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A bit of pushing does the job...

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A bit of pushing does the job...

I have a PN engineer to fit my fone line on Monday 12/12 but as of this morning my router was still nowhere near being sent. I went to the customer support chat bit n spoke to a v friendly guy called Chris, he looked into it and my router is now on its way in time for the foneline fitting and the emails saying my broadband wd b active by 13/12.

A little persistence pays off, I was beginning to think I'd chosen a lame duck as ISP, which is odd as I use Plusnet (via a friends account) and it's fine. I'm sure there'll be a whole host of issues come tuesday. That's just the way my life goes lol, one bloody fk up after another, but fingers crossed.....🙅🏻‍♂️(Admittedly arms , and not crossed but it's the closest emoji. It seems my emoji are not on fleek......smfh)

Tedious info but it's my day of so.....bored=go to PN forum & add some insignificant [-Censored-].

you may carry on with ur lives now..*tips hat*

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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...


you're bored, don't worry, soon you will be spending hours on the phone sorting out your broadband problems, I am surprised the word,'openreach' has not been added to the list of censored words as it's use is more offensive to some than many other banned words....

Just joking...... I am sure everything will go ok and any problems will be soon sorted out by highly trained PN staff who are waiting to take your call..because your call is important to them..and if you have to wait a few minutes then relaxing music will be played.

Feedback on the forum will surely support the above.




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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

@gleneagles Hahaha, yes the music , always the most suicide inducing tracks they can find imo. Well I'm using plusnet rn and on this line I'm having no problems , someone that used to work here left me w their contract (I pay them each month to use it ,they still own the contract til Jan/Feb but I'll b cancelling it soon, unless there's an unforeseen disaster ahead.) 

btw who the hell thinks up the names for the memebers? I'm now a dabbler, sounds like an occasional drug user to me but that's just how my mind works I guess. But yes I expect my share of issues , oddly it was a choice of a 30m wait by fone this am or the Chat online method , I was No.6 in the queue so started doing something afk then noticed I'd gotten to the front of the que and nearly missed my chat lol., but he sorted my issues out and I got a text saying it's in the post Amd is on its way 1st class #winningjustmaybe

hope ur having a good day mate , I'm just killing insurgents on drone strike on the iPad Pro . I told u I was boring , it'll be later for movies. Then poteashimg at 8am , yay . I literally live the dream.

Talk soon buddy 😊 

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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Hey there @crypto_sloth A warm welcome to the forums


Sorry to hear about the initial poor experience. The routers are usually automatically ordered 48 hours before the activation date, but from the sound of it I'm happy that yours has been manually ordered so to be sure to arrive on time.


Feel free to private message me with your username and I'll do my best to make sure your activation continues to go smoothly.


Apologies for the hold music too; we ourselves have to listen to it when transferring calls to other departments. We used to play good old Yorkshire music (good in my opinion), but an increase in complaints drove us to change it Sad

This is my personal Community Forum account to help out around these parts while I'm at home. If I'm posting from the 1st March 2020, this means I'm off-duty with no access to internal systems.
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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

I changed my bb to fibre and went live eventually but at 10 % of the slowest speed they stated.

in fact it is slower than my old broad band.


After severa l calls / online chats and end

ess waiting for someone to pick up the phone on support still nothing has been done about it


5 days on since the last ticket update and it is still with them waiting to be picked up and actioned


The service is rubbish and it makes me laugh to see them boasting about service on the tv.


To add to insult I cannot complain as i have logged too many tockets with them which they have not closed down and I cannot close.

The only one I can close it the active one which would mean i would need to start all over


If this was any other service they w ould be put down or go out of business.


Cant wait to get rid of them 

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Registered: ‎02-12-2016

Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Thanks @Anoush, how you PM someone here , and I'm a southerner so idk if there's such a thing as good old Yorkshire music😂😂😂, but on serious note yes the guy that helped out (Chris was his name, I was transferred to him from Matt.D in the Chat help, Chris was great, really helped move things along as I was thinking "the engineer comes Monday, hardware STILL pending, hmmm*chinstroke* , but he sorted it) So far PN has been great, I'm using a friends account n paying him , I think it runs til Feb , were friends or were til he moved from the hotel and let me use his wifi .its actually someone at the hotels contract, they swapped due to there being 2 floors and the wifi not travelling v far. Aaaanyway, if u let me know how to pm u that wd be handy for future crushes should they occur. 

Ps, try Chas n Dave as hold music. They used to write the fa cup final music for Spurs , the best club in England....thanks a lot missy 

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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Hello @Malcolmb


Apologies about what sounds like an even poorer experience; if you private message me your username I'll see what I can do about the open tickets on your account and take a look into your fault ticket whilst I'm there.



@crypto_sloth I've created a hyperlink that opens up a private message with myself, if you click (or tap using your iPad) on the link above that looks like: private message.


As for the hold music, I'll add the song to my list of requests; no guarantees I'll be able to make a change, though. Smiley

This is my personal Community Forum account to help out around these parts while I'm at home. If I'm posting from the 1st March 2020, this means I'm off-duty with no access to internal systems.
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Rising Star
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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

This is filling me with confidence . I had an email which stated my speed would be pretty much the same as I'm getting now on my friends wifi. Il be sharing with another stafff memeber also but I've only got an iPods pro , an iPod touch (I rarely use both simultaneously but do occasionally , one for music , one for social media etc. And my mate only has a mobile fone and a laptop which he doesn't stream over , he just uses simple browsing but my manager is slightly more tech than I am in the fix dept so he's gunna show me how to reduce the bandwidth other people on my line can get. I'm more into the grey-hat area (I don't really wanna say exactly wat that means as it cd jeapodise my wifi contract but not having a PC or laptop ATM I can't do anything nefarious w an iOS device anyway. 

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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Hmm, let me know how that goes... I need more speed at home Roll_eyes


We pretty much provide you the maximum possible speed available down your line/package anyway and don't slow your connection at peak times.

This is my personal Community Forum account to help out around these parts while I'm at home. If I'm posting from the 1st March 2020, this means I'm off-duty with no access to internal systems.
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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Yea il pm you the details of how he works it. It's not available to do via to the control panel thingy (technical term #fact) , as I have an app called FING which is available on both android and iOS I believe , but it shows you the IP addresses of the devices connected to the router u go through and also shows the contract owners DSL address/name. Il pm u a screengrab of it , one min. 

Its legal btw. It gives u the option to connnect/disconnect the wifi but only as a whole , not to specific ppl, but it also shows u the make of the device they're using so one can ask the few staff in the staff house what fone make they have and narrow or down that way.....same with their laptop/pcs. Il just get the screengrab over to u now 

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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav)

Duplicate post removed

Forum Moderator and Customer
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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Nice quote @Mav 😉👌🏻

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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Good news, @crypto_sloth


Engineer appointment confirmed for 12th December between 8am and 1pm. The fibre order should also complete that day, but can take any time up to midnight to go live.

This is my personal Community Forum account to help out around these parts while I'm at home. If I'm posting from the 1st March 2020, this means I'm off-duty with no access to internal systems.
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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Hi @Anoush

Thanks everso much. The router arrived this morning! That's damn fast lol. You've been really helpful to me so I'd like to thank you and idk if there's any way I can mention that you specifically have been of great assistance to your supervisor/manager? If so send me a link and il put some respeck on ur name 😂😂😂, but seriously tho pls do cuz I know you guys get mostly [-Censored-] comments and probably urs isn't exactly a gratifying job (nor is mine, I'm a chef and omg , there's days I could just come back from work n sit n rock in the corner picking my fingernails off lolol), so it'd just be nice to let one of ur 'higher ups' know that you've done a great job in assisting me in pretty much every way possible. Thanks a lot ,

@crypto_sloth (did I really tag myself? Yes, yes I did fml)

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Re: A bit of pushing does the job...

Fantastic, the routers are delivered pretty speedily by Royal Mail.


Thanks for the good feedback @crypto_sloth I'm happy to help. Grin I'll make sure this thread is seen by the right people. Cool

This is my personal Community Forum account to help out around these parts while I'm at home. If I'm posting from the 1st March 2020, this means I'm off-duty with no access to internal systems.
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