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Extreme Job Hunting: Making yourself more visible for jobs

Extreme Job Hunting: Making yourself more visible for jobs

Extreme Job Hunting: Making yourself more visible for jobs

Extreme Job Hunting Tired of getting knocked back for jobs? With competition for jobs growing and more people getting higher grades and qualifications, applying for jobs can be a frustrating experience. But some people have been inspired to think outside the box, by thinking of innovative methods to get some publicity and the attention of headhunters/HR Managers. Welcome to extreme job hunting. Following on from our guide on how to stand out online, we decided to investigate just how far some people will go in their attempts to secure employment...

Exploring creativity

Extreme job hunting is typically when you do something above and beyond the norm to put yourself ahead of other candidates. In an offline world, creativity can be explored in various weird and wonderful ways. This could range from a video portfolio of your work or placing a CV inside a Piñata and sending it to prospective employers, both of which were tried by Dan Conway of “The Extreme Job Hunter”. Another example is Adam Pacitti, who gained publicity for spending his last remaining savings on a billboard to get attention of any companies passing by. It worked. So in a growing digital world, and where recruitment and employment is fast becoming more digital based, what can be done to get attention? Adam Pacitti billboard © Adam Pacitti

Use PPC for Directors Googling Themselves

Alec Brownstein used ‘vanity Googling’ – the method of searching your own name – as the springboard to get attention from some of New York’s top creative directors. He spent the grand total of $6 on PPC adverts on all of the Directors’ names so that when they did a search for themselves, up popped his advert. Google Yourself ©Alec Brownstein

The QR Code Resume

Victor Petit used his skills to create the QR Code resume. Employers received a copy of a printed resume featuring his details on the back and a picture of his face on the front, only his mouth was replaced by a QR code. Employers, when using the QR code, would unlock the missing piece of the picture with Petit talking. The Replica Personal Search Engine People have wrote CVs in a style similar to that well known websites, for instance, Google’s well known colours and font to make themselves stand out. Meet Chris Liu, who took this one stage further by spoofing Google’s search results on his website, Liugle, but only with his personal profile pages and social media channels. This was created in a bid to look for a new path for him to take and also to separate himself from people with the same name. Replica search engine

What can you do?

Be unique. Think innovatively. If it has been tried before, it either failed to get PR, wasn’t interesting or the timing was all wrong. More importantly, stay ahead of the game; research new social media channels, new trends online and what is creating a buzz. Dan explained to us that you need to almost have an x-factor:

“You have to have an edge that makes you stand out. Using extreme job hunting tactics can give you that edge if done right.”

For Adam, hiring a billboard, advertising his own personal website was the last throw of the dice to get recruiters to visit his website, view his CV and hopefully provide him with an opportunity.

“I just figured it was something that hadn't been done before. Apparently it had but nobody remembered the guy who did it in 2008 so it was fresh, exciting and innovative... sort of.”

Andrea Kilgour, Head of HR here at Plusnet also offered her views from an employer perspective:

“As a company, we look to nurture talent so when interviewing candidates who are starting out in the world of work, we really need to see their tenacity and potential from the outset.  Ideas like this really help candidates stand out because you’ve shown examples of your initiative before you’ve even walked through the door for that interview.”

Tom Bunkham, Marketing Manager at job board, also advises:

"In the digital age, there are more ways than ever to set yourself apart in the job market. Whether it's setting up a blog to demonstrate your writing ability, or creating an online portfolio of your design work, people continue to find innovative ways to showcase their skills when making job applications. Whilst not always vital, for certain industries it can make the difference in getting hired for that perfect role."

Where to begin with extreme job hunting?

As with all campaigns, you need to set some goals and have something of interest and useful for people to visit. In this case, any online campaign should begin and end with your website, which will showcase your skills, provide visitors with information and build your profile on. This is something that both Dan and Adam are keen to reinforce.

“Whatever job or field you want to get into, start a website where you can showcase your relevant skills and experience,” said Dan. “Use social media channels and a blog. Start a Facebook page, YouTube channel, Twitter account, blog [and so on] to demonstrate your skills and passion. Having as many courses as possible to drive people to your website is key.”

Have you gone to any extremes to get noticed by an employer? What do you think to the examples above? Why not leave them in the comments below.

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