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BarCamp Leeds

BarCamp Leeds

BarCamp Leeds

BarCamp Leeds was held on Saturday 17th of November at the Old Broadcasting House in Leeds. A BarCamp is an open, participatory workshop, whose content is provided by participants, often focusing on early-stage web applications, and related open source technologies, social protocols, and open data formats. Wikipedia has a good description of what a BarCamp actually is, here The Leeds event was a resounding success and was expertly organised. The venue was divided into 4 presentation rooms of various sizes and the attendees were given the chance to step forward and do a presentation on the topic of their choice. We had approximately 30 presentations throughout the day on various topics. PlusNet were sponsors of the event. We gave a couple of new iPhones to the best presenters; which seemed to go down well. One of the key reasons I went along was to look at recruiting some talented software developers into our team in Sheffield. Over the course of the day I met a bunch of really good people who’ll be coming along to see us in the next few weeks and will hopefully be joining our team. I’ll not go into huge detail about everything that went on during the day, you can see all the other blogs on BarCamp Leeds on the Technorati website, here . There are also a bunch of Leeds BarCamp photos on Flickr, here. PlusNet is committed to being involved with the local and national Community events such as this. We are regular attendees of the monthly OpenCoffee events in Sheffield and also the GeekUp events in Leeds. We consider it extremely valuable to be in touch with what’s going on out there in the community and are always happy to give others the benefit of our experience. If you want to know what’s going on in your area, the best thing to do is subscribe to the Yahoo Upcoming service. This gives details of all the events in your area that you’d otherwise be unaware of. You can sign up for this service, here. Matt Grest Head of Future Development PlusNet

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