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BarCampSheffield Demo Roundup

BarCampSheffield Demo Roundup

BarCampSheffield Demo Roundup

Here is the round up from Day 2 of BarCampSheffield held over the weekend. 14 demo's took place and the winner walked away with a cheque for £1000 to help get their idea off the ground or buy themselves some more equipment to expand. Meecard - Best of Show WINNER! ------------------------------------------- Andy describes meecard as "Neatly combines all your Web presences into one appealing little card - a snippet of youness on the Web!" and this world exclusive demonstration proved a great success with the audience. So much so, that Andy & his business partner walked about with the best of show award of £1000. Looking forward to seeing this launch in the next couple of weeks. afeeda - Best of Show Runner Up! --------------------------------------- Dave demonstrated his feed aggregator which is both fast and easy to use. It can aggregate content from sites such as flickr, blogs and news sites into 1 easy to read news-reel. The site is currently in beta and is due to launch in the next couple of months. ThinkFold - Best of Show Runner Up! --------------------------------------------- Matt demonstrated a web app for outlining ideas and thoughts in realtime with others. Currently in private beta but looking to launch in the next couple of months this web application uses lots of javascript to make the interface very slick and fast. Travel Manager ------------------- Mike demonstrated his niche "CRM solution for the people transportation industry", with a focus on how its possible to build a web application on a budget for a niche market and still generate decent ROI. His application includes CRM, document management built on Amazon's S3 infrastructure, geocoded maps built on Google maps and asset (people & vehicles in this case) scheduling. TrafficJammr ---------------- Stuart demonstrated how using a bit of ingenuity and Map 24's mapping solution he solved his problem of deciding which route to take to work in the mornings from Hull to Sheffield. Built on PHP, XSLT and the aforementioned Map 24 he built a near real-time mapping service to choose the route for him QuotationBooks -------------------- Amir demonstrated his website which provides over 40,000 quotes from a large number of well known figures in one easy to use interface. He demonstrated how he has integrated a number of other technologies such as spinvox to bring the written word to the masses. theDiveBuzz --------------- Lucy demonstrated her niche web app for divers. Novel functionality included allowing divers to link to each other as "buddies" on each dive and share information / photo's of the dive. Facebook Friend Plotter ----------------------------- Matthew demonstrated his mashup of facebook, google maps and google code to plots where your facebook friends are in the UK. A deceptively simple interface belies a good set of functionality. Super Web Creator ----------------------- Michal demonstrated a new approach to Web based Content Management System using static files to create fast, easy to navigate and SEO friendly websites. Twitcash ---------- Tom had an ingeniously evil idea one day, and built this web application "because he could". With a tag line of "Damn, that's evil." you'd be hard pressed to find someone willing to signup to this service which allows you to sell you twitter contact list to the highest bidder and allow your contacts to be SMS spammed but all and sundry. Clever use of technology to show off Tom's skills in all things mashup. Dynamic website layout using file structure ----------------------------------------------------- Caius demonstrated his proof of concept technology for building fast websites which are SEO friendly using only flat files and templates. Regards Dean

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