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2 months still no service

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Registered: ‎28-03-2014

Re: 2 months still no service

The bandwidth information the router is supplying and the speed the BTw performance test is now supplying are completely different to every test run previously (up to and including last night).
Multiple tests have been carried out day and night over the past week - all resulting in the 288/576 and lower speeds until this afternoon.
So, since posting today and during this long discussion about the issue something significant has changed.
************Exactly what tweaks did you make Chris? Shocked ***************
DSL Connection
Link Information
Uptime: 0 days, 4:50:27
DSL Type: ITU-T G.992.1
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 448 / 2,368
Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [MB/MB]: 11.80 / 122.09
Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]: 12.3 / 17.6
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 31.5 / 63.5
SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 11.0 / 5.6
System Vendor ID (Local/Remote): TMMB / ----
Chipset Vendor ID (Local/Remote): BDCM / TSTC
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote): 9 / -
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote): 1 / -
Loss of Power (Local/Remote): 0 / -
Loss of Link (Remote): -
Error Seconds (Local/Remote): 30 / -
FEC Errors (Up/Down): 48 / 69,176
CRC Errors (Up/Down): 19 / 20
HEC Errors (Up/Down): - / 47
BT Wholesale Broadband Performance Test
Broadband Speed Test Results
Download 1.93
Upload 0.34
Ping Latency 74.88
As you can see, the results are massively different from the 20 tests prior to it and has only updated to these speeds during today while I was at work posting regard this issue.
If those download speeds hold I will be satisfied, nope I will be happy given the circumstances. (Maybe not in relation to all the stress and the billing issues perhaps.. or the total cost this whole thing has cost me over the last 2 and a half months in days (BTOR's fault almost exclusively I know) Calls and time wasted (bit of both at fault there PN & BTOR). But happy with the speed for this line given the circumstances, line length etc.
I pointed out my confusion previously that the showed my current line speed at 21Mb in the original post and asked how that could be possible.
That info now shows as:
Current line speed: 2.2 Mb
This makes far more sense and the figures are now adding up pretty much as they should!
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Re: 2 months still no service

Quote from: HPsauce
..., before speculating further.  Wink

Hi HPsauce,
I don't really want to have a debate on a user's problem thread (happy to see this split off), but if for no reason other than self education I'd like to be clear if (as I read your comment) that "speed banding" is a condition which can in fact (now?) be applied to an ADSL(1) service over 20CN infrastructure?  Everything I've read on "speed banding" suggests otherwise - it might all be out of date, but I have seen nothing to lead me that it applies (as suggested by BTOR) to this user's service.
If ADSL2 (21CN) speed banding cannot be applied to this context, then the BTOR suggestion that this service is "speed banded" is at best misleading.

What a great result.  You are right, an understanding of what was found and corrected would be most informative to all.  Given the information see by Chris, one wonders if BTOR did so some tweaking and matters got sorted whilst you were out at work.
Well anyway you can hopefully enjoy a restful Easter weekend surfing the internet... catching upon of the many weeks of abstinence... what an unusual "give up for lent" sacrifice!  Crazy


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Posts: 80
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Registered: ‎28-03-2014

Re: 2 months still no service

@Townman - I don't care, I am learning new things too. Carry on. Unless a mod wants to split the thread.
And yes it is very nice to have this resolved for the Easter Break! Though I suspect it will still be used mostly for work.. maybe a bit of Xbox if luck holds and it rains so i can stop gardening Wink

It is worth noting that further diagnostics on the performance test up until last night always gave an unable to do these tests if this persists contact your provider type message.
This afternoon however.. the test went through immediately with no problem
Download speedachieved during the test was - 1.92 Mbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 0.4 Mbps-2 Mbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :2.37 Mbps(DOWN-STREAM), 0.45 Mbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 2 Mbps
Does make you wonder if BT did something else other than what they claimed this morning or if Chris tripped over something while having a look and it just happened to be my go faster switch..  Cheesy
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Re: 2 months still no service

*/ cynic mode
As the time to change the IP profiler on 20CN is usually a lot more than 24 hours blip logic notwithstanding my money is on the BT engineer doing a line reset and not admitting that they had goofed somewhere along the line
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: 2 months still no service

Hi abstruse21,
It seems like there's been a slight mix-up with regards to all of this.
It looks like there was an issue with BT's systems (in their back end system) creating a mismatch of data which has now been rectified following several nudges from Chris throughout today Smiley Glad to see your speeds have improved following this!
We're having a look into the sales call with regards to what you should be paying. The next 3 months are free as confirmed by Adam but we'll need to arrange for you to be billed correctly for the subsequent months. I'll let Adam know the updates and he'll be back in touch with you as per his statement on Ticket: 83950499
I'm sorry things haven't been smooth since the services were finally installed Sad
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Re: 2 months still no service

Please explain to me the difference between being a cynic and long-in-the-tooth-experience which can smell pork-pies at 50 paces?
For me the BTOR claimed issue was not applicable to this service and even if it were, it was still within their gift to rectify.  My money is on you!

It would be good if some "lessons learnt" can be derived from this experience so that (enev though quite exceptional) no other user has to go through such a bad experience again.


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎03-02-2014

Re: 2 months still no service

I've detailed the findings from the sales call on Ticket: 84432546
We've had a listen to the sales call and what was agreed on the call isn't the same from what you've written in your post. I'm sorry for any confusion regarding this.
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Re: 2 months still no service

Congratulations @a21, it's looking good at last!  Grin
As for:
Quote from: Linn
It looks like there was an issue with BT's systems (in their back end system) creating a mismatch of data which has now been rectified following several nudges from Chris throughout today Smiley Glad to see your speeds have improved following this!
what can we say? What REALLY is meant by a "mismatch of data" in this context?  Roll_eyes
(but thanks obviously to the PN staff involved for persevering  Wink )
Finally, as for "banding" being allowed on such lines I've no idea, it's just that was what the speeds implied. The above comment re BT (who is surprised about that?) mean almost anything could have been going on.  Crazy Glad it seems to be sorted at last.  Cool
@Oldjim is often remarkably accurate in his observations Lips_are_sealed
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Re: 2 months still no service

I've been away from this most of the week because of family issues - reading this there is some totally duff information posted in this topic!
[quote=]BT Wholesale information
ADSL status: Enabled as of 16/03/2005
ADSL Max status: Enabled as of 31/03/2006
SDSL status: Not available
21CN WBC status: Not available
FTTC status: Not available
FTTP status: Not available
That clearly says that this exchange is 20CN only. 21CN is available if this has something for 21CN WBC status.
Sometimes SamKnows has errors or is slow to update when an exchange is upgraded, so putting your telephone number in to is the best. This is a 20CN only exchange:
Featured Products
Availability Date
ADSL MaxUp to 8--7 to 8Available
Fixed Rate2----Available

Banding only applies to 21CN lines and so is totally irrelevant to this case.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
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Re: 2 months still no service

As Chris's recent post was probably the first to authoritatively highlight:
Quote from: Chris
Product: IPStream Max 448

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Re: 2 months still no service

Quote from: abstruse21
But Im not on 21CN I believe - (or am i missing something?)

There was (or should have been) absolutely no confusion before Chris's post as the the above was 7 posts earlier.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Re: 2 months still no service

Quote from: jelv
I've been away from this most of the week because of family issues - reading this there is some totally duff information posted in this topic!
Banding only applies to 21CN lines and so is totally irrelevant to this case.
Not by me -  I never suggested banding - and as far as I can see neither did anyone else although I may have missed a post
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Re: 2 months still no service

I said it "looked like" banding (or a fixed-rate profile), but that's all, and it obviously wasn't. We still don't know what BT had actually "mismatched" though.  Wink
Quote from: HPsauce
Speeds of 288/576 suggest a fixed speed product not ADSL2+ - I suggest you ask PN to check how your line is configured.....  Shocked
OJ concurred:
Quote from: Oldjim
At a guess you have been put on a fixed speed 512kbps service

I'm not sure when the exchange specifics appeared, but I may have missed them at the time and at that line length the availability of ADSL2+ seemed largely irrelevant (as I think I commented).  Cool