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Hub Two is a backward step

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Registered: ‎06-09-2018

Hub Two is a backward step

Just upgraded to the Plusnet Hub Two router and it is seems to be a backward step due to the following:


1) The customer service technical team seem to lack training/knowledge of the new router and help is limited. The guy I spoke to said his team haven't even seen the router yet and there is no direct access portal for them to use to help customer with queries.


2) It seems that it is no longer possible to disable SSID broadcast from the router. This was possible in Hub One. I connect the router to a separate wireless mesh system (Deco) and would prefer to switch off the Plusnet SSID.


3) For other customers (as I don't need to do this) it seems that it is no longer possible to split the wireless bands 2.4 and 5 GHz as separate SSIDs.


Can anyone offer any further insights? Otherwise I'm sticking with Hub One and hope Plusnet improve the above.


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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

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This topic has been moved from Fibre to My Router

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Re: Hub Two is a backward step


For me the Hub Two is an improvement, I use mine in 'Bridge Mode' which allows me to use my own router and take advantage of it's features.

Does your deco devices have a built in router which is able to make PPPoE connection?

As to splitting the 2.4 and 5Ghz signals there should really be no need to but in practice is seems to be requirement for some, but not me.


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Re: Hub Two is a backward step


You are quite right, you cannot split the bands on the Hub 2. Otherwise the wireless is better. This is the same as the BT Smarthub 2.

It is unlikely to be changed so if you can explain your problem then maybe we can suggest work around solutions.

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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

1) The customer service technical team seem to lack training/knowledge of the new router and help is limited. The guy I spoke to said his team haven't even seen the router yet and there is no direct access portal for them to use to help customer with queries.

Colour me confused Huh

All staff are entitled to a Hub Two at no cost assuming they're using the broadband perk that comes with employment.

Regardless, support staff still have access to an emulator and can also access elements of the router remotely to view things like home network topology etc. There's also a bunch of Help & Support content and videos that are publicly available.

Oh, everybody was trained too Wink


2) It seems that it is no longer possible to disable SSID broadcast from the router. This was possible in Hub One. I connect the router to a separate wireless mesh system (Deco) and would prefer to switch off the Plusnet SSID.

Both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz radio can be disabled which will disable the default SSID(s) from broadcasting. There is however a bug in the current firmware that results in hidden backhaul SSID's continuing to broadcast when this is done. They are not 'visible' via the usual methods and certainly shouldn't noticably interfere with the operation of the Deco equipment.

Should be fixed in a future firmware.

3) For other customers (as I don't need to do this) it seems that it is no longer possible to split the wireless bands 2.4 and 5 GHz as separate SSIDs.

As others have alluded to: not possible.

Can anyone offer any further insights? Otherwise I'm sticking with Hub One and hope Plusnet improve the above.

I don't suppose it makes a huge amount of difference in your situation as you're not relying on the Plusnet hub's Wi-Fi. It is a more capable device with more memory/faster processor and some features the Hub One doesn't permit (custom DNS/allowing ping responses on the WAN interface/bridge mode etc.) but again, if none of this is of interest to you, then the difference is negligible.

Should you decide not to use the Hub Two then it would be helpful if you could send it back to us.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

“ For me the Hub Two is an improvement, I use mine in 'Bridge Mode' which allows me to use my own router and take advantage of it's features.

Does your deco devices have a built in router which is able to make PPPoE connection? ”

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the Deco device doesn’t support this but thanks for the helpful suggestion.
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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

“1) The customer service technical team seem to lack training/knowledge of the new router and help is limited. The guy I spoke to said his team haven't even seen the router yet and there is no direct access portal for them to use to help customer with queries.
Colour me confused Huh

All staff are entitled to a Hub Two at no cost assuming they're using the broadband perk that comes with employment.

Regardless, support staff still have access to an emulator and can also access elements of the router remotely to view things like home network topology etc. There's also a bunch of Help & Support content and videos that are publicly available.

Oh, everybody was trained too Wink”

- thanks for your reply, that is reassuring to know but it seems the CSC agent I spoke to today did not have any knowledge of the tools and training you suggest is available and from what he said it seemed to be a wider issue among colleagues i.e he was asking me to relay what I could see in the admin portal and would then check with his manager to discuss options etc. I have an open ticket and I’m happy to pass on details if you can get in touch with me privately.

Good to know the SSID broadcasting bug will be fixed in a future firmware release. I did discover this myself and noticed this issue too. Is there a date for the release please?
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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

Further to my last post. If you work for Plusnet and want to get in touch, you may be able listen back to my call with the agent to hear for yourself about the issue I reported.
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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

Thanks for getting in touch @NeptuneReds1, I have passed on some feedback internally with regards to the agent you spoke to just so this can be reviewed and help them going forward. 


Thanks for providing the feedback Smiley

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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

Having setup DECOs for others I can say that DECOs do support PPPoE.
Set the DECO up in router mode and not Access point mode.
Set the Hub two to bridge mode.
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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

@NeptuneReds1 no date for the release. We're about to embark on an update shortly and I'm afraid it hasn't made the cut this time round Sad

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

I personally found the hub 2 and it's settings a bit to basic for my needs so once the line test period was over I switched it out with my TP Link Archer router

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Re: Hub Two is a backward step

What would be advantages of your other router?