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Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

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Registered: ‎26-07-2021

Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Got my new Plusnet Hub 2 and the event log seems somewhat limited compared to the hub 1,


Certain selections show nothing - for example, If I click 'firewall' filter it just defaults to the 'All' view so I have no idea if my firewall is actually blocking anything or letting everything through or is even on!

Is this how it should be?


Firmware version: v0.05.03.07154-PN

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

I don't see that here. Whilst certain categories might not be particulalry verbose, I do see entries under the FRWL category Huh


Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Just tried it again and same result.


I just get the 'All' view when the 'FRWL' filter is selected.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

What browser are you using and do you have any extensions installed? Does the same happen with other categories? Are you able to try a different browser?

Anyone else around with a Hub Two who could help validate?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

I used a Hub 2 for a short while when recently upgrading to FTTC before going back to my Billion.

I did notice that on occasion that it would revert to 'All' when trying to select the firewall category. Re-trying one or two times always fixed it.

FWIW using Firefox with only a PDF viewer extension.

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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Chrome (latest version) with ublock origin extension.

I have disabled ublock origin extension and same results.


Happens on quite a few of them to be honest.


Just tried it on Edge (which I don't use so has no extensions and is default setting) and same happens.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Also using Chrome and uBlock origin.

I am running a slightly newer firmware build. Will see if I can revert and replicate.

In the mean time, I wonder if the browser developer console yields any clues (CTRL, Shift + J, select Network category and try fiddling with the event viewer categories a few times).

I also wonder if it works after a reboot (could be somethign to do with memory consumption).

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Tried fiddling with the developer console with no results.

Interestingly it works once when I do Ctrl + F5 (hard refresh) but then If I click 'All' again and then back to FRWL same issue arises.

Something to do with the cache then?

Will try a reboot when everyone has gone to bed later.

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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Reboot has not resolved it.

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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Hi @bobpullen 

Are you indicating that there is an update to thefirmware

Firmware version:v0.05.03.07154-PN

Firmware updated:Unknown

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

@mort7890 - you're on the latest. The build I'm running is not ready for public consumption.

With regards to the problems being reported, I'm yet to try replicating on the v0.05.03... build.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Plusnet Hub 2 - Log

Hi @bobpullen many thanks for the information and sorry cannot help you with the replication