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Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Posts: 7
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Registered: ‎02-06-2016

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

much much better but occasionally will lose wifi and take 20 seconds to find it again but no longer says connected but no internet. Could I have the latest firmware (which came out just after you pushed the last one down to me) to see if this totally solves the issue. Many thanks for your help

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎25-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen  Would be grateful if I can get the update pushed out to my router as well!

  1. Had been having various connectivity issues for a while but it then seemed to be fine after I separated out the two frequencies. I was having issues connecting smart devices recently to the 5ghz range (not the router's fault), but as part of trying to fix this, I reset the router and since then the 5ghz range effectively cannot be used. Tried to restart the hub and goes away for a short time but comes back within a few hours.
  2. Yes most devices do not connect and when I do get connected (normally my phone) it says no internet. 
  3. Split and the problem only affects the 5GHz range.
  4. Once the problem occurs is it persistent?  Do you have any devices wired to the router and does the problem affect them at the same time? Wired devices and those on 2.4GHz are unaffected.
  5. Normally happens within a few hours of starting the router. I woke up this morning and the smart devices were saying they had no connection.
  6. At the moment, yes seems to resolved by restarting and then present again about 2 hours later.
  7. No specific devices. Once the issue occurs 5GHz seems to be unusable by any device.
  8. Nope no particular updates of note.
  9. No nothing unusual about the setup. Just a Plusnet Hub One.


Posts: 1
Registered: ‎26-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi can you push the update to me please had a few months of this issue thanks
Posts: 9
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Registered: ‎12-03-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thanks @bobpullen - The router homepage now shows 289. I will monitor over the next two weeks to see if the 5GHz drops to 2Mbps again.


Posts: 2
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Registered: ‎26-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen. My firmware is showing version 263 and I've been experiencing the same recurring problems with the 5GHz wifi since february. The problems clear with a router reset only to reappear sometimes as soon as 24 hours later. Is there any chance of pushing the latest firmware my way as well please.
Community Gaffer
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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@reasdsi @jander01 @robbieb89 & @adeshers - an update has been sent to your routers. You'll need to power off/back on at your side to apply it.

@docsubaru - there isn't a more recent version that would help in your case.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 2
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Registered: ‎26-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Many thanks Bob.
Posts: 5
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎01-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen I've just installed the replacement router,If you could push the firmware update to it then that would be great,much appreciated

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎12-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi Bob,

Same issue here, any chance of the FW update to our router too? It's driving me mad and we definitely didn't have this issue when we were with PlusNet several years ago.


Brief description of the problem, and how is masquerades itself. What are the symptoms? How frequently does it happen?
PlusNet Hub One running FW version randomly stops 'serving' connectivity to 5Ghz clients.
Client devices remain connected with valid IP addresses but are unable to reach both the Hub One and external addresses, as though 5Ghz radio on the Hub refuses to transmit (although not really sure how that's possible if IP connectivity is retained).

Do the devices having problems appear to be connected or associated with the hub?
Is the hub status indicator normal/blue when the problem occurs?
- Devices appear connected, they have valid IP leases (according to both device and the status page of the router).

Do you have the 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels merged (default setting) or split (different wireless network names)? If the networks are named differently, does the problem only affect the 5GHz network?
- Split networks following issues. Only 5Ghz is affected. All 2.4Ghz devices retain full connectivity throughout.

Once the problem occurs is it persistent? Do you have any devices wired to the router and does the problem affect them at the same time?
- Wired unaffected. 2.4Ghz clients unaffected. Fault is isolated to 5Ghz clients.
The recommended step of disabling 5Ghz are not acceptable, some areas experience high 2.4 interference, some modern client devices no longer support 2.4.
The recommended step of extended DHCP leases has no obvious positive effect. I've tried from a few hours up to 21 days and the issue continues to appear.

Are you able to reproduce the problem reliably? Do you think you have a way of triggering it? [for example waking a specific device from power save mode]
- Cannot replicate on-demand. I'd estimate the issue to occur roughly every week but to be honest, I haven't timed it. Echoing previous answers, it affects 5Ghz network only and is NOT client device specific.

Is the problem always resolved by rebooting the hub? If so, how long does it take before problems recur?
- Reboot of router resolves the fault.

If specific devices are always impacted when problems occur, please provide details of which devices are impacted and which aren't i.e. manufacturer, model, variant and operating system version.
- Not device specific. A device put on 5Ghz network will experience the issue, when put on 2.4Ghz it will survive beyond the issue timeframe experienced by 5Ghz clients.

Have the devices experiencing problems recently received any patches that might correspond with the time the issue first occurred?
- Not client device specific. A device put on 5Ghz network will experience the issue, when put on 2.4Ghz it will survive beyond the issue timeframe experienced by 5Ghz clients.

Please provide a description of your home network setup and all devices in use including whether or not you're using any additional switches, Powerline adapters or wireless access points.
- The issue is isolated to 5Ghz on the HomeHub. It only became apparent after switching to PlusNet recently and is isolated to 5Ghz network only. Wired clients are not affected at all so switch/power line does not seem relevant. Our previous Plusnet router (from a few years ago) worked with the same in-home equipment without fault.




Posts: 7
Registered: ‎19-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@bobpullen How far away are the iPad and iPhone? Do they report a healthy connection strength when connected successfully? The router is central in my home so no more that 10-15 ft away. the connection is strong when they do connect, but this only last 10-15 minutes. It is n different when my work laptop is turned off. The issue still happens when I'm next to to the router

I would maybe start by completely forgetting and reconfiguring the Wi-Fi details on both devices. I have done this, once when you sent through the fix, another time after I re-set the router 

If that doesn't work, then it might be worth trying a full network settings reset on both devices (a spot of Googling should tell you how). I re-set my network settings after I re-set the hub

None of my mobile devices will connect for long, this includes my work phone which is a galaxy A20. The only reliable devices in my home are my Lenovo work laptop  my Now TV smart stick

If neither of those things work, then I will try and take a more detailed look at what might be happening when I get the opportunity. 

I would be most grateful if you could try to look at this before I consider my next steps with my provider.



Posts: 1
Registered: ‎27-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Good Afternoon @bobpullen, I have been having this issue for quite some time now and was wondering if you could push out the latest firmare to me that can possibly solve this. I am currently running the on mine. Thanks 

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎27-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen


Could you also update my router please ?  I'm also having lockups on 5GHz. My current router is firmware ver



(FYI: I'm an old Force9 account)


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Registered: ‎10-05-2016

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Bob, I'm on 263 and getting the 5ghz issue. If there's an update that fixes it could you push it out to me please? Thanks

Posts: 58
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Registered: ‎22-12-2011

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Also getting a 5GHz issue: noticed this a week or so ago on my iPhone and iPad, first the devices 'claimed' the password for 5GHz was incorrect, checked, it was correct. Then changed channel and reentered the password again just to be sure - now DOES connect to the router but no internet connection is actually made.

2GHz is fine with the devices it's only 5GHz



Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎16-10-2019

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen


Could you also update my router please ?  I'm also having lockups on 5GHz. My current router is firmware ver

