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Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎04-03-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Recently joined Plusnet (last two months) had awful speeds last night, ethernet and WiFi, had to do a reset etc and no joy.

Get home from work today and anything using 5ghz had the "no internet connection" message.

Split the WiFi so I can use 2.4ghz as a work around.

Interestingly, my basically brand new router is running which by the looks of this thread is old news now?
Can anybody help me sort this or do I need to call up?

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Registered: ‎06-01-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I,ve been having more 5GHz fun again!!

I have two amazon Echos. Its quick to see what connection they are using. The reason I hadn't noticed them dropping 5Ghz before was that they often seemed to drop back to 2.4GHz.

Today sudden stop in music stream and "no connecton"  at all : all other devices 5GHz no connection.


Yet another time wasting restart of router.

Its stayed up since as far as I know.

Think when wife's workload reduces I'm swapping to Hub 6. . I used one as WAP and 5GHz reached further than Plusnet router does.

Ill be phoning customer services as after 15 years with them and good support service this situation seems unbelievable. Does rather grate with all the current adverts for "best provider of the year" doesn't it!

HH6 seemed to fix my sons issues at his house ( hence i need another one)


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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@charliecambs @wasaaan @CVHawkeye @brush6136 @AndyCqos & @layla - I've just pushed an update to your respective routers. You'll need to power them off/back on in order to apply the update.

@LithiumBlue  - I'm a bit confused. Are you/your parents using a Hub One or a BT Smart Hub? If you're using the former, then feel free to message me the serial number of the hub and I'll take a look. If you're using a BT Hub, then your issue is unrelated to the discussion here and I'd suggest starting another thread.

@teatrayfc  - thanks for the feedback. Whilst the network map seems more reliable on these later builds, it still seems it's not without it's nuances. As you've mentioned, it shouldn't be having too much of an impact on things. Happy to look into it separately once my plate's a little less full. I'm of the opinion that it isn't a regression though. Let me know if you think otherwise.

@JohnBlight wrote:

Despite the 289 update, problems persist.

Within a day or two, activity slows to a crawl, and the router requires rebooting. That works temporarily until the next requirement to reboot.

Displaying the router’s management pages takes an age. DHCP leases are lost within a minute or two (according to the DHCP table).

Persisting with the Hub One seems futile, and it looks like I’ll have to incur the unwanted expense of a new router.

This sounds like a bit of a unique issue. When you say 'DHCP table' what do you mean? The network map as observed above, or something else?

Is your problem specific to Wi-Fi still or does it also affect wired devices?

When you say things 'slow to a crawl' is that an indication that you are still connected and things are slow, or is there a fundamental inability to connect affecting certain devices?

It would be worth a factory reset of the device using the pinhole at the rear before looking into this one further (assuming the issue persists). If your issue is due to channel congestion, then you may also have some success switching the 2.4GHz radio off/back on within the router interface as apposed to fully rebooting it.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

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Registered: ‎24-03-2015

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thanks for that @bobpullen . Rebooted around an hour ago & the new firmware is showing there. Now the wait is on. Just got my hands on a BT Hub6 so may have a play with that at some point but not urgent at the minute. Best to see how this patch goes.

Don't use a big word where a diminutive word will suffice.
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Registered: ‎28-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thanks @bobpullen for the .289 update. Both 2.4 and 5 GHZ now works upon reboot. But there was a small snag, shortly upon reboot, my hardwired network which was connected to port4 on the router from a switch lost total comms both internal device to device and the internet. I moved the cable to port1 on the router and now so far all is well ... wired and wireless. Just to let people know if they encountered suddenly they lost their hard wired network for some unknown reason after the update.

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Registered: ‎24-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thanks @bobpullen

Router restarted and the firmware is showing the upgraded version.

I've just restarted earlier tonight so will keep an eye on the 5Ghz

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎07-03-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I too have the same problem with random devices randomly disconnecting from the internet for a few minutes at a time but  showing as connected to the router.  The router is only a month old but has the old firmware 

Plusnet Hub One | Software version |

Do i need the new software?

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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@agavriel your description doesn't quite match the symptoms observed by others, however I've pushed the update to your router regardless. You'll need to power it off/back on at your side to apply it. Hope it helps.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎07-03-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen same issue here as reported in this thread as of this week. Unable to resolve if you can push the update to our router.

Thank you
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Registered: ‎28-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@teatrayfc not sure ... but perhaps the router only displays dhcp devices. Have you configured fixed iP leases from the router to your device or you manually set up the fixed IP from your device directly.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎08-03-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen

I also am a new customer. My router is on Software version | Last updated Unknown.

Constantly have devices disconnecting from WiFi, then reconnect but say “no internet access”. My laptop will then ask for the password and say it’s incorrect when it’s not. TV and other things on the 2.4 channel seem fine. Unfortunately I can’t turn off the 5 channel as I have devices with only 5 channel use adapters. My iPhone seems to be the worst for this. I can be connected to WiFi and the moment I try to open a web page, Facebook app or anything that utilises the WiFi it drops. Then will reconnect 30 seconds later maybe work for a minute then drop again.

Could you please push this update I keep seeing you do to my router to see if this resolves it. It’s frustrating when it occurs to my work laptop and I’m working from home.

Thank you.
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎03-03-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

We were using plusnet hub one, but we changed to BT smart hub to try resolve the 5GHz issue that we had with the plusnet hub one, but the 5GHz issue still persists even after changing. Should I start a new thread because of the different wifi router we're now using? I posted here because I thought it was very much related to the topic at hand.

Many thanks

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Registered: ‎04-03-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

I've also been having this issue for several months now. Anything connected to the 5GHz network would get kicked off and either got an authentication error when trying to reconnect or would connect but not be assigned an IP.

Anything on the 2.4GHz or wired Ethernet is unaffected and the router light always stays blue. The only way to fix the issue is to restart the router, disabling/re-enabling the 5GHz wifi does not fix it. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to when it happens either, sometimes it's fine for several days or weeks, sometimes it only works for a few hours before needing a reset, changing the DHCP lease time doesn't seem to effect it either.


If you're in the mood to push some more updates @bobpullen, I'd certainly appreciate it if you could do mine too

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Registered: ‎28-02-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@dkwarr87 I am almost certain its the firmware..289 was push to me a few days back and all is good and still going strong. I hope @bobpullen can do it promptly for you ... it was a great help.

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎08-03-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi Bob,

We've been having issues on and off with our Hub one over the last few months, requiring more and more frequent reboots.

Today, my Ring doorbell gen 2 stopped connecting to the WiFi, and I've been trying for over an hour to get it to reconnect. 

I've (finally!) found this post and was wondering if the 289 firmware would make a difference?  We're on 263 at the moment.

I've separated the 2.4 and 5GHz WiFi's, and given them different SSID's.  The ring just uses 2.4GHz, connects, gets an IP address, and then disconnects saying it can't access the Internet.  We've also seen other devices not connect, while other devices are working fine.  A reboot seems to fix the problem, sometimes for a few days and sometimes for a few hours.

Any chance of pushing the firmware to us please?