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Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

That's correct, none have a guest network feature.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Baldrick, thank you..!!

I only hit a wall when I wanted to click Save, particularly as a large, orange-backgrounded Changes Must Be Saved appeared in the Home/Advanced Settings/Broadband banner.  Eventually, I read on and just left it, which worked.

A BT engineer arrived this morning, in response to ultra-slow broadband speeds with the previous PlusNet router, and helped me out too, so now I think I've achieved flying speed :).


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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Thanks Baldrick!

Just received the BT Business Smart Hub 6 today and was online in under 10 minutes thanks to your excellent guide!

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


Pleased that it's worked for you.

As an aside I note that the firmware has not updated. If this doesn't happen over the next couple of days it might be worth just powering it off then back on using the router power switch, not the mains plug. This will not affect your Plusnet specific set up.

 Be aware that reference to the event log will show that these devices communicate with BT every 24 hours and go through a soft reset every fortnight. This is normal activity.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

hi @Baldrick1 

The firmware updated at lunch time today - I did a restart as I couldn't log onto the hub manager and it was only when I noticed the new BT logo I realised it had updated.

Thanks again for your guide!

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

We have been with PlusNet for a few weeks and although download speed in general has been good, I have found general internet use to be extremely sluggish (all our connections are WiFi). For example, scrolling through YouTube videos causes buffering that lasts for several (sometimes many) seconds and there have been frequent significant delays when clicking on webpage links. I suspected a router issue so today took delivery of second hand smart hub 6.....all of our problems have been resolved! How can plusnet be supplying a router that is so clearly not up to the job?
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

@Baldrick1 wrote:

 Be aware that reference to the event log will show that these devices communicate with BT every 24 hours and go through a soft reset every fortnight. This is normal activity.

With the new firmware mine seems to have stretched to three weeks.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

I wasn't quite happy with the speed of the Hub compared to the Sync rate so I made myself an RJ11 cable this afternoon with some spare plugs and a CAT7 cable. Although the stats of the Router didnt change, the speed of my connection definitely did

It has gone from 61Mbps on Tuesday upto 77.5mbps today!

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Really helpful. I have just set it up from the first try 😁
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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

Many thanks for this quick guide Smiley

I am sure it has been mentioned before, but in case it hasn't, I found you can skip all of the steps. Simply unplug your RJ11 cable (the one fromt eh BT socket to the router) and you will automatically get the option to change the username and password.

In put your plusnet ones and voila. All settings preserved and no need to re join swarms of wireless devices lol.

Anyway thank you again Smiley

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


I agree in cases where people are simply changing their ISP from BT to Plusnet and continuing with their existing Smarthub.

However, many buy a Smarthub from an auction site that is second hand. These could have all sorts of bespoke settings that suited the previous owner, which could cause issues. Therefore the advice to factory reset and start from a clean sheet.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


Yeah I understand that Smiley . I was just pointing it out (as obvious as it might have been) for those perhaps more in my situation, with plenty of personal settings that would take a while to reconfigure.
Wasn't intended as a smart Alex response.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


It is best when buying from auction sites etc to do a  factory reset as you never know what the previous owners settings were.

If you factory reset then change the settings to your own normally used ones, then your devices should automatically join anyway. the only reconfigureing is the router settings.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account


It was not taken as a smart Alex response.

When writing this sort of 'what you hope will help others' post it is inevitable that others will pitch in with suggestions that would enhance the original document. Unfortunately the edit window on posts does not enable the sum knowledge to be incorporated into a single all encompasing document by the originator.

It is a pity that all the helpful comments cannot be incorporated into a single document and kept up to date, possibly by the original author or if not prepared to do this, a volunteer customer who is also interested in the topic.

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Re: Using the BT Smarthub 6 on a Plusnet Account

As a latecomer to the party I want to change our Sagemcon 2704N router to a newer one with a USB connection for a backup hard drive on the network.

Our router seems to work pretty faultlessly normally but I'd like to upgrade to the Homehub 6 - but not having read the entire 11 pages - do I want to buy a business or home HH6?


Thanks for any help.