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Our Polish Team returns back home

Our Polish Team returns back home

Our Polish Team returns back home

The PlusNet Polish Team As you'll no doubt have read from Ula's blog post last week, we have had our new Polish Software Development Team over in the UK for their software systems training (and general PlusNet assimilation cultural education). Well, today is their last day in the PlusNet office during this particular trip and we have just held a goodbye ceremony for them, which you can watch here and see here. Karol P (who heads up the UK team who support the software that runs our entire business) has done a great job with his training programme and assisting with the team's integration into PlusNet; and now, with the team's return to Poland, we really get to see how well Karol has really done! To begin with, the Polish Team will be focussing on Priority 2 and Priority 3 software platform bugs (we call them Problems). Priority 1 Problems will continue to be worked by the UK team. Over time, we expect the Polish team to take on the majority of our problems. From next week we will be involving the Polish team in our daily review of the priority problems via Skype video-conference. The successful implementation of this team is a key strategic piece in the PlusNet jigsaw. Through our links with our partner in Poland we are able to attract highly skilled Polish developers into the PlusNet team; people who otherwise we would not be able to attract to PlusNet. This then frees up the UK team to focus on delivering new project work and to support our other teams in India. Watching the whole team here at PlusNet making a success of the implementation of the Polish team is a proud and pleasing moment for me, personally. It was around a year ago that I first had the ridiculous idea of moving these duties out to Poland, and to see everyone working together to make this a success is fantastic. So, to reiterate; the work has only just begun. We've identified our partner in Poland, we've recruited the team and trained the team; now we need to make this work on a day to day basis; it won't be an overnight success, but every day is a step towards making our software systems more robust and scalable and as a result giving our customers a better experience. None of this will work without the support and assistance of everyone in the business, so it's imperitive that we all ensure that we focus on effective commuication between the UK and Poland and give these guys every chance of making a difference to our business. Thanks, Matt Grest Head of Future Development PlusNet

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