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Referrals special offer extended

Referrals special offer extended

Referrals special offer extended

Referrals Offer ExtendedGood news, we've extended our referrals discount special offer. That means you've got even longer to get some big discounts off your monthly bill. The offer is now running until the 10th of March, giving you an extra 7 days to take advantage of the increased discounts. You'll get 8 times the normal monthly discount for 6 months. After that,  we'll give you the standard monthly discount for as long as the person you recommended stays with us. For recommending Plusnet Value you'll get £2 off for 6 months rather than the normal 25p. If you succesfully recommend someone to Unlimited or  Pro then you'll get £4 off you bill for the next 6 months. What are you waiting for? Start spreading the word and save yourself some cash. Find out more about My Referrals and the 8 times discount special offer.

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The thing is its much harder to recommend any isp with 12 & 18 month contracts. When contracts were shorter you could recommend on how things are now rather than how they might be for over a year.
I agree with that and feel a sense of dissapointment that Plus is getting the same as any other ISP. It may be that these restictions come from outside (BT). I also have the feeling that the 'referrals special offer' is some sort of panic move by Plus as if they are in some sort of short term trouble and trying to get out of it - the Big Sale before the Closing Down. I have been with Plus a long time so hope that is not the case; web site and all that. Don't do these 'Special Offers' Plus Net; you cannot make people join - they will join when they are ready. Just be Open and Honest and all will be well.
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I agree 18 months is far too long 12 months should be maximum. Although I have only recently signed up to PLUSNET on a monthly contract (no longer available to new customers).I have been pleasantly surprised by the service and would certainly recommend PLUSNET to my friends and family I just hope that if and when problems do occur they are rectified with the same enthusium that my initial problems were dealt.Customer care, I feel is paramount. Keep up the good work and you should never be short of new customers.
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i do not have any phoneline but i wanted only internate facility of your service.i live in XXXXXX .I wanted to start internate in 10 days time.
Bhavini - it's foolish to post your full address on the internet. Surprise! you're on Google!