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Plusnet? There's an app for that!

Plusnet? There's an app for that!

Plusnet? There's an app for that!

app_thumbnailThere are a few ways you can keep abreast of what's going on here at Plusnet Towers. If you opt-in to receive email communications from us then there's the special offers and promotions our marketing folk send out, our discussion forums, Twitter feed, service status pages, the email and RSS subscription services provided by the Plusnet Usergroup, and of course blogs like this one! With so many sources of information available to you, you'd be forgiven for finding all a bit overwhelming. Well now courtesy of Ashley Williams, one of our customers, things may be about to become a whole lot easier. Ashley (@willas00) has done us proud and published a Plusnet iPhone app to the Apple Store that we're happy to report gained approval today. That means that you can head on over to the app store right now and download the app to your beloved iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Ashley has brought together all the RSS feeds from places like here, our discussion forums, service status and Twitter feed. You can also easily access areas of our main website too using the built in Safari web browser in iOS. So if your Internet connection's ever down, you can now check for known service-impacting issues using your phone. And if you're bored and fancy something to read then you can also catch up with the latest here on the Community Site right from the palm of your hand! Here's some  pics of the app in action. app_preview So what are you waiting for? the application's available right now, and can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple Store here. Thanks Ashley! Smiley

0 Thanks
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What about for ANdriod then...we don't all choose to fork out for Apple you know....
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I've known Ash for a few years now, he has done well to learn how to do these! Fair play to him!
@Clare I don't have an Andriod device so I've not been able to develop but I am hoping to get one after Christmas and I can say I will look into it and subject to it being possible for me to do I will once again get in touch with Plusnet to see if it can be done.
Plusnet Help Team
Cheers Ashley, I'm an avid HTC fan and would be happy to test such an app if you're able to develop one :) Adam.
I would also like to see an Android app. Apple may be the most popular used, but Android is 2nd, and also very widely used
Any adventurous Android app developers our there who fancy emulating Ashley?
Question:- How do you know if someone has an Iphone?... Answer...They tell you! Will it work on my Ipod touch?
Yeah, our very own PJ is running it on his touch Cheesy
Aspiring Pro
You do not need to have a Android phone to develope and app for one. Recently a well known computer mag ran an article about developing an application and a PC program to emulate an Android environment to test it.
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How about a Java app, for all those non-smart phone users, like myself? I'll happily test and provide feedback.
Kevin, the Android SDK can be used to develop apps, but some people need an android handset to test it on
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Bit of a missed opportunity - it would have been much more useful to have your monthly usage displayed through something like this?
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A platform agnostic would make building and maintaining all those apps unnecessary really.
David: It's built by a user. The author has no way of accessing usage data.
Just wanted to add another android vote please!
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I have just signed up for plusnet broadband today, and i would very much appreciate and android app for plusnet too! Thanks
What about some love for Symbian S60?, Not everyone wants a Apple or Google phone either ;) Good Work though
...hmmm so where do we sign up for our free iPhone in order to be able to download this app? Wink
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Would love Android app. I suspect more plusnet users have Android than iPhone. Sent from my HTC.
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I am an Android developer but don't have any time to work on this project right now. I would be willing to help someone else - PM me if you're interested.
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@mapletree, Ashley has kindly created an Android version, however it's yet to be submitted to the Market. Once we're confident it's problem free then we'll make it available...
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Great. Less work for me ;). Will it be announced here?
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@mapletree, yes, drop me a PM on the forums if you'd like some more info.
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It needs to be a sidebar gadget for windows too!!!
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will this app be available for the Nokia C300
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Hi Jules, I'm afraid there are no plans at the moment to do anything for Symbian devices.
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What about a blackberry app Smiley
Hi. Last post re the Android version of the app was at the beginning of February, we're now midway through March so any news on how the testing is going and when it will be released to the Market?
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@Rix, can't give you anything concrete at the moment I'm afraid but hopefully shouldn't be too long. It's pretty hectic here at PN Towers at the moment! Wink
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Hi,an app for android would be really usfull Smiley
I think it would be very usefull of plusnet released an android app themselves. Then :- 1. Users could keep an eye on data usage when they are away from home etc. To detect unauthorised access to their connection i.e from a virus or wifi hacking, this could help to keep plusnets overall data usage down, so saving them bandwidth and money. 2. And also the customer could then still contact plusnet customer service with usefull outage infomation through the app on their phone, if their internet connection was ever down. c'mon plusnet what do you think Smiley
Hi I decided to write my own PlusNet application which checks my data usage and also has current contact numbers for outages (I have found in the past that I have no internet to tell PlusNet I have no internet!) Its on the Android Market if you wish to try it for your selves: For devices running Android 2.2 or later: Or Android devices running 1.6 or later: Hope you enjoy using it. Paul
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Hi Paul, There's a couple of unofficial apps that will allow you to check your usage: Namely the Android app here - And an unofficial iOS app that's yet to be published. If I drop you an email, would you mind providing me with a little more detail about how the app has been built/what it does etc?

Are you any further with an iPhone app that will show data usage?

It seems to be a few years since this was first raised