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End of Day: 14th July

End of Day: 14th July

End of Day: 14th July

It's been quite a Lively day in the Web Team today. Pete has been showing everyone his proud creation: PlusNet Towers virtual world running on Google Lively. During the course of the day various visitors trashed the furniture, threw rubbish in the pool and drove a truck into the wall. Good thing we've got finger print scanners on the doors to the non-virtual PlusNet Towers here in Sheffield! Don't worry, plenty of real work got done too. Me and Sam have been continuing work on the My Account prototypes. We'll be doing some more user testing tomorrow. James has been working on a JavaScripty drop-down menu for the user generated support pages search. Colin & Rupert have been battling with the My Account backend stuff. Marc from Development:

Here in the Live Code Support Team, myself and Karol have been working away on priority problems; whilst Stephen's been working as part of a team to increase the speed of call processing. The good news is, they've managed to make it no less than 28 times faster! I'm thinking of lending him my car to see if he can pull the same trick with that... Elsewhere in development, it's been a normal Monday with lots of planning for the week ahead, in-life support for our project work and we've welcomed a new Business Analyst on secondment for a couple of months.. good luck Mand!

Bob from Comms:

Well, it's the start of a new week and it all seems a little odd on the comms desk. There's a big empty void where all Mand's stuff use to be and the CSC have already done away with her chair! Wink For those that don't know, Mand's ventured downstairs into the dungeon (read: development department) for the next two months to assist our Business Analysts with some of our up and coming projects. I'm sure she'll do a sterling job, and I'm sure Matt's going to have plenty to do in her absence! Having said that we've finally managed to claw James back from the sales team so all's not lost. Today I've continued working on a mail send I started last week. I've spent a bit of time in the forums/newsgroups and have also been looking at a particularly complicated referral problem. As for the rest of the guys, Matt's been tackling problems and development change controls, Chris has been drafting some training and reviewing Networks Change Controls and James has been working on some up and coming product developments as well as covering the forums. Last but not least, here's today's random linkage. The next time you feel the urge to serenade a giant prehistoric lizard then I'd think again. After stumbling across this blog post I've come to the conclusion that it's probably not a good idea!

Mark from Networks:

The networks team have been kicking off some new projects and making improvements to our internal reporting platform, as well as the usual tasks like problem investigation and monitoring. In the DBA corner, we've been working on speeding up call processing, designing a new database for a product tool and dealing with some strange quirks of MySQL.

Chris from Marketing:

I hope everyone had a good weekend, a typical Monday for the marketing team with plenty of meetings to attend and spreadsheets to complile. I've put the final touches to the latest newsletter which should be hitting your inbox in the very near future. The team has been working hard on updating the website - see this blog Link for more information on what you can expect to see in a few weeks time. That's all for today, ciao.
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