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A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

It depends which packages page you're referring to, in the full info on the packages page when going through the order journey, it seems pretty clear to me as per the screenshot in my previous post.


EDIT: As @shutter and @rongtw also pointed out, you'll find the initial package pages on most other providers websites are similar. I've just checked 5 or 6 and only 1 or 2 of them actually showed upload on the initial packages page. One of which I couldn't see any speeds mentioned on the initial list of packages.

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 Harry Beesley
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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

@HarryB , what a great opportunity for PN to take the initiative and start to show the upload speeds on the initial package pages?

Therefore clearly displaying the key information to the customer at the first opportunity


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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

Happy to pass on the feedback to the relevant people.

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 Harry Beesley
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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

@HarryB wrote:

@St3 wrote:

We are all are seeing more and more customers posting about having their download speeds reduced

Did you mean upload?


Personally when I had virgin at 50/2(I think) that was plenty for me. When I got an ADSL line with Plusnet at less than 1Mbps, it was a little slow but still did everything I needed it to do.

With respect, you are a bit biased though working in the industry.

When we first joined you on ADSL and i tried to use bittorrent i was seeing download speeds of 300BYTES per second - slower than dialup which would sometimes achieve a whopping 6kbps but according to you guys "it is a little bit slower than what we'd expect" Roll_eyes

So far in this thread i'm yet to see anyone who seems happy with this cap. Over on another large forum there is an active topic about this PN upload cap.. and again it doesn't look favourable from the customers POV.

For me I think the way forward for uploads is now using my mobile which i can often see 19Mb upload speeds but that is late at night. During the day i'll see see anything from 10 to 12mb. Granted though that isn't much use for hosting my own webserver or using IP security cameras, the latter being a big issue for people these days who want to keep an eye on their home or kids while away at work etc. It seems strange that plusnet think making that harder will win them any customer confidence.

But what do i know.. i'm just a little person!

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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

To be clear, by no means am I trying to say that 2Mbps is sufficient for everyone. I do agree with what dvorak said:

@dvorak wrote:

2 meg up should be plenty for most households.

Although I can see why you'd think I'm biased on this, I'm by no means trying to back up that 2Mbps is the choice I would have made if it were up to me to set the products Plusnet sell. I'm simply giving my personal opinion dating back from before I started at Plusnet up to now.

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 Harry Beesley
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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

HarryB  i would also agree , the upload speed is HIDDEN in the legal bit Crazy2 it dont make sense being there ?

I would also suspect all the other adverts for ISP will have it hidden where you dont generally look .

i personally think the drop to 2meg is a BAD thing for the Majority of households


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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

Again, I do somewhat agree on the first page before you've given any information so we can check what's actually available. When I checked on some other providers sites, I saw no reference to upload even in the equivalent of our 'legal bit' (I'm not trying to justify it, just pointing out others are similar if not more hidden)


However when actually placing the order, after providing information for the address or line details, it's quite clear when viewing the full package details as per the other screenshot I posted.


As I have already said once, I'll pass feedback on.

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 Harry Beesley
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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

Thats fair enough I suppose but that perhaps should have been stated in your previous post.

I disagree with dvorak though, if you've got a house with teenagers all wanting to upload photos or videos to whatever social media they use, 2mb is going to be very insufficient.


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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

Yup 7Up they say a Ps4 / Xbox idealy should have a min upload of 1.7 mg Thats MINIMUM

so one child with a game console will take all the upload

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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

Quicker file upload and downloads

Why wait to upload and download larger files? With super fast fibre the time it takes to send more of your photos, emails with bigger attachments, videos or graphics isn't super slow.

So, you can post your latest holiday photos to Facebook in minutes, quickly create a YouTube video straight after a big event, or speak with family and friends on Skype smoothly with fewer interruptions.

  • Safely back up your files to The Cloud faster
  • Chat face to face - with crystal clear video calling
  • Photos, videos and music can be uploaded or downloaded in a flash

The above is taken from current Plusnet webpages

It would be quite a challenge to deliver on this claim for your entry level 40/2 package, yet the majority of customers would nowadays expect to be able to do all these routinely. Plusnet are setting up customers to expect more than can be delivered, hence this and other threads. 

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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

@rongtw wrote:

they say a Ps4 / Xbox idealy should have a min upload of 1.7 mg Thats MINIMUM

@To be fair, I see plenty of people on ADSL (Including @Chris) gaming on PC/Console without any problems and that would be around 1.2Mbps upload maximum.

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 Harry Beesley
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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

Whilst i agree HarryB , its ok if you only have one device connected .

But if say like me i have my game  PC,  laptop , 2 x smart phone , and smart TV and sons PS4 definitely need a better upload than 2 meg.

i dont consider myself above average household

Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

I being the important part there.... for all any of us know you've got a house with 5 kids all wanting their share too.

It doesn't affect me as much as i don't do a great deal of uploading but it would really wind me up if i had several kids floating round hogging the upload link.


Incidentally Harry, we switched from ADSL when we moved. Miss 7up did this over the phone and we were not told of a 2mb cap on fibre. Bit unfair really.


Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Full quote of preceding post removed as per Forum rules

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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

UNFAIR ,, yes 7Up PN are being very sneeky in hiding the 2meg upload cap ! in the Legal Bit Roll_eyes

obviously hoping people will not see it there Lips_are_sealed  PN obviously save money using less bandwith

Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
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Re: A few customers not happy with recent changes to their services

I think it's pretty clear now that it is beyond some organisations to be open and honest in their selling practises and it was right and long overdue that the ASA should start forcing more clarity into ISP's adverts,


Somehow I don't think we have seen the end of ISP's adverts being the object of their scrutiny. I think many of us customers have been a bit naive, myself included, in thinking that maybe just maybe one of them would make a move and voluntarily clean up their own act.