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Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎02-04-2009

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen 

I have been a PlusNet customer for 12 years now and have always been very happy with the service.  I renewed my contract and upgraded to the Plusnet Hub One last December. After a while noticed the wifi problems and hopped onto the forum and found this thread.  I decoupled the 2.4 and 5 GHz wireless connections but the problems persisted. I switched back to another router for a few months so give you time to develop a firmware update.  It looks like you have made progress 🙂

Today, I turned back to the Plusnet Hub One and I am willing to give you details of the network and try a firmware test upgrade if this will help you.  Currently router firmware: Plusnet Hub One | Software version

Kind regards,


Posts: 27
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Registered: ‎05-11-2008

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen Thanks Bob I’ve rebooted and it has updated.


One thing i noticed:  the reboot was no trouble.  It reconnected  very quickly whereas in the past it has taken a long time and a lot of fiddling about.


Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎17-05-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi Bob,

I've been having all the issues this thread describes and have been through all workarounds. I'm on with 5GHz currently disabled.

Please can you update my hub one to the latest firmware you're confident with when you get a chance?

Many thanks!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Well that exactly describes my position.

This happens roughly every day and a router reset returns everything to normal.

It is quite a busy hub with 3 google home minis, 3 smart lights, a laptop a chrome book, a chrome cast Audi, Chrome cast (sometimes) and a phone or two

There are a few things on wire ethernet but I guess they don't matter so much.

When the problem manifests itself the phone cannot connect to WiFi with an "Authentication problem".

Looking at the Hub's homage, all the google products switch from 5Ghz to 2.4GHz.

On restart, phone connects instantly and the google products go back to 5GHz.

The Hub is SW Version is 

To answer you questions

1  Please see above

2  Devices with problems (phone) show the WiFi symbol with a Question mark. Hub light is blue and all looks normal

3  WiFi configuration is as supplied with both networks on same SSID however I did split out the 5GHz to a separate SSID. This forced everything already connected to 2.4GHz. Phone worked fine on 5GHz for a day then problem returned. Reconfigured Hub back to single SSID

4  The problem is persistent. There is 1 wired laptop, 2 raspberry Pis and Hive Hub, TV and media centre (and an Ethernet hub), youview box all wired. They continue to work normally although at random times during the day and usually only once (usually on the hour or at 30mins past the hour) all internet traffic stops for about a minute - this may not be related)

5  I cannot force the problem however it does happen in the phone has been off/Airlpane Mode overnight.. not always.

6  Yes, reboot always fixes it but the problem returns within 24 houurs...usually.

7  Specific device - Moto G8 Plus Android 9 current release.

8  No patches no coincident updates

9  As above..

Wired devices connected directly...Youview, TV, Raspberry Pi OSMC Media Centre, TPLink PowerLine

Wired Devices via powerline:   TPLink Powerline TP Link 8 port Ethernet Hub, Raspberry Pi (x2), Hive Hub, Laptop

Wireless: Google Home Mini x 3, Google Chromecast Audi,, Google Chromecast, Epson Printer, TPLink WiFi Adaptor (different SSID), Motorola Phone, Chromebook, Laptop (though using TPLink SSID), InkBird thermostat.


I hope this can be fixed soon, it is very frustrating and distracts from the service.

I am concerned that daily rebooting will affect my network connect speed and many of us are working from home, we cannot afford loss of or degradation to service right now.



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Registered: ‎30-04-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen thanks for pushing the update, we now have  Unfortunately my problem (wifi dropping out briefly and frequently) persisted.  It was fine this morning in a 1hr video call but one housemate was at work and the other two asleep so I wonder whether it's the equipment's ability to handle high 802.11 medium contention.


I'll just put up with it for a while until the other issue affecting our service is resolved and then switch back to the BT HH6 if possible.  Can we get a rebate if we send your equipment back? Smiley

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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Just an observation
On firmware 273
Part of my distribution is still on hub1 WiFi while I wait for another mesh node.

I have seen this before, just an observation.
This morning connection dropped at the same time as another device requested a lease.
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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@PWD wrote:

@bobpullen thanks for pushing the update, we now have  Unfortunately my problem (wifi dropping out briefly and frequently) persisted.

That doesn't sound like the same issue. The problem being discussed here typically results in a complete failure of the 5GHz Wi-Fi radio, where the only option to restore connectivity is to physically reboot the router. It sounds like yours is more intermittent in nature?

@JONOOKII @stephentrew @Mashmatt & @TimXJR1300 - update pushed. You'll need to reboot your devices to apply it.

@warrensworld doesn't look lik eyour router is online at the moment?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 2
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Registered: ‎18-05-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen


I've been plagued by this issue on and off for a month or so now but have only just discovered this thread today.  Previously I've been having to reboot the Hub One every day or so to reinstate connections, especially with an irate 15yr complaining that he's been kicked off the Xbox servers!

Any chance of having the latest firmware pushed through to try please?


Many thanks.

Rising Star
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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Firmware.. 273...

Router and DLS Uptime... 14 days, 03:10:57

Had to go round restarting the chromecasts (5Ghz) and Nest home mini's (2.4Ghz) today after they dropped and wouldn't connect to the router. Yesterday the printer and laptop wouldn't connect either. Rebooted both devices and they reconnected. Not had that happen before.

I have the lease time set to 21 days. 

Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎09-05-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi Bob,

I have been on firmware .273 For about a week and it’s cool. I have had no loss of 5ghz and all my devices have not had to be rebooted(router)to get them online like before. So .273 is great. What I have noticed is Intermittently that I get slow Responses. I use ‘speed of me’ to test it and it shows as download speeds of 18 to 22 mbps for several minutes maybe up to 30 mins. I usually get 36mbps. Any idea why?



Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎17-05-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen Thank you Bob, much appreciated!

I can confirm I'm now up and running on .273 and will report back in a few days to let you know if things are better (as I really hope they will be).

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎02-04-2009

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thanks @bobpullen, I have rebooted and I'm on 

Software version | Last updated 18/05/20

All other settings have remained the same - split 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.

All devices are connected to 5Ghz so if there is a problem it will soon show up. 

Posts: 6
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen

Just reporting in following your upgrade of our router to .273.  We have now been using it for a couple of weeks and it appears to have resolved the 5GHz laptop connectivity issues.

Thank you for pushing it out.

Kind regards


Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎02-04-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I came on these forums to find a solution to exactly this issue - multiple devices seemingly randomly not connecting and when I checked the connections just now nothing was on the 5GHz channel, and all devices were working at that time.


I have now disabled the 5GHz channel.


How do I get the .273 firmware? Is this something you can help with @bobpullen ?


Currently on

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎19-05-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue



I've just found this thread after suffereing from this problem for ages.

I'm on the .263 firmware.


Brief description of the problem, and how is masquerades itself. What are the symptoms? How frequently does it happen?
This normally only affects the main home PC which uses wifi (netgear A6210). When it happens it's always when the PC wakes up from sleep.

Do the devices having problems appear to be connected or associated with the hub?  Is the hub status indicator normal/blue when the problem occurs?
Hub status remains blue. PC just reports that it can't connect to the network. Occasionally the Windows Network Troubleshooter will reset the wireless adaptor and that works but not always.

Do you have the 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels merged (default setting) or split (different wireless network names)? If the networks are named differently, does the problem only affect the 5GHz network?
The 2.4 and 5GHz channels are in their default setting.

Once the problem occurs is it persistent?  Do you have any devices wired to the router and does the problem affect them at the same time?
The devices that are using ethernet can continue to use the internet ok.

Are you able to reproduce the problem reliably? Do you think you have a way of triggering it? [for example waking a specific device from power save mode]
I can't reproduce it reliably. It mainly affects the one PC on wake up but not 100% of the time.

Is the problem always resolved by rebooting the hub?  If so, how long does it take before problems recur?
Yes, rebooting the hub fixes the problem, but lately just restarting the 5GHz band seems to work too.

If specific devices are always impacted when problems occur, please provide details of which devices are impacted and which aren't i.e. manufacturer, model, variant and operating system version.
PC is Windows 10, Wireless adaptor is Netgear A6210

Have the devices experiencing problems recently received any patches that might correspond with the time the issue first occurred?
Been happening for years. I bought the Netgear to try and resolve the problem, and that was nearly 2 years ago.

Please provide a description of your home network setup and all devices in use including whether or not you're using any additional switches, Powerline adapters or wireless access points.
PN Hub One.
Two laptops and a TP Link 8 port switch directly into hub ethernet.
Laser printer, NAS all attached via the switch
Wireless devices include PC (Netgear a6210), android phones, chromecast, firestick.

What do I need to do to get onto the newer test firmware?

