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Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎01-07-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thanks very much @bobpullen , That's applied successfully.

I don't know if anyone reported the same after the update, but upload speeds seem to have plummeted to below 1MB/s.

I am currently trying to upload a file to an SFTP server and getting 43.9KiB/s. A speed test shows we are getting less than 1MB/s upload.

I've split the 2 and 5ghz bands and tested both with similar results.  I'm also sat right next to my router connected to the 5ghz band, with the same result (Windows 10 Laptop).

Not sure if this is a common issue post update?  (I appreciate that it is unlikely to be as a result of the update, but wanted to rule that out before posting another forum post).

Thanks again Smiley

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Registered: ‎03-07-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Thanks Bob

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎19-04-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen , since your last message to me saying you couldn't see my iPhone I have ensured that my iPhone is connected to the wi-fi where possible. I am still having the same issues, and although my phone shows it is connected to the wi-fi I actually have no connection and have to turn it off to use 4g to load data. My iPad, NowTV smart stick, work phone (A20) & work laptop all function normally but I have to turn the wi-fi on & off my phone several times a day. It is not a fault with my phone as it works fine when I use other wi-fi outside the property.

Please can you review again as I am moving into the 4th month of high data usage on my mobile contract, which is not an unlimited plan.


Many thanks


Posts: 2
Registered: ‎28-06-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi @bobpullen 

Thanks for sending the firmware update. It seemed to work for the first few days but the intermittent issue of dropouts has returned today on 5 Gz band. I may go back to disabling that band as its affecting me working from home. 

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎05-07-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi All, new Plusnet customer here... within a couple of days it was apparent that we had wifi connectivity problems. i left Vodafone as the router was weak, but this one appears to be worse!

reading this thread, i then turned off the 5GHZ wifi, and there appeared to be an instant improvement in connectivity.


so, i would like to request a firmware upgrade please.


to answer the relevant questions...


  1. Brief description of the problem, and how is masquerades itself. What are the symptoms? How frequently does it happen?
    As above, it is intermittently failing every day.. no real pattern
  2. Do the devices having problems appear to be connected or associated with the hub?  Is the hub status indicator normal/blue when the problem occurs?
    The hub status is always blue, even when we have the problem. 
  3. Do you have the 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels merged (default setting) or split (different wireless network names)? If the networks are named differently, does the problem only affect the 5GHz network?
    The devices with the worst connectivity were connected to 5ghz, but i have now disabled it to find an instant improvement.
  4. Once the problem occurs is it persistent?  Do you have any devices wired to the router and does the problem affect them at the same time?
    Nothing hard wired.
  5. Are you able to reproduce the problem reliably? Do you think you have a way of triggering it? [for example waking a specific device from power save mode]
    We have not returned to 5ghz, although i suspect this would replicate the issue as before
  6. Is the problem always resolved by rebooting the hub?  If so, how long does it take before problems recur?
    We have not had to reboot. turning off 5ghz seems to have worked, for now.
  7. If specific devices are always impacted when problems occur, please provide details of which devices are impacted and which aren't i.e. manufacturer, model, variant and operating system version.
    Not sure if there is a pattern, but 2 iPhone 11's and an iPad 6 are most affected.
  8. Have the devices experiencing problems recently received any patches that might correspond with the time the issue first occurred?
  9. Please provide a description of your home network setup and all devices in use including whether or not you're using any additional switches, Powerline adapters or wireless access points.Network is simple - Plusnet router with everything in the house connected via wifi. We did have an 'old' extender connected upstairs, but that has been turned off for now. Approximate list of devices: 3 iPhones, 1 iPad, 3 laptops, 2 TV sticks, 1 Alexa, 1 Google homeMax, 1 Ring doorbell all connected.
Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎06-07-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

My 5G Wifi drops out attached are my answers to your questions


OK HUB states “Plusnet Hub One | Software version | Last updated 25/03/19”



We are yet to find a way to reliably replicate the problem ourselves under lab conditions, so it would be helpful if you can reply to this post answering the questions below (and providing any other detail you might think is useful!)

  1. Brief description of the problem, and how is masquerades itself. What are the symptoms? How frequently does it happen?

I have about a maximum of 5 items on WiFi. 2 are always on 5GHz but 1 PC, 1 Printer and 1 off IPAD on low 2.4GHz – as only 2,4GHz and too far away. At present (seems to relate to Ambient Temperature) about once a week 5G loses Internet and connection on PC’s = signal strength  typically OK bit neither PC can connect to it etc. Security seems fine etc

  1. Do the devices having problems appear to be connected or associated with the hub?  Is the hub status indicator normal/blue when the problem occurs?

Seem to lose 5G completely. Status Indicator on Router normally stays BLUE – only know about problem as we lose connection on a PC.

  1. Do you have the 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels merged (default setting) or split (different wireless network names)? If the networks are named differently, does the problem only affect the 5GHz network?

Separate Wireless Network Names – only 5GHz a problem. 2,4GHz typically OK – can log onto lower from PC

  1. Once the problem occurs is it persistent?  Do you have any devices wired to the router and does the problem affect them at the same time?

YES when it happens all 5G links fail.

  1. Are you able to reproduce the problem reliably? Do you think you have a way of triggering it? [for example waking a specific device from power save mode]

No as yet cannot trigger in anyway – it just suddenly fails and only way to recover is Router re-power and reconnection etc.

  1. Is the problem always resolved by rebooting the hub?  If so, how long does it take before problems recur?

YES – after re-boot both 2.4 and 5 seem to come back WHEN solid blue on router – process normally takes say about 5-10 minutes

  1. If specific devices are always impacted when problems occur, please provide details of which devices are impacted and which aren't i.e. manufacturer, model, variant and operating system version

Both PC’s W10 latest – 1 off HPLaptop, other Device name            Lenovo-Laptop

Processor        AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx     2.60 GHz

Installed RAM  8.00 GB (5.88 GB usable)

Device ID         BF3FD686-14F7-42CA-96A0-95E110EB0DAC

Product ID        00325-81465-84338-AAOEM

System type     64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

  1. Have the devices experiencing problems recently received any patches that might correspond with the time the issue first occurred?


  1. Please provide a description of your home network setup and all devices in use including whether or not you're using any additional switches, Powerline adapters or wireless access points.

My Home Network

Devices currently connected to your Plusnet Hub:



MAC Address

IP Address


2.4 GHz Wireless:








5 GHz Wireless:









No devices detected





No devices detected



On a closing note, I recognise this problem is causing quite a lot of frustration for some of you but want to reassure folk that we're committed to getting to the bottom of it, and appreciate everybody's patience in the meantime 


I need the 5GHz signal so cannot ideally bypass by using only 2,4G. Can you update the software or what?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@Solitaire_87 wrote:

I don't know if anyone reported the same after the update, but upload speeds seem to have plummeted to below 1MB/s.

I am currently trying to upload a file to an SFTP server and getting 43.9KiB/s. A speed test shows we are getting less than 1MB/s upload.

I've split the 2 and 5ghz bands and tested both with similar results.  I'm also sat right next to my router connected to the 5ghz band, with the same result (Windows 10 Laptop).

If you log into the router interface and navigate to the Advanced helpdesk settings, then what connection speed is shown there? Have you tried another reboot since noticing this problem?


@picklefifi wrote:

Hi @bobpullen , since your last message to me saying you couldn't see my iPhone I have ensured that my iPhone is connected to the wi-fi where possible. I am still having the same issues, and although my phone shows it is connected to the wi-fi I actually have no connection and have to turn it off to use 4g to load data. My iPad, NowTV smart stick, work phone (A20) & work laptop all function normally but I have to turn the wi-fi on & off my phone several times a day. It is not a fault with my phone as it works fine when I use other wi-fi outside the property.

Please can you review again as I am moving into the 4th month of high data usage on my mobile contract, which is not an unlimited plan.

have you tried rebooting the router? It seems to have been up for almost a month? I would definitely try that before anything else. i also note that all of your devices are connected to the 2.4GHz network. None of them are connected to 5GHz. Is that intentional?


@nadz wrote:

Hi @bobpullen 

Thanks for sending the firmware update. It seemed to work for the first few days but the intermittent issue of dropouts has returned today on 5 Gz band. I may go back to disabling that band as its affecting me working from home. 

Guessing you may already have done this given that all of your devices seem to be on the 2.4GHz network at the time of writing.

Bear in mind that whilst the 5GHz is faster/less congested, it has a shorter wavelength so doesn't reach at far.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Community Gaffer
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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@croucher28 & @Paul_Morty - both done. You'll need to power your hubs off/back on to apply the update.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 39
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Registered: ‎12-07-2020

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Hi, I've been having issues with slow upload and download speed. I've been advised to request a firmware update. My hub one router says software version last updated : unknown
Community Gaffer
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Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

@hohoholmes - I've pushed a firmware update to your router, however I'm not confident it will necessarily help with slow upload/download speeds.

You'll need to restart the router to apply the update.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎06-07-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


Thanks for the update- now states Plusnet Hub One | Software version | Last updated 06/07/21.


Whether this has stopped the problem - time will tell but again thanks for now

Posts: 14
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Registered: ‎21-06-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Before the firmware update and reboot I was losing connection multiple times a session.  The issue has greatly improved since then, thank you, but still occurs intermittently. 

Just in case this is any help ..... I am not computer savvy in terms or ability but .... my way of dealing with this has been to ONLY restart the router when it was drastic and speeds dropped appallingly low on all channels.  The blue light has always remained on with all issues.

Instead I right click the internet icon on the task bar and follow through with "Troubleshoot problems".  Most often this comes up with the fault being "Network adapter configuration" or "invalid IP address."  Both of these issues are fixed by the troubleshooter, but can still recur.

I dont know if this helps Plusnet locate the issues  at all.

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Registered: ‎06-07-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Well after 2 days the update seems to perhaps have sorted thank Bob Pullen and anyone else involved

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎05-07-2021

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue


I also have the problems mentioned in the posts; constant buffering, drop outs and slow downloads. Hopefully the latest fw will resolve. Could I be updated please. My current Software version Thanks.

Posts: 33
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Registered: ‎28-07-2009

Re: Hub One - 5GHz WiFi issue

Found this great post, followed the instructions to disable the 5GHz & rebooted the router. Now have the orange wireless light on under the blue one. Now able to connect Android phone & a tablet plus have a wi-fi to the Ford car on the 2.4GHz signal.

For the past week the tablet was connected to the 5GHz, only realized today that the signal to the car was not there & a search of available networks did not find the Plusnet Hub One, A last update search from the car was on !st July. I tried to connect WI-fi to the phone, it found all the neighbour's signals but not the Hub One. Laptop connected by cable.

Anyway, now all 3 have a signal.

Router firmware is4. last updated 30/06/21

Been on fibre since 30/06/21 with this plusnet hub one router, previously on ordinary broadband at 10MHz with a Technicolor TG582n Plusnet router, that never had any problems.