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Look out Asus EEE and MacBook Air, Dell E-series cometh

Look out Asus EEE and MacBook Air, Dell E-series cometh

Look out Asus EEE and MacBook Air, Dell E-series cometh

Engadget, always the first with the hottest technology scoops, have already run three articles on the upcoming Dell E-series of netbooks or ultra-compact laptops - whatever you prefer to call 'em. The latest Engadget article spills the beans on the expected config of the E-series netbook. Whilst this isn't new news to tech-fans it's worth mentioning here since we've covered the MacBook Air and Asus EEE in some depth previously. Both the Mac and the Asus were lacking in some areas I felt. The Macbook Air for me was too physically big; thin yes, but the size of a tea-tray. Fine for business execs about town with their briefcases, but not what I would be after. The Asus EEE is certainly neat but perhaps lacking in oomph or a decent screen res. Has Dell hit the medium point just right? Judging from the buzz over at Engadget they just might've. Clearly from the 'leaked' slides Dell has both Macbook Air and EEE in their sights. It's almost certainly no coincidence that they've christened this the E-series. Engadget tells us we're looking at an August launch with prices starting at $299. No UK pricing or availability is known as yet. P-j

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