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Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Gaming Week 2014 Today we are launching Plusnet’s second annual Gaming Week! Following on from the success of last year’s, we decided to run it again with more blog posts, graphics and videos to provide lots of content for the avid gamers that visit our website and community. We have a whole week of content lined up for you, so be sure to keep your eyes out for posts on:

  • How do you become a gaming journalist?
  • Is the cost of gaming going up?
  • What’s the future of gaming is in 2015?

There’s also the chance to win a Playstation 4 plus a copy of Destiny for one lucky winner in our ‘Life As A Game’ competition, one runner-up will receive a copy of Destiny for either XBOX ONE or PS4. More details of how to enter will be posted later today, so keep your eyes peeled.


What is gaming week about?

Why are we doing this? Well, there is always a lot going on in the world of gaming. Did you know that last week saw Nintendo’s 125th birthday? Gaming is an activity all the family can participate in and we love that. We also know that a lot of our customers (and staff) enjoy playing video games – from mobile to high-end gaming PC – so a week dedicated to everything gaming, including how to get a job in it, seemed like a good fit.

What has happened since our last Gaming Week?

A lot has happened in the time since last year’s gaming week, and gaming has become much more prevalent in the eyes of the media and larger companies. soared in popularity and was purchased for nearly $1bn by Amazon, Minecraft’s seemingly unending popularity helped it sell for an astonishing $2.5bn in a Microsoft acquisition and of course, the new generation of consoles were released. Video games have evolved exponentially from the blocky 8-bit characters of the 80’s to the shimmering HD models we see today, and with it has come the image of the typical gamer. An average gamer could be a businessman playing a game on his iPhone on the train home, a child playing Disney Infinity on its dad’s PlayStation or a student playing FIFA against his friend over the Internet, and that’s what we hope to put across during Gaming Week, that gaming is for everyone. So all that is left to say is we hope that you enjoy what we have coming your way over the next week, feel free to share it and contribute to our content. And most of all: GET YOUR GAME ON!

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