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Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Posts: 46
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Registered: ‎12-04-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

This has been going on for over 2 years now.

I was 'lucky' enough back then to get downgraded from v263 to v237 and that worked for about a year.  Then another 6 months of the exact same madness EVERYBODY is experiencing.  The very same thing was back.  No change to what was connected.  I started to think it was schools shut and working from home.

Last August, after a long phone call, I managed to get a new hub, but had to pay the postage.  A small price to pay (£5.99) for my sanity.  No more, wi-fi has failed again over and over.

Since that time (Aug2020), not one 5GHz issue.  Not ONE.  It was delivered with v263 and has not been updated.

Other things like Broadband dropping and reconnecting, but 5GHz wi-fi has been completely stable.

I did offer to send the older router back as it might help fault finder, but no response yet.

Therefore I believe it is a hardware and not software issue.  And Bob etc chasing their own tails.




Posts: 5
Registered: ‎07-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @calorian 


Early days yet, but here's the connection rates which I am more than happy with.




As for the firmware update, i didn't do anything - by the time i got to view/rename my connected devices I noticed the firmware had been updated.


Screen Shot 2021-02-13 at 21.29.42.png

Posts: 46
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Registered: ‎12-04-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Here are some photos on my failed modem.  Larger pair are front and back of the circuit board.  Zoomed one is the failed 5HGz section inside the gold track.  If you look closely, an interesting set of three antennas.  Just tracks on the circuit board rather than something that looks like an aerial.  They look like the letter P around the edge of the board.  Interesting and clever.

Yes, I'm identifable by these images with barcodes and serial numbers, but I am by my username.  And it's not plugged in, yet.  I test and commission stuff that would kill if it went wrong, so tomorrow, I'm going to plug this in as is.  It's using v237.  Then wait to see who complains about wi-fi has failed. I will not notice as I'm using LAN.  But it's a fair test as 3 people with many gadgets will lose access in about 2 days and they will not know about my pulling the board out of the old modem and plugging it in naked.

If you are bored, just pull one of the sides of the moden with your fingernails near the front.  It's tough, but I did it.  There are built in plasic clips inside all the way around.  I didn't break any.  Circuit board has two screws to remove.

Obviously absolutely identical inside as a BT HH5.  And I'll guess the A version.

Enjoy.  Just a bit of fun whilst locked down.

Remember, v263 has been working 100% on my 5GHz wi-fi since August 2020.  With the replacement router.

It's not v263 software.


And as it is #Caturday, I've added one of Mr Cat.

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Registered: ‎23-02-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Nice [-Censored-] 🙂

Using PCB track as an aerial is very common. Nearly all wirless router devices do it in one form or another.

When (in pre-covid days) I did house calls it soon became obvious that 9 people out of 10 were blaming their broadband for being slow when the actual cause was poor wifi or badly sited modem/routers.
Hidden in cupboards, back of on alcove, downstairs behind the sofa, on the floor in the hall ..... many meters from where they were needed. No wonder their "broadband" was slow!!
Sky have got the right idea ... all their new kit links together (if you use a sky modem/router package) to make up a mesh like system improving the signal no end.
Trying to get SWMBO (usualy) to agree to move the modem/router to a better place or invest in powerline apapters/wifi boosters was often a waste of my time.
I now move it, prove its working and let them decide what to do.
In one case moving the unit from the back bedroom to the hall table fixed their satellite box wifi problem.
I'm sure a lot of bad broadband problems on here are actually wifi problems (poor siteing, interferance, too far away etc etc etc ...
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎10-04-2016

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Tried all that.

I admit its early days. however The HH6 is in exactly the same place as the hubone which is central in the house but surrounded by walls. A check this morning suggests all ten devices are on the 5ghz aerial. Amazon Prime works on the telly without such a long buffering wait. 

I have wasted a lot of time accepting that wifi (in general) is the problem.

the real test for me will be teams chat on Monday morning......

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎11-07-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

It's nice to hear an alternative suggestion to the problem. However, almost every complaint covers the same problem - 5Ghz dropping, connected but no Internet, incorrect password errors. I had a number of devices which simply stopped working when the .263 update appeared. This included Amazon Echo, WiFi extenders, Nintendo Switch etc. Only replacing the dodgy hub1 with HH6 solved the problem. I am coming around to the idea that the hardware is faulty and that there are 1,000s who are affected but they don't know that they are affected. PN telephone tech support (lol) fob customers off with the 'reboot' solution which works at the time and so 'problem solved' at that moment. This is 2 years old in March 2021 so I can't believe that tech support don't know about this. Of course they do, they have been told to sell the reboot rather than admit the problem. BT are the cause of the lack of solution.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎11-07-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

BTW as soon as someone takes PN to small claims to reclaim the cost of the HH6 using this forum as evidence then PN's claim that they are not responsible for WiFi will be blown and they will have to deal with it.
Posts: 6
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Registered: ‎07-01-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

PN eventually credited me the £25 I paid for my HH6, but I had to argue hard to get it - demanded to talk to management, not just customer service. Will be interesting to see if it actually comes off my next payments.

Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎03-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I imgine while some connection issues are because of signal issues. However if that was the case both 2.4gz and 5gz bands would be affected. On my case (and I'm sure alot of others) both signals are "excellent" however only 5gz fail to even connect. I believe the problem is either hardware, most likely firmware related but a firmware patch won't suddenly make your hub on the alcove reach the kitchen.
So patch your routers plusnet!
Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎19-12-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I have the 273 software but have noticed I am still getting the odd drop out on my phone. Noticeable when I walk around the house. For example going getting my front room to kitchen. The router is situated above the front room/kitchen.

The router drop outs though have gone, or if still there, they are unnoticeable.
Posts: 37
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Registered: ‎31-01-2012

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I just came into my office. My phone was connected to my UniFi WAP at 144Mbps. I changed to the PN Hub 5GHz wifi and it jumped to over 700Mbps. Broadband is stable as ever with 72Mbps/18Mbps. I am becoming convinced that the .273 FW has fixed my issue. Previously if I had done what I did today my phone would have failed to connect to the PN Hub with a password/authentication error.

I think this thread is getting mixed up with complaints about wifi signal quality. For sure the PN Hub is a cheap router and perhaps the BT one is slightly less cheap. For sure 3rd party ones will be better and you get what you pay for. People should remember that every building is different and Hub placement is key. 5GHz has a shorter wavelength than 2.4GHz and so is more easily blocked. My Hub One is in my office primarily because that's where the master socket is. However it has some thick masonry walls separating the rest of the house. That's why I have my UniFi WAP on the ceiling of the second floor of the house in a central location. I even have an old backup WAP in a downstairs cupboard.

Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎15-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Having spent more than 2 months trying to get an answer from PlusNet as to why my WiFi keeps failing, in particular why the 5ghz WiFi fails, I am staggered beyond belief to find so many other people have been having this issue for TWO YEARS and yet plusnet still haven't fixed it. Even worse, nobody - not one of the 20 or 30 members of plusnet staff who I have dealt with (never the same name twice, always someone knew who doesn't understand the problem) - not one of them EVER mentioned the fact this was a recognised issue. So either the business is shocking and unbelievably incompetent OR the staff are a bunch of liars who have deliberately tries to hide this issue.
I can't fathom it. Plusnet used to be such a good company and the customer service in particular was exemplary. What has happened to it?!!!
If I had been told two months ago it was an ongoing issue I could have had some patience. But to be led down the same old path of carrying out line tests, resetting routers and being told lots of nonsense about it being causes by some mystery interference is just unreal. Plusnet has wasted hours of my time on this and for NOTHING.
They wanted me to pay to upgrade in case that fixed the issue. I said No.
They wanted me to pay for a router when I asked tor a replacement, to test if it was a hardware issue. I put my foot down and said no, so they sent me a replacement free of charge. Others have paid, plusnet should refund them. If you paid, demand your money back.
PlusNet has led me on a merry dance for what - now they will lose my custom.
I'm not paying extra for a BT router. I am going to leave and give Sky a try.
I honestly thought plusnet were the good guys out there. I've been recommending them for years. Something has changed and there is no going back for me.
My contract ends in May but I've cancelled my direct debit having read these threads. If they cannot provide me with the service I am paying for then legally I can walk away - and I will.
Disgusted and sad.
Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎15-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thank you to those who have been airing this issue and trying to solve it.
It is a shame plusnet does not take the same level of interest in both this issue and the content of its own community forum.
Seasoned Pro
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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@JezOwen  "My contract ends in May but I've cancelled my direct debit having read these threads."

I hope you haven't, if you read a few more threads you will find that cancelling your DD before end of contract leads to no end of problems, not least the system cutting you off for non-payment as per your terms of contract. Most of us reading this forum can understand your frustration with PN as with many ISPs but this isn't the way to tackle it.

Good luck with Sky, on our community group's experience you'll need it.

Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎10-04-2016

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

It's feeling like the BT router has worked for me. I was certainly hoodwinked by plusnet in april when they sent me a new router simultaneously clamping me into a new 18 month contract.

I'm happy enough now I fixed it myself.

which leads to The honesty in the marketing campaign. 

'That'll do' is only a clever saying in Adland

Everywhere else it means

'Here's a lash up we did with a bit of old BT equipment, see how it goes but eeeh Lad you're on your own if owt goes wrong'