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Plusnet wins big in Home Broadband Survey awards

Plusnet wins big in Home Broadband Survey awards

Plusnet wins big in Home Broadband Survey awards

Broadband Genie awards logo Plusnet has been crowned Best Broadband Provider in a countrywide customer survey. The Home Broadband Survey 2013 combines a poll of thousands of broadband users, tens of thousands of speed tests and the opinions of a panel of industry insiders and experts to reveal the state of broadband in the UK. The poll, carried out by leading market research firm OnePoll, surveyed broadband customers across the UK, asking them to rate ISPs for technical support, customer service, reliability and performance. The public were also asked if they would recommend their provider ... Plusnet came out on top with the highest ratings in all OnePoll categories, garnering the award for Best Broadband Provider. It was also voted Best Budget Provider by the judging panel. Plusnet CEO Jamie Ford commented, saying:

“We’re delighted to get the highest scores across all these categories because it is testament to the work we have done – all this and we’re still offering these services at some of the most competitive prices on the market.”

Matt Powell, Editor of Broadband Genie said:

“This year’s results show ISPs have made big strides in performance over the last 12 months. We’re enjoying higher average speeds and some great value packages.”

Broadband Genie is the UK’s leading independent broadband, mobile broadband and smartphone comparison website, providing consumers with an unbiased source of information on prices and contracts. For the full results and analysis visit

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I don't know how they have won this as I joined Plusnet last year and my monthly charges keep going up, for one thing they didn't tell me I could go unlimited they just kept sending emails saying I had gone over my limit, I eventually sussed it out myself and signed up for unlimited that was last year before Christmas on the 08/09/2012 I was charged £6.49 on the 08/10/2012 £11.49 and £5.00 for data the 08.11/2012 £12.99 + £2.00 for plus protect on 08/12/2012 £12.99 + £2.00 for plus protect 08/01/2013 £19.45 + £25.00 for data and £2.00 for plus protect, now I changed last year for unlimited broadband and they said I would pay £19.45 a month my last payment was for £19.45 but they charged me and extra £25.00 and £2.00 for plus protect the £25 was for over use of broadband. I'm confused.
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Julie, whenever you're approaching or have exceeded your included usage allowance you're sent an email? You can also set an upper limit by using the Manage My Usage tool on our website. We won't have told you about Unlimited last year because we didn't sell it pro-actively at the time (it was only really available as a retention deal). Last December though, we *did* launch an Unlimited product that's still for sale today. From what you're saying it doesn't sound like you're on an Unlimited package at all. If you can provide me with you account username or a recent support ticket reference then I'll happily take a look and see if I can work out what's going on?
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What does this woman expect? It is her own responsibility to manage her account/usage. I joined "Plusnet" in October 2012,and quickly found out that after reviewing my monthly usage, that I was skating very close to the edge,so,uprated my package to cover the possible "abyss". Having done this, unfortunately my original promotion discount did not carry over. However, following a call to the "customer options" team, this was reinstated along with a credit for the month in question. I can only say that if all businesses in the UK were conducted in the same manner as "Plusnet",there not would be a fraction of the finacial problems that this country has and is still facing.
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Been with plusnet one year on the 12th Feb my contract ends one year slow speeds brakedowns faverate saying its our suppliers its our suppliers waiting time for support gone up from five mins to over one hour the last time I rang I have a new supplier O my internet is slow again can not watch a clip on youtub got 1.8 mb left 2 day
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Sorry to hear you had difficulties and sorry to see you go Brian. Hopefully the problem doesn't follow you to your new provider.
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i am so greatful to plusnet they have been my sever as i can not get out about due to illness so i spend a lot of time on the net and piusnet has given so freedom to be able to chat to others as they are so chep and always keep you up dated and they are there to help if you are haveing any problems so a BIG THANK YOU TO PLUSNET my family love you THANK YOU TRACY FOX
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Hi, I have been with Plusnet since November 2011, I like Colin Lee kept a eye on my limits, and when I had a email from Plusnet to inform me that I was near my limit, I rang them, and they arranged unlimited usage, then told me that it would be more expensive, but when I questioned this they told me I could carry on my with my contract. Over this last weekend I have had problems with my phone line and internet, I spoke to a very helpful chap, who advised me what to do, unfortunatly this didn't work. Today I rang again, AND again another very helpful chap this time was able to help and got not only my internet working but also my phoneline. I am a very happy lady, and this very nice chap I spoke to also changed my over to a new contract and it saving my money. Keep up the good work I have and will continue to recomend Plusnet without hesitation.
I've been with since the mid 2000s, and like every company, they've had their ups and their downs. What I can say is that their downs have soon be sorted out, and their ups have benefited me as a customer. Having, in the past, been on an exceedlingly poor line (4 miles from the exchange), I have spent ages talking to them to try and sort it. Despite it not being in their remit, I have been actively telephoned by them to try and get my speed increased - how many providers cold call you to see if they can help you resolve an issue that isn't of their making? I have recommened to friends and family - if they were no good I wouldn't stick my neck on the line. If they continue with their home-grown support lines, decent costings and seemingly solid service then I'm more than happy to keep recommending them. Thumbs up from Derbyshire.
I agree it is the customer's responsibility to check they are on best package when they are getting near their limit and likely to incur extra charges. However, it would be good if the Marketing Department could let everyone know when they have a change in their product line-up. My last 2 price changes have been downwards and I now get an unlimited service for just £9.99 per month. Now waiting for Fibre to the Premises to be connected early next month which will mean a price increase but worth it for a super speed connection albeit on a Fibre Trial account.
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Hi Chris, we have recently emailed a load of customers who've recently exceeded their usage allowance to let them know about the new Unlimited products. This type of email will only ever be sent to people opted in to receive marketing offers though - Having said that, you're right, we don't always email people about changes to our product line-up. For that reason it's definitely an idea to keep an eye on this blog (we always announce new products here).
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I have spent a week trying to take up a MARTINS MONEY 'phone + broadband offer, and you'd never believe the obstructions placed in the way. Live Chat can't ask someone to ring you. You get cut off when you advise an internet connection problem. You get the same error message when you get near the end of the order process. You get referred to an on-line form to fill in and that's not allowed as you are not a member! Part of BT: hope I can get to the next shareholder meeting.....! I think the Martins Money thing must have just been an attempt to get free advertising and publicity.
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Oh no, not spam........but notice latest ploy to let the offer run out.
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I'm a little confused by your comment if I'm honest Freddie. Plenty of people have taken advantage of the offer you're referring to. The signup journey should also be relatively pain-free, especially following the recent revamp of our website. If you have an Interenet connectivity problem then I'm not sure there's much we can do about that (presuming your internet connection's not with us of course). You're always welcome to call our sales team on our free phone number (from a landline) if you're having difficulties with the website - 0800 432 0200. If calling from a mobile you're better using 0345 140 0200 which will come out of any inclusive minutes you have.
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We joined PlusNet service early January 20013 and so far we have not been connected to the Internet, though a full month fee has already been collected... In spite of engineer, BT technician, whatever visits and ultimately a 3rd party electrician who did all actions required and spoke to the help team, NOTHING'S HAPPENING! Best provider in the UK... ? Well some people are luckier than us I guess! As far as I am concerned, just waiting for a reply to our claim for a full refund since this situation is a complete disgrace.
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many thanks for your effforts problems have been resolved thank for your efforts Mr se sprackling
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Since last Wednesday my broadband speed has plummeted to .4 megs!! Even e mails are taking an age to download and as for seaching on the net it simply takes for ever. I realise on the 'status page' that Plusnet are trying to resolve this matter but can they aadvise how long this is going to take? Before last Wedfnesday broadband speed was excellent
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I've tried to get through on the phone and andi get are two options one billing and one tech help not good enough plus net what about general enquiry s?Huh
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I am very unhappy with the way introduced a capped bandwidth figure of 15GB after I signed up for unlimited broadband useage. I particularly dislike the "sly" way it was introduced. I feel like cancelling my account. Do you feel this is fair
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Best broadband provider? i wish i knew. Having signed up and paid £136 on 18/1/13 I am still waiting to be connected although it should be ready on the 12/3/13 i'm told. I was cheerfully told the process would take about 2 weeks way back in January , which was great, so i happily paid a years line rental upfront and looked forward to being online in my new home when i moved. 7 weeks later and having had to pay BT £40 for a months internet access i'm no longer happy. If i had known back then the time this would take I would've gone elsewhere. I understand if an engineer is needed to visit things can take longer, but seven weeks to get one out? To me this suggests you need to hire one or two more? Main gripe is don't tell customers it will be 2 weeks if that is just best case scenario, no point having fancy customer services with email updates about your queries if you can't deliver what you say you will in the first place. Can't say i'd recommend plus-net tbh shame as i spent quite a lot of time selecting my provider this time round and thought i'd got it right.
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plusnet is by far the worst isp i have had in my 20 years of the internet,so cannot see how any awards can be leveled at plusnet at all...i have also been trying for months to set a max amount to pay for my broadband , but all i get is "we do not recomend that you lower your max amount ..and i have tried to do this but there is no option to lower ir so best bet by far now is to cancel my account before the end of this month as i am sure that ther are better isps out there than this one PS also tried for the broadband only £5.99 package that is always on the list of services offered but can get no information about it ...another sad thing about plusnetas well as being the slowest
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Changed to fibre broadband 2 weeks ago and told I would get speed of 37 +. Actual speed is 12 down and 5 up. Despite numerous complaints online to Plusnet support nothing has been done and nobody contacted me. Call this service Huh
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@Frederic Landes, sorry to hear you're having problems and sorry it's taking so long. I'll happily take a look and see if there's anything I can do if you can provide me with a recent support ticket reference from your account? The money you've paid to date will be taken into account when the line's activated. Typically we don't take a further payment until a month after the service goes live. @John Mitchell, We haven't any service wide problems that would result in such consistently slow speeds. If you haven't done so already then I'd suggest reporting a fault over at @John, the first of the two options will get you through to our Customer Service guys. If it's a Sales enquiry you have then you'd be better to call 0800 432 0080. @marcus, I've no idea what you're referring to unless it's the Fair Usage Policy of our old Premier account? - Sounds like you'd be better off on the current Unlimited offering to me? If you get in touch I'm sure we can arrange this for you. @Matthew Moy Shanahan, Apologies you've been waiting so long. We rely on Openreach engineers, the same as many other providers (BT included). If your delay is on the engineering side of things then there's a good chance you'd have found yourself in a similar situation with another supplier. Sorry we didn't set your expectations correctly. Hopefully we can restore some of your lost confidence once things are up and running. @alan, it sounds like many of your problems could be resolved by our helpdesk. Have you contacted them and if so, I don't suppose you fancy providing me with the support ticket reference so that I can take a look? @janet stowe, we take our estimates from the BT Wholesale Availability checker here - What does that say you should expect to receive? If it's completely out of kilter with what you're getting then you've done right by getting in touch. Assuming there's no error with the estimate then we should be able to look into it for you. Perhaps you can provide me with one of your recent support ticket references?
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PlusNet speeds are very bad!!!!!!! Date time download upload latency 3/8/2013 11:27 PM GMT 0.26 Mb/s 0.07 Mb/s 229 ms Maidenhead ~ 50 mi 2/18/2013 9:10 PM GMT 1.34 Mb/s 0.59 Mb/s 88 ms London < 50 mi 2/5/2013 7:37 AM GMT 0.17 Mb/s 0.04 Mb/s 1104 ms London < 50 mi When we called them about the speeds they said this is the speed in Golders green. It is just unbelievable!!!!!
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My experience is proving to be much like @Matthew Moy Shanahan. I've been waiting a month since my house move and no landline, no broadband. Everyone I speak to there is very friendly but ultimately unhelpful. They don't seem to know what the problem is and every deadline they offer is promplty missed. I have no confidence that the situation will be resolved. Imagine my amusement then when in a recent call they said my order had "completed" 2 weeks ago. Indeed looking at my bank account you would think I was getting a great service.
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@4tim, the speeds you can achieve should be akin to what a check here tells you - If your speeds are much lower than that (which it appears they are) then I would suggest reporting a fault to us by completing the troubleshooter available on our website here - @Nick, sorry for the delay. We wouldn't expect you to pay for any service you're not receiving whilst between houses. If you can supply me with a support ticket reference then I don't mind taking a quick look to see if there's anything I can do to help?
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@Bob Pullen there have been several tickets - this is the latest 66782120
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Thanks Nick, an unfortunate combination of events by the looks of things. The fault itself would have probably been fixed by now had it not been for the problem we encountered with our supplier's systems. The notes suggest that the issue is likely to be affecting others in your area too. I'm hoping some progress is made today. Let me know if that's not the case come this evening.
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@Bob Pullen seems sorted now. If only I had someone telling me what you did and as accessible as you, this would have been a lot easier. cheers
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I have not had consistent broadband connection since Ive joined in early February and although the support team seem to show that they are doing something 2 months have passed and my issue has not been sorted. It seems as though they do not know or even worse do not care!!! I have never experienced such issues with my previous ISP and what looks like a simple issue seems to be dragging on and on. My ticket number is 65650050.
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Just read through the fault history Asif and I'm sorry it's proving such a pain to nail the cause of the problem. Rest assured we *do* care. One thing that strikes me as very odd is the fact that the modem seems to stay in sync with the exchange when the connection drops. It's almost as if something is requesting the disconnection from your side. The fact that you're having to reconnect via the admin interface of the router is also peculiar. These aren't typical fault symptoms and there's not much on our side of the network that I could envisage causing this. What I have noticed is that all the disconnections seem to occur during waking hours, ~7am-Midnight. Outside of this time the line seems to rarely disconnect. This leads me to believe that the problem may be caused by activity on the line, a piece of software you're using or something else you or somebody else in the household is doing. Perhaps it's a device connected to the router that's only switched on during the problematic hours? Shot in the dark but perhaps you could elaborate on how your network is set-up, what devices you have connected to it and when? I'd also ensure that you don't have any browser bookmarks setup to access the router interface that may be sending a disconnect signal when you access it. I understand you're away for a week or two now? I'd suggest leaving things powered up whilst you're gone so we can see what happens when the connection's not in use. I'll add a copy of this response to your open fault ticket so the guys working on it know what I've suggested.