward to buy a proper router.

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Registered: ‎02-01-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Posts: 17
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Registered: ‎26-11-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

After getting a new router a few months ago and the problem seeming to go away, it has now reared it's ugly head again and have had to restart my router a couple of times in the last 2 days due to it. 

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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

And some people say get a bit hub6!
Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎12-03-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen - Hi, I'm a long time Plusnet customer, but was only aware of this issue when I had trouble with a new laptop on the wifi and had to raise a Plusnet support ticket. That turned out to be a problem with the laptop wifi card, but as part of the support call the support engineer separated the 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels. That was when it became apparent that I could get almost 30Mbps on the 2.4, but I was lucky to get 2Mbps on the 5. 


The support team seemed blissfully ignorant of this widespread issue, or were just keeping schtum.


Reading this long thread I have checked that I have one of the firmware versions you mentioned, and wanted to know if there was an ETA for an upgrade, or if I could try this development version you mentioned recently?





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Registered: ‎18-10-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I'd be interested in trying out the amended firmware.   I switched off 5GHz months ago when mobile phones in particular had trouble connecting and authenticating.    Problems disappeared when 5GHz disabled.     Be toying with switching service or equipment but first it would be good to see how it should work.

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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


I just want to report that I'm having this exact same issue after years of using my same Plusnet one router without trouble.

Rebooting the router has fixed it for a day or so but eventually it happens again.

For now I've switched everything to the 2.4 band, but that's not an ideal long term solution.

I have software version
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Registered: ‎07-03-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


I just want to report that I'm having this exact same issue to

Having to constantly keep Rebooting the router numerous times per day while the 2.4 & 5ghz are sync..
For now I've switched everything to the 2.4 band, but that's not an ideal long term solution,that only achieves half the promissed speed.

I've spent numerous hours  over the last year to to be told recently to go buy a third party router, that's not the right answer either,paying each month for a sevice that cannot be achieved with the router/firmware they are suppling.

I'm in contract until 15/07/20 but don't think be renewing.

I have software version

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎16-03-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


I just want to report that I'm having this exact same issue after few years of using my same Plusnet one router without trouble.

Rebooting the router has fixed it for a day or so but eventually it happens again.

Interesting taht using usb wireless adapter (some of them / i have this issue less, than without... 

I have software version

Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎16-08-2013

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

It was happening to me last year so I switched to a BT HH6 some months ago and have had no problems on 5GHz since. But Ive just had some boradband line problems and to first eliminate my router as the cause Ive swapped back to the Hub One.


Within one day the Echo Show showed the orange line indicating a connectivity problem. This is different to the indication that the 5GHz band is off - it shows that it cant access the internet properly

This needed a router reboot - I cant believe this is still a problem after all this time and people posting about it.

Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎21-06-2007

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Interesting the observation regarding your echo. I have mentioned this as the light bulb moment as to where my problem lay.

Haveing been hinted at to not comment further in this thread and another one I have watched others reporting the same thing as myself.

After numerous, slow experiments regarding my echoes, a very short break in the stream stops the echo. However, I am begining to think the hub1 hops channels for seemingly no reason. If when the stream is resumed and if the channel had changed the echo dots not like it. The only network, not mine, near me is always on channel 1 and sitting at -89dBm or there abouts. Yet the hub1 seems too wander between channel 6 and 11. I have now fixed my hub1 on channel 11 and the echoes seen happier.

Looking around, plusnet are not the only isp with problems with the hub1, BT had problems with it when they were using it.

I stand by my original comments regarding problems both on this thread and on another one. However, what has changed its that plusnet are now assisting in making a change which hopefully will be a cure.
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎16-08-2013

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Channel 1 etc are 2.4Ghz channels. Channel 36 and above are 5GHz channels.

Ive wouldn't relate channels to this problem as its something happening inside the hub but its easy to fix the channel numbers in the hub under Advanced->Wireless. You can use an app on a phone to pick a quiet channel to fix. Some TVs are known to prefer lower numbered 5GHz channels.

Posts: 22
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Registered: ‎02-01-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Just to let everyone know, I've not had a problem since the new firmware was added the other week

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Registered: ‎07-03-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


Are you reffering to firmware software version or some other firmware?

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎17-03-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen Hi Bob,


I'm getting randomly disconnected, running version 263. 

Any chance of an update to


The 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz are currently merged and after a while I'll get no internet, but when connecting/re-associating I get "cannot connect to this network"

My android tells me it's an "authentication issue" but it's fine after the router restart.

To get back in I need to restart or reboot the router. Restarting the PC/Phone/laptop makes no difference.


Tried extending the lease but it's still being wonky.

Plusnet Hub one is serial **256